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Xilinx ZYNQ+TCP通信+Python上位机 实现实时视频传输系统 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

GitHub - yg99992/Image_transfer_open_source: ZYNQ-7000 based data transfer through TCP/IP protocol


MATLAB实现tcp连接 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

MATLAB :【11】一文带你读懂serialport串口收发原理与实现_matlab serialport-CSDN博客

 Transition Your Code to serialport Interface - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks 中国

Transition Your Code to tcpclient Interface - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks 中国

串行通信的动态输入缓冲区大小 - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central (mathworks.cn)

如何更改串口的收发缓存的大小 - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central

Which is the Buffer Size of a TCP/IP socket (tcpclient)? - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central (mathworks.cn)



tcpip will be removed. Use tcpclient or tcpserver instead. For more information on updating your code, see Compatibility Considerations.

(To be removed) Create TCPIP object - MATLAB tcpip - MathWorks 中国

串行属性用于使用 serial 对象配置通信和配置读写行为,可以用来配置缓存区,

这个也将被删除,serial 配置缓冲区已经成为了历史。

        Removed Functionality The ValuesReceived and ValuesSent properties will be removed. You can calculate the number of values sent using the NumBytesAvailable property and the data type of the data available.

For example, if the NumBytesAvailable is 20 bytes of uint32 data, the number of values sent is five since each uint32 value is four bytes.
        The readasync and stopasync functions and the ReadAsyncMode and TransferStatus properties will be removed. The updated interface reads data asynchronously.
The BytesToOutput, InputBufferSize, and OutputBufferSize properties will be removed. Buffer sizes are automatically managed and sized as needed.
        The BreakInterruptFcn, OutputEmptyFcn, and PinStatusFcn properties will be removed. You can set callback functions using configureCallback in the updated interface, but not for these properties.
        The RecordDetail, RecordMode, RecordName, and RecordStatus properties will be removed.
        The TimerFcn and TimerPeriod properties will be removed. Use timer instead.
        The Name, Type, ObjectVisibility, Status, and Tag properties will be removed.




clear all; 
close all; 
warning off;

% Config_list = ones(10,10,"uint8");
Config_list = zeros(10,10,"uint8");

% % set olden version
% Client_0 = tcpip("",10000);
% set(Client_0,'InputBufferSize',256*64);
% set(Client_0,'OutputBufferSize',256*64);
% fopen(Client_0);
% % s is a serial object
% fwrite(Client_0,Config_list)

% set new version
Client_1 = tcpclient("",10000,"Timeout",20,"ConnectTimeout",30);
% s is a serialport object



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