- 延续上一篇字体替换功能继续演示
In the case when FontSettings is not defined explicitly, Aspose.Words uses the default FontSettings instance. This instance is also automatically shared among documents, and can be extracted as follows:
如果 未显式定义 FontSettings ,Aspose.Words 将使用默认的FontSettings 实例。该实例也会在文档之间自动共享,并且可以按如下方式提取:
FontSettings fontSettings = FontSettings.getDefaultInstance();
In the case when FontSettings is not defined explicitly, Aspose.Words uses the default FontSettings instance. This instance is also automatically shared among documents, and can be extracted as follows:
如果您确定所有处理文档都需要相同的字体设置,那么建议设置并使用默认的 FontSettings 实例。假设您需要为所有文档使用相同的字体源。在这种情况下,您只需修改默认实例即可:
FontSettings fontSettings = FontSettings.getDefaultInstance();