第四章 堆与拷贝构造函数
一 、程序阅读题
#include <iostream.h>
class example
{int a;
example(int b=5){a=b++;}
void print(){a=a+1;cout <<a<<"";}
void print()const
void main()
{example x;
const example y(2);
6 2
class Location
{ public:
int X,Y;
void init(int initX,int initY);
int GetX();
int GetY();
void Location::init (int initX,int initY)
int Location::GetX()
{return X;
int Location::GetY()
{return Y;
void display(Location& rL)
{cout<<rL.GetX()<<" "<<rL.GetY()<<\n;
void main()
Location A[5]={{5,5},{3,3},{1,1},{2,2},{4,4}};
Location *rA=A;
for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
7 8
3 3
1 1
7 3
4 4
3. 给出下面程序输出结果。
#include <iostream.h>
int a[8]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
void fun(int *pa,int n);
void main()
{int m=8;
void fun(int *pa,int n)
{for (int i=0;i<n-1;i++)
4. 给出下面程序输出结果。
#include <iostream.h>
class A
int *a;
A(int x=0):a(new int(x)){}
~A() {delete a;}
int getA() {return *a;}
void setA(int x) {*a=x;}
void main()
A x1,x2(3);
A *p=&x2;
10 8
5. 阅读下面的程序,写出运行结果:
#include < iostream> using namespace std; class Samp { public: void Set_i_j(int a, int b){i=a,j=b;} ~Samp() { cout <<"Destroying.." << i <<endl; } int GetMulti () { return i * j; } protected: int i; int j; }; int main () { Samp * p; p = new Samp[l0]; if(!p) { cout << "Allocation error \ n"; return; } for(int j =0; j<l0; j ++) p[j]. Set_i_j (j, j); for(int k=0; k<l0; k++) cout <<"Multi[" <<k <<"] is:"<< p[k].GetMulti () <<endl; delete [ ] p; return 0; } Multi[0] is: 0 Multi[1] is: 1 Multi[2] is: 4 Multi[3] is: 9 Multi[4] is: 16 Multi[5] is: 25 Multi[6] is: 36 Multi[7] is: 49 Multi[8] is: 64 Multi[9] is: 81 Destroying..0 Destroying..1 Destroying..2 Destroying..3 Destroying..4 Destroying..5 Destroying..6 Destroying..7 Destroying..8 Destroying..9 |
6. 写出下面程序的运行结果,请用增加拷贝构造函数的方法避免存在的问题。
#include < iostream> using namespace std; class Vector { public: Vector (int s = 100); int& Elem(int ndx); void Display(); void Set (); ~Vector (); protected: int size; int* buffer; } Vector::Vector (int s) { buffer = new int [size = s]; for(int i = O; i<size; i + + ) buffer [i] = i* i; } int& Vector:: Elem(int ndx) { if(ndx< 0 || ndx> = size) { cout << "error in index" <<endl; exit (1); } return buffer [ndx]; } void Vector::Display () { for(int j =0; j< size; j ++) cout << buffer[j] <<endl; } void Vector:: Set () { for(int j =0; j<size; j++) buffer[j] = j + 1; } Vector:: ~ Vector() { delete [] buffer; } int main() { Vector a(10); Vector b(a); a. Set (); b. Display ();
return 0; } 加的构造函数 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Vector { public: Vector(int s = 100); Vector(const Vector& other); // 拷贝构造函数 int& Elem(int ndx); void Display(); void Set(); ~Vector(); protected: int size; int* buffer; }; Vector::Vector(int s) { buffer = new int[size = s]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) buffer[i] = i * i; } Vector::Vector(const Vector& other) { size = other.size; buffer = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) buffer[i] = other.buffer[i]; } int& Vector::Elem(int ndx) { if (ndx < 0 || ndx >= size) { cout << "error in index" << endl; exit(1); } return buffer[ndx]; } void Vector::Display() { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) cout << buffer[j] << endl; } void Vector::Set() { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) buffer[j] = j + 1; } Vector::~Vector() { delete[] buffer; } int main() { Vector a(10); Vector b(a); a.Set(); b.Display(); return 0; } |
#include < iostream> using namespace std; class CAT { public: CAT(); CAT(const CAT&); ~CAT(); int GetAge() const (return * itsAge;) void SetAge(int age) { * itsAge = age; } protected: int * itsAge; }; CAT::CAT () { itsAge = new int; *itsAge = 5; } CAT::~CAT () { delete itsAge; itsAge = 0; } void main() { CAT frisky; cout << "frisky's age:" << frisky. GetAge() <<endl; cout <<"Setting frisky to 6... \ n"; frisky. SetAge ( 6 ); cout << "Creating boots from frisky \ n"; CAT boots(frisky); cout <<"frisky's age:" << frisky. GetAge() <<endl; cout << "boots'age:" << boons. GetAge () <<endl; cout << "setting frisk,, to 7 .... n"; frisky. SetAge (7); cout <<"frisky"s age:" << frisky. GetAge() <<endl; cout <<"boots' age:" << boots. GetAge() <<endl; } |
frisky's age:5
Setting frisky to 6...
Creating boots from frisky
frisky's age:6
boots' age:6
Setting frisky to 7...
frisky's age:7
boots' age:6
CAT::CAT(const CAT& other) {
itsAge = new int;
*itsAge = *other.itsAge;
CAT::~CAT() {
delete itsAge;
itsAge = 0;