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本次设计主要以无人机集群协同编队控制系统设计应用作为研究背景,运用MATLAB仿真工具搭建相应的仿真模型。该模型利用MATLAB软件中的模块库,建立了无人机集群协同编队控制系统在无人机系统应用中的系统仿真模型,通过 MATLAB仿真软件搭建仿真模型,运行仿真,并对无人机集群协同编队控制系统的仿真结果进行了分析。利用MATLAB软件Simulink工具箱中模块针对无人机集群协同编队控制系统技术搭建了仿真模型。最后针对实例进行仿真验证,理论计算值和仿真结果的一致性证明了所搭建仿真模型的正确性,从而为同行从业人员或学习者提供可靠的参照。

关键词:无人机集群,协同编队控制,队形变换 ,MATLAB


With the development of wireless communication technology, uav is widely used in civil and military fields. Due to the small weight, small volume and small coverage area of single UAV, it cannot meet the requirements of complex tasks. In recent years, the research on cooperative formation control of UAV cluster has developed rapidly. In the actual operation process, if the operation area of plant protection UAV is large, a single plant protection operation cannot meet the operation requirements, and it is necessary to return to the supply point for replenishment operations such as drug loading or battery replacement. This requires reasonable planning of uav operation route, so as to achieve the purpose of improving operation efficiency. With the further improvement of China's urbanization rate, it is the general trend to change the way of agricultural development, support the development of modern agriculture, enhance the comprehensive agricultural production capacity, and develop agricultural machinery and equipment with high operational efficiency. If only one plant protection UAV is used for operation, the total operation time will be long and the efficiency is limited. In view of this situation, this paper proposed a cooperative path planning solution of multiple plant protection UAVs based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm. Multiple UAVs were adopted to work cooperatively to improve labor efficiency.

Uav cooperative formation control based on uav cluster has been widely applied, such as UAV cluster, UAV patrol and other industries, will be used in uav system based on uav cooperative formation control method. Higher efficiency and higher precision uav cooperative formation control system is always a research hotspot. In our daily life, the uav cooperative formation control system can be seen everywhere, because compared with other control methods, it has the advantages of stable operation and higher control accuracy. The most important is that the UAV cooperative formation control system has good advantages in cluster demonstration and other aspects. With the continuous innovation of automatic control technology and microelectronics technology, the current technical level has laid a solid foundation and provided a solid theoretical basis for the realization of uav cluster cooperative formation control system.

This design is mainly based on the uav cluster cooperative formation control system design and application as the research background, using MATLAB simulation tools to build the corresponding simulation model. In this model, the module library of MATLAB software is used to establish the system simulation model of UAV cluster cooperative formation control system in the application of UAV system. The simulation model is built and run by MATLAB simulation software, and the simulation results of UAV cluster cooperative formation control system are analyzed. The simulation model of uav cluster cooperative formation control system is built by using the module in MATLAB Simulink toolbox. Finally, the consistency of theoretical calculation and simulation results proves the correctness of the simulation model, so as to provide reliable reference for practitioners or learners in the same field.

Key words: Uav cluster, cooperative formation control, formation transformation, MATLAB


   ...................................................................................................................... 1

第一章 绪论......................................................................................................... 6

1.1  概述........................................................................................................... 6

1.2  课题研究的现状.................................................................................... 7

1.3  课题研究的意义.................................................................................... 8

1.4  仿真工具MATLAB/Simulink简介............................................... 9

1.5  课题的研究内容及章节安排......................................................... 12

第二章 多植保无人机集群编队控制分析............................................. 14

2.1  无人机集群编队问题分析............................................................. 14

2.1.1 编队队形形成与保持................................................................. 14

2.1.2 编队队形变换............................................................................... 15

2.2  编队控制算法研究............................................................................ 16

第三章 多植保无人机集群编队系统建模............................................. 19

3.1  无人机质心运动模型........................................................................ 19

3.2 基于领航参照的多无人机运动建模............................................. 20

3.3 本章小结................................................................................................. 22

第四章  无人机队形变换策略................................................................... 23

4.1  队形结构模型与编队队形库......................................................... 23

4.2  避障情况下的动态队形变换最优策略...................................... 24

4.2.1 队形变换评价准则...................................................................... 24

4.2.2 编队最优变换策略...................................................................... 26

第五章  无人机集群编队控制建模与仿真........................................... 30

5.1     基于无人机集群协同编队控制系统建模............................... 30

5.2 仿真输出波形及分析......................................................................... 32

5.3 本章小结................................................................................................. 32

第六章  结束语............................................................................................... 34

参考文献.............................................................................................................. 35

致    谢.............................................................................................................. 38









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