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1. 与运算符(&& 或 and)

$age = 25;
$isStudent = true;

if ($age >= 18 && $isStudent) {
    echo "You are eligible for a student discount.";
} else {
    echo "Sorry, you are not eligible for a student discount.";

2. 或运算符(|| 或 or)

$color = "blue";
$size = "small";

if ($color == "blue" || $size == "small") {
    echo "The item is either blue or small.";
} else {
    echo "The item is neither blue nor small.";

3. 非运算符(!)

$isLogged = false;

if (!$isLogged) {
    echo "Please log in to access the content.";

4. 逻辑与(and)

$hasPermission = true;
$isMember = true;

if ($hasPermission and $isMember) {
    echo "You have permission to access this area.";
} else {
    echo "Access denied.";

5. 逻辑或(or)

$isAdmin = true;
$isEditor = false;

if ($isAdmin or $isEditor) {
    echo "You have access to admin or editor features.";
} else {
    echo "Restricted access.";



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