构建和应用卡尔曼滤波器 (KF)--扩展卡尔曼滤波器 (EKF)
1960 年代初期,Rudolf E. Kalman 彻底改变了使用 KF 建模复杂系统的方式。从引导飞机或航天器到达目的地,到让您的智能手机找到它在这个世界上的位置,该算法融合了数据和数学,以令人难以置信的准确性提供对未来状态的估计。
在本博客中,我们将深入介绍卡尔曼滤波器的工作原理,并展示 Python 中的示例,以强调该技术的真正威力。从一个简单的 2D 示例开始,我们将了解如何修改代码以使其适应更高级的 4D 空间,最后覆盖扩展卡尔曼滤波器(复杂的前身)。和我一起踏上这段旅程,我们将踏上预测算法和过滤器的世界。
KF 通过构建并持续更新从观察和其他及时测量中收集的一组协方差矩阵(表示噪声和过去状态的统计分布)来提供系统状态的估计。与其他开箱即用的算法不同,可以通过定义系统和外部源之间的数学关系来直接扩展和细化解决方案。虽然这听起来可能相当复杂和错综复杂,但该过程可以概括为两个步骤:预测和更新。这些阶段一起工作,迭代地纠正和完善系统的状态估计。
此阶段主要是根据模型已知的后验估计和时间步长 Δk 来预测系统的下一个未来状态。在数学上,我们将状态空间的估计表示为:
其中,F 是我们的状态转换矩阵,它模拟了状态如何从一步演化到另一步,而与控制输入和过程噪声无关。我们的矩阵 B 模拟控制输入 uₖ 对状态的影响。
除了我们对下一个状态的估计之外,该算法还计算由协方差矩阵 P 表示的估计的不确定性:
支持卡尔曼滤波器的方程可能会让您不知所措,并且仅从数学角度充分理解它的工作原理需要了解状态空间(超出了本博客的范围),但我将尝试引入通过一些 Python 示例让它变得生动起来。在最简单的形式中,我们可以将卡尔曼滤波器对象定义为:
import numpy as np
class KalmanFilter:
An implementation of the classic Kalman Filter for linear dynamic systems.
The Kalman Filter is an optimal recursive data processing algorithm which
aims to estimate the state of a system from noisy observations.
F (np.ndarray): The state transition matrix.
B (np.ndarray): The control input marix.
H (np.ndarray): The observation matrix.
u (np.ndarray): the control input.
Q (np.ndarray): The process noise covariance matrix.
R (np.ndarray): The measurement noise covariance matrix.
x (np.ndarray): The mean state estimate of the previous step (k-1).
P (np.ndarray): The state covariance of previous step (k-1).
def __init__(self, F, B, u, H, Q, R, x0, P0):
Initializes the Kalman Filter with the necessary matrices and initial state.
F (np.ndarray): The state transition matrix.
B (np.ndarray): The control input marix.
H (np.ndarray): The observation matrix.
u (np.ndarray): the control input.
Q (np.ndarray): The process noise covariance matrix.
R (np.ndarray): The measurement noise covariance matrix.
x0 (np.ndarray): The initial state estimate.
P0 (np.ndarray): The initial state covariance matrix.
self.F = F # State transition matrix
self.B = B # Control input matrix
self.u = u # Control vector
self.H = H # Observation matrix
self.Q = Q # Process noise covariance
self.R = R # Measurement noise covariance
self.x = x0 # Initial state estimate
self.P = P0 # Initial estimate covariance
def predict(self):
Predicts the state and the state covariance for the next time step.
self.x = self.F @ self.x + self.B @ self.u
self.P = self.F @ self.P @ self.F.T + self.Q
return self.x
def update(self, z):
Updates the state estimate with the latest measurement.
z (np.ndarray): The measurement at the current step.
y = z - self.H @ self.x
S = self.H @ self.P @ self.H.T + self.R
K = self.P @ self.H.T @ np.linalg.inv(S)
self.x = self.x + K @ y
I = np.eye(self.P.shape[0])
self.P = (I - K @ self.H) @ self.P
return self.xChallenges with Non-linear Systems
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Set the random seed for reproducibility
# Simulate the ground truth position of the object
true_velocity = 0.5 # units per time step
num_steps = 50
time_steps = np.linspace(0, num_steps, num_steps)
true_positions = true_velocity * time_steps
# Simulate the measurements with noise
measurement_noise = 10 # increase this value to make measurements noisier
noisy_measurements = true_positions + np.random.normal(0, measurement_noise, num_steps)
# Plot the true positions and the noisy measurements
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(time_steps, true_positions, label='True Position', color='green')
plt.scatter(time_steps, noisy_measurements, label='Noisy Measurements', color='red', marker='o')
plt.xlabel('Time Step')
plt.title('True Position and Noisy Measurements Over Time')
# Kalman Filter Initialization
F = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]]) # State transition matrix
B = np.array([[0], [0]]) # No control input
u = np.array([[0]]) # No control input
H = np.array([[1, 0]]) # Measurement function
Q = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 3]]) # Process noise covariance
R = np.array([[measurement_noise**2]]) # Measurement noise covariance
x0 = np.array([[0], [0]]) # Initial state estimate
P0 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) # Initial estimate covariance
kf = KalmanFilter(F, B, u, H, Q, R, x0, P0)
# Allocate space for estimated positions and velocities
estimated_positions = np.zeros(num_steps)
estimated_velocities = np.zeros(num_steps)
# Kalman Filter Loop
for t in range(num_steps):
# Predict
# Update
measurement = np.array([[noisy_measurements[t]]])
# Store the filtered position and velocity
estimated_positions[t] = kf.x[0]
estimated_velocities[t] = kf.x[1]
# Plot the true positions, noisy measurements, and the Kalman filter estimates
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(time_steps, true_positions, label='True Position', color='green')
plt.scatter(time_steps, noisy_measurements, label='Noisy Measurements', color='red', marker='o')
plt.plot(time_steps, estimated_positions, label='Kalman Filter Estimate', color='blue')
plt.xlabel('Time Step')
plt.title('Kalman Filter Estimation Over Time')
追踪 4D 移动物体
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
class KalmanFilter:
An implementation of the classic Kalman Filter for linear dynamic systems.
The Kalman Filter is an optimal recursive data processing algorithm which
aims to estimate the state of a system from noisy observations.
F (np.ndarray): The state transition matrix.
B (np.ndarray): The control input marix.
H (np.ndarray): The observation matrix.
u (np.ndarray): the control input.
Q (np.ndarray): The process noise covariance matrix.
R (np.ndarray): The measurement noise covariance matrix.
x (np.ndarray): The mean state estimate of the previous step (k-1).
P (np.ndarray): The state covariance of previous step (k-1).
def __init__(self, F=None, B=None, u=None, H=None, Q=None, R=None, x0=None, P0=None):
Initializes the Kalman Filter with the necessary matrices and initial state.
F (np.ndarray): The state transition matrix.
B (np.ndarray): The control input marix.
H (np.ndarray): The observation matrix.
u (np.ndarray): the control input.
Q (np.ndarray): The process noise covariance matrix.
R (np.ndarray): The measurement noise covariance matrix.
x0 (np.ndarray): The initial state estimate.
P0 (np.ndarray): The initial state covariance matrix.
self.F = F # State transition matrix
self.B = B # Control input matrix
self.u = u # Control input
self.H = H # Observation matrix
self.Q = Q # Process noise covariance
self.R = R # Measurement noise covariance
self.x = x0 # Initial state estimate
self.P = P0 # Initial estimate covariance
def predict(self):
Predicts the state and the state covariance for the next time step.
self.x = np.dot(self.F, self.x) + np.dot(self.B, self.u)
self.P = np.dot(np.dot(self.F, self.P), self.F.T) + self.Q
def update(self, z):
Updates the state estimate with the latest measurement.
z (np.ndarray): The measurement at the current step.
y = z - np.dot(self.H, self.x)
S = np.dot(self.H, np.dot(self.P, self.H.T)) + self.R
K = np.dot(np.dot(self.P, self.H.T), np.linalg.inv(S))
self.x = self.x + np.dot(K, y)
self.P = self.P - np.dot(np.dot(K, self.H), self.P)
# Parameters for simulation
true_angular_velocity = 0.1 # radians per time step
radius = 20
num_steps = 100
dt = 1 # time step
# Create time steps
time_steps = np.arange(0, num_steps*dt, dt)
# Ground truth state
true_x_positions = radius * np.cos(true_angular_velocity * time_steps)
true_y_positions = radius * np.sin(true_angular_velocity * time_steps)
true_z_positions = 0.5 * time_steps # constant velocity in z
# Create noisy measurements
measurement_noise = 1.0
noisy_x_measurements = true_x_positions + np.random.normal(0, measurement_noise, num_steps)
noisy_y_measurements = true_y_positions + np.random.normal(0, measurement_noise, num_steps)
noisy_z_measurements = true_z_positions + np.random.normal(0, measurement_noise, num_steps)
# Kalman Filter initialization
F = np.array([[1, 0, 0, -radius*dt*np.sin(true_angular_velocity*dt)],
[0, 1, 0, radius*dt*np.cos(true_angular_velocity*dt)],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]])
B = np.zeros((4, 1))
u = np.zeros((1, 1))
H = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0]])
Q = np.eye(4) * 0.1 # Small process noise
R = measurement_noise**2 * np.eye(3) # Measurement noise
x0 = np.array([[0], [radius], [0], [true_angular_velocity]])
P0 = np.eye(4) * 1.0
kf = KalmanFilter(F, B, u, H, Q, R, x0, P0)
# Allocate space for estimated states
estimated_states = np.zeros((num_steps, 4))
# Kalman Filter Loop
for t in range(num_steps):
# Predict
# Update
z = np.array([[noisy_x_measurements[t]],
# Store the state
estimated_states[t, :] = kf.x.ravel()
# Extract estimated positions
estimated_x_positions = estimated_states[:, 0]
estimated_y_positions = estimated_states[:, 1]
estimated_z_positions = estimated_states[:, 2]
# Plotting
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plot the true trajectory
ax.plot(true_x_positions, true_y_positions, true_z_positions, label='True Trajectory', color='g')
# Plot the start and end markers for the true trajectory
ax.scatter(true_x_positions[0], true_y_positions[0], true_z_positions[0], label='Start (Actual)', c='green', marker='x', s=100)
ax.scatter(true_x_positions[-1], true_y_positions[-1], true_z_positions[-1], label='End (Actual)', c='red', marker='x', s=100)
# Plot the noisy measurements
ax.scatter(noisy_x_measurements, noisy_y_measurements, noisy_z_measurements, label='Noisy Measurements', color='r')
# Plot the estimated trajectory
ax.plot(estimated_x_positions, estimated_y_positions, estimated_z_positions, label='Estimated Trajectory', color='b')
# Plot settings
ax.set_xlabel('X position')
ax.set_ylabel('Y position')
ax.set_zlabel('Z position')
ax.set_title('3D Trajectory Estimation with Kalman Filter')
对于状态预测,其中 f 是应用于先前状态估计的非线性状态转换函数,u是先前时间步的控制输入。
在最后一个示例中,这将使用 Jocabian 来线性化角旋转对我们对象的非线性影响,并适当修改代码。设计 EKF 比 KF 更具挑战性,因为我们对一阶线性近似的假设可能会无意中将误差引入到我们的状态估计中。此外,雅可比行列式计算可能会变得复杂、计算成本高昂且难以在某些情况下定义,这也可能导致错误。然而,如果设计正确,EKF 通常会优于 KF 实现。
在我们上一个 Python 示例的基础上,我介绍了 EKF 的实现:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
class ExtendedKalmanFilter:
An implementation of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF).
This filter is suitable for systems with non-linear dynamics by linearising
the system model at each time step using the Jacobian.
state_transition (callable): The state transition function for the system.
jacobian_F (callable): Function to compute the Jacobian of the state transition.
H (np.ndarray): The observation matrix.
jacobian_H (callable): Function to compute the Jacobian of the observation model.
Q (np.ndarray): The process noise covariance matrix.
R (np.ndarray): The measurement noise covariance matrix.
x (np.ndarray): The initial state estimate.
P (np.ndarray): The initial estimate covariance.
def __init__(self, state_transition, jacobian_F, observation_matrix, jacobian_H, Q, R, x, P):
Constructs the Extended Kalman Filter.
state_transition (callable): The state transition function.
jacobian_F (callable): Function to compute the Jacobian of F.
observation_matrix (np.ndarray): Observation matrix.
jacobian_H (callable): Function to compute the Jacobian of H.
Q (np.ndarray): Process noise covariance.
R (np.ndarray): Measurement noise covariance.
x (np.ndarray): Initial state estimate.
P (np.ndarray): Initial estimate covariance.
self.state_transition = state_transition # Non-linear state transition function
self.jacobian_F = jacobian_F # Function to compute Jacobian of F
self.H = observation_matrix # Observation matrix
self.jacobian_H = jacobian_H # Function to compute Jacobian of H
self.Q = Q # Process noise covariance
self.R = R # Measurement noise covariance
self.x = x # Initial state estimate
self.P = P # Initial estimate covariance
def predict(self, u):
Predicts the state at the next time step.
u (np.ndarray): The control input vector.
self.x = self.state_transition(self.x, u)
F = self.jacobian_F(self.x, u)
self.P = F @ self.P @ F.T + self.Q
def update(self, z):
Updates the state estimate with a new measurement.
z (np.ndarray): The measurement vector.
H = self.jacobian_H()
y = z - self.H @ self.x
S = H @ self.P @ H.T + self.R
K = self.P @ H.T @ np.linalg.inv(S)
self.x = self.x + K @ y
self.P = (np.eye(len(self.x)) - K @ H) @ self.P
# Define the non-linear transition and Jacobian functions
def state_transition(x, u):
Defines the state transition function for the system with non-linear dynamics.
x (np.ndarray): The current state vector.
u (np.ndarray): The control input vector containing time step and rate of change of angular velocity.
np.ndarray: The next state vector as predicted by the state transition function.
dt = u[0]
alpha = u[1]
x_next = np.array([
x[0] - x[3] * x[1] * dt,
x[1] + x[3] * x[0] * dt,
x[2] + x[3] * dt,
x[4] + alpha * dt
return x_next
def jacobian_F(x, u):
Computes the Jacobian matrix of the state transition function.
x (np.ndarray): The current state vector.
u (np.ndarray): The control input vector containing time step and rate of change of angular velocity.
np.ndarray: The Jacobian matrix of the state transition function at the current state.
dt = u[0]
# Compute the Jacobian matrix of the state transition function
F = np.array([
[1, -x[3]*dt, 0, -x[1]*dt, 0],
[x[3]*dt, 1, 0, x[0]*dt, 0],
[0, 0, 1, dt, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
return F
def jacobian_H():
# Jacobian matrix for the observation function is simply the observation matrix
return H
# Simulation parameters
num_steps = 100
dt = 1.0
alpha = 0.01 # Rate of change of angular velocity
# Observation matrix, assuming we can directly observe the x, y, and z position
H = np.eye(3, 5)
# Process noise covariance matrix
Q = np.diag([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01])
# Measurement noise covariance matrix
R = np.diag([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
# Initial state estimate and covariance
x0 = np.array([0, 20, 0, 0.5, 0.1]) # [x, y, z, v, omega]
P0 = np.eye(5)
# Instantiate the EKF
ekf = ExtendedKalmanFilter(state_transition, jacobian_F, H, jacobian_H, Q, R, x0, P0)
# Generate true trajectory and measurements
true_states = []
measurements = []
for t in range(num_steps):
u = np.array([dt, alpha])
true_state = state_transition(x0, u) # This would be your true system model
measurement = true_state[:3] + np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(3), R) # Simulate measurement noise
x0 = true_state # Update the true state
# Now we run the EKF over the measurements
estimated_states = []
for z in measurements:
ekf.predict(u=np.array([dt, alpha]))
# Convert lists to arrays for plotting
true_states = np.array(true_states)
measurements = np.array(measurements)
estimated_states = np.array(estimated_states)
# Plotting the results
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plot the true trajectory
ax.plot(true_states[:, 0], true_states[:, 1], true_states[:, 2], label='True Trajectory')
# Increase the size of the start and end markers for the true trajectory
ax.scatter(true_states[0, 0], true_states[0, 1], true_states[0, 2], label='Start (Actual)', c='green', marker='x', s=100)
ax.scatter(true_states[-1, 0], true_states[-1, 1], true_states[-1, 2], label='End (Actual)', c='red', marker='x', s=100)
# Plot the measurements
ax.scatter(measurements[:, 0], measurements[:, 1], measurements[:, 2], label='Measurements', alpha=0.6)
# Plot the start and end markers for the measurements
ax.scatter(measurements[0, 0], measurements[0, 1], measurements[0, 2], c='green', marker='o', s=100)
ax.scatter(measurements[-1, 0], measurements[-1, 1], measurements[-1, 2], c='red', marker='x', s=100)
# Plot the EKF estimate
ax.plot(estimated_states[:, 0], estimated_states[:, 1], estimated_states[:, 2], label='EKF Estimate')
在本博客中,我们深入探讨了如何构建和应用卡尔曼滤波器 (KF),以及如何实现扩展卡尔曼滤波器 (EKF)。最后,我们总结一下这些模型的用例、优点和缺点。
- 跟踪以恒定速度移动的物体的位置和速度
- 如果噪声是随机的或可以用线性模型表示的信号处理应用
- 如果底层关系可以线性建模,则可以进行经济预测
KF 的主要优点是(一旦遵循矩阵计算)该算法非常简单,计算强度比其他方法少,并且可以及时提供系统真实状态的非常准确的预测和估计。缺点是线性假设在复杂的现实场景中通常不成立。
EKF:我们本质上可以将 EKF 视为 KF 的非线性等价物,并得到雅可比行列式的使用支持。如果您正在处理以下问题,您会考虑 EKF:
- 测量和系统动力学通常是非线性的机器人系统
- 通常涉及非恒定速度或角速率变化的跟踪和导航系统,例如跟踪飞机或航天器的跟踪和导航系统。
- 汽车系统在实施最现代“智能”汽车中的巡航控制或车道保持时。
EKF 通常会产生比 KF 更好的估计,特别是对于非线性系统,但由于雅可比矩阵的计算,它的计算量可能会更大。该方法还依赖于泰勒级数展开式的一阶线性近似,这对于高度非线性系统可能不是合适的假设。添加雅可比行列式还可能使模型的设计更具挑战性,因此尽管有其优点,但为了简单性和互操作性而实现 KF 可能更合适。