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import pandas as pd
from pymongo import MongoClient, UpdateOne

# 连接到MongoDB数据库
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = client['pms']
collection = db['hospital']


# 读取Excel文件
excel_file = 'D:/下载/各省数据 - 副本/20230407北京各事业部用户客户数据汇总.xls'
df = (
    pd.read_excel(excel_file, skiprows=4, sheet_name='101')
    .iloc[0:-3]  # 删除倒数3行
    .iloc[:, 2:]  # 删除前俩列
    .drop(columns=['备注'])   # 删除最后1列
    .fillna({'护士': 0})  # 用指定的值填充缺失值
    .ffill()  # 填充空值
    .assign(  # 拆分序列
        医院名称=lambda x: x['医院名称'].str.split("\n"),
        科室=lambda x: x['科室'].ffill().apply(int),    # 转换类型
        床位=lambda x: x['床位'].ffill().apply(int),    # 转换类型


data_list = df.values.tolist()
hospitals = {}
for result in data_list:
    hospital_name = result[0][0]
    if hospital_name not in hospitals:
        hospitals[hospital_name] = {
            'hospital': result[0][0],
            'department': result[1],
            'bed': result[2],
            'doctor': [result[3]],
            'nurse': [result[4]],
        if result[3] not in hospitals[hospital_name]['doctor']:
        if result[4] != 0 and result[4] not in hospitals[hospital_name]['nurse']:


# 批量添加或更新数据
operations = []
for data in hospitals.values():
        UpdateOne({'hospital': data['hospital']}, {'$set': data}, upsert=True)
result = collection.bulk_write(operations)
print(f'添加或更新数据完毕,共执行 {result.modified_count + result.upserted_count} 项操作。')





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