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upgrade openstack from ovs to ovn (by quqi99)

作者:张华 发表于:2023-11-27

set up ovs test env

./generate-bundle.sh --name ovs -s focal --num-compute 1 --ml2-ovs --run
source novarc
./tools/instance_launch.sh 1 jammy


juju config neutron-gateway instance-mtu=1300
juju config neutron-openvswitch instance-mtu=1300

# Deploy ovn-central, ovn-chassis(on all neutron-openvswitch units), ovn-dedicated-chassis(on all neutron-gateway units) and vault
juju deploy ovn-central --series focal -n 3

# ovn-chassis is for every neutron-openvswitch (ovn-chassis is subordinate charm of nova-compute so there is no '--to' here)
juju config neutron-openvswitch bridge-mappings
juju config neutron-openvswitch data-port
source ~/novarc
nova interface-attach $(nova list |grep $(juju ssh neutron-openvswitch/0 -- hostname) |awk '{print $2}') --net-id=$(neutron net-show zhhuabj_admin_net -c id -f value)
juju deploy ovn-chassis --series focal --config new-units-paused=true \
   --config bridge-interface-mappings='br-data:ens7' --config ovn-bridge-mappings=physnet1:br-data

# neutron-gateway is for every ovn-dedicated-chassis (neutron-gateway/0 is on the machine 7)
# juju config neutron-gateway bridge-mappings
# juju config neutron-gateway data-port
juju deploy ovn-dedicated-chassis --series focal --config new-units-paused=true \
   --config bridge-interface-mappings='br-data:ens7' --config ovn-bridge-mappings=physnet1:br-data -n 1 --to 7

juju deploy --series focal vault --channel 1.7/stable
juju deploy --series focal mysql-router vault-mysql-router --channel 8.0/stable
juju add-relation vault-mysql-router:db-router mysql:db-router
juju add-relation vault-mysql-router:shared-db vault:shared-db
juju add-relation ovn-central:certificates vault:certificates
juju add-relation ovn-chassis:certificates vault:certificates
juju add-relation ovn-chassis:ovsdb ovn-central:ovsdb
juju add-relation nova-compute:neutron-plugin ovn-chassis:nova-compute

Perform the migration

juju config neutron-openvswitch firewall-driver=openvswitch

juju run-action neutron-gateway/0 pause
juju run-action neutron-openvswitch/0 pause

juju deploy neutron-api-plugin-ovn --series focal --config dns-servers=""
juju add-relation neutron-api-plugin-ovn:neutron-plugin neutron-api:neutron-plugin-api-subordinate
juju add-relation neutron-api-plugin-ovn:certificates vault:certificates
juju add-relation neutron-api-plugin-ovn:ovsdb-cms ovn-central:ovsdb-cms
juju status neutron-api-plugin-ovn
juju run-action neutron-api-plugin-ovn/0 migrate-mtu i-really-mean-it=true
# Enable the Neutron OVN plugin, Wait for the deployment to settle.
juju config neutron-api manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode=false

juju run-action neutron-api/0 pause
# Perform initial synchronization of the Neutron and OVN databases
juju run-action neutron-api-plugin-ovn/0 migrate-ovn-db i-really-mean-it=true
# Perform Neutron database surgery to update network_type of overlay networks to ‘geneve’
juju run-action neutron-api-plugin-ovn/0 offline-neutron-morph-db

juju run-action neutron-api/0 resume

# Migrate hypervisors and gateways
juju run-action neutron-openvswitch/0 cleanup
juju run-action ovn-chassis/0 resume
juju run-action neutron-gateway/0 cleanup
juju run-action ovn-dedicated-chassis/0 resume

Post migration tasks

juju exec --application neutron-gateway 'apt remove -y neutron-dhcp-agent neutron-l3-agent neutron-metadata-agent neutron-openvswitch-agent'
juju remove-application neutron-gateway
juju exec --application neutron-openvswitch 'apt remove -y neutron-dhcp-agent neutron-l3-agent neutron-metadata-agent neutron-openvswitch-agent'
juju remove-application neutron-openvswitch
openstack network agent list
openstack network agent delete ...


[1] https://docs.openstack.org/charm-guide/latest/project/procedures/ovn-migration.html



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