例如:当按键1按下之后,让LED1状态取反,并打印“LED1 down”
当按键2按下之后,让LED2状态取反,并打印“LED2 down”
当按键3按下之后,让LED3状态取反,并打印“LED3 down”
#ifndef __STM32MP1XX_RCC_H__
#define __STM32MP1XX_RCC_H__
typedef struct {
volatile unsigned int TZCR; // 0x000
volatile unsigned int res1[2]; // 0x004-0x008
volatile unsigned int OCENSETR; // 0x00C
volatile unsigned int OCENCLRR; // 0x010
volatile unsigned int res2[1]; // 0x014
volatile unsigned int HSICFGR; // 0x018
volatile unsigned int CSICFGR; // 0x01C
volatile unsigned int MPCKSELR; // 0x020
volatile unsigned int ASSCKSELR; // 0x024
volatile unsigned int PCK12SELR; // 0x028
volatile unsigned int MPCKDIVR; // 0x02C
volatile unsigned int AXIDIVR; // 0x030
volatile unsigned int res3[2];
volatile unsigned int APB4DIVR; // 0x03C
volatile unsigned int APB5DIVR; // 0x040
volatile unsigned int RTCDIVR; // 0x044
volatile unsigned int MSSCKSELR; // 0x048
volatile unsigned int res4[13];
volatile unsigned int PLL1CR; // 0x080
volatile unsigned int PLL1CFGR1; // 0x084
volatile unsigned int PLL1CFGR2; // 0x088
volatile unsigned int PLL1FRACR; // 0x08C
volatile unsigned int PLL1CSGR; // 0x090
volatile unsigned int PLL2CR; // 0x094
volatile unsigned int PLL2CFGR1; // 0x098
volatile unsigned int PLL2CFGR2; // 0x09C
volatile unsigned int PLL2FRACR; // 0x0A0
volatile unsigned int PLL2CSGR; // 0x0A4
volatile unsigned int res5[6];
volatile unsigned int I2C46CKSELR; // 0x0C0
volatile unsigned int SPI6CKSELR; // 0x0C4
volatile unsigned int UART1CKSELR; // 0x0C8
volatile unsigned int RNG1CKSELR; // 0x0CC
volatile unsigned int CPERCKSELR; // 0x0D0
volatile unsigned int STGENCKSELR; // 0x0D4
volatile unsigned int DDRITFCR; // 0x0D8
volatile unsigned int res6[9];
volatile unsigned int MP_BOOTCR; // 0x100
volatile unsigned int MP_SREQSETR; // 0x104
volatile unsigned int MP_SREQCLRR; // 0x108
volatile unsigned int MP_GCR; // 0x10C
volatile unsigned int MP_APRSTCR; // 0x110
volatile unsigned int MP_APRSTSR; // 0x114
volatile unsigned int res7[10];
volatile unsigned int BDCR; // 0x140
volatile unsigned int RDLSICR; // 0x144
volatile unsigned int res8[14];
volatile unsigned int APB4RSTSETR; // 0x180
volatile unsigned int APB4RSTCLRR; // 0x184
volatile unsigned int APB5RSTSETR; // 0x188
volatile unsigned int APB5RSTCLRR; // 0x18C
volatile unsigned int AHB5RSTSETR; // 0x190
volatile unsigned int AHB5RSTCLRR; // 0x194
volatile unsigned int AHB6RSTSETR; // 0x198
volatile unsigned int AHB6RSTCLRR; // 0x19C
volatile unsigned int TZAHB6RSTSELR;// 0x1A0
volatile unsigned int TZAHB6RSTCLRR;// 0x1A4
volatile unsigned int res9[22];
volatile unsigned int MP_APB4ENSETR;// 0x200
volatile unsigned int MP_APB4ENCLRR;// 0x204
volatile unsigned int MP_APB5ENSETR;// 0x208
volatile unsigned int MP_APB5ENCLRR;// 0x20C
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB5ENSETR;// 0x210
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB5ENCLRR;// 0x214
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB6ENSETR;// 0x218
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB6ENCLRR;// 0x21C
volatile unsigned int MP_TZAHB6ENSELR;// 0x220
volatile unsigned int MP_TZAHB6ENCLRR;// 0x224
volatile unsigned int res10[22];
volatile unsigned int MC_APB4ENSETR; // 0x280
volatile unsigned int MC_APB4ENCLRR; // 0x284
volatile unsigned int MC_APB5ENSETR; // 0x288
volatile unsigned int MC_APB5ENCLRR; // 0x28C
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB5ENSETR; // 0x290
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB5ENCLRR; // 0x294
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB6ENSETR; // 0x298
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB6ENCLRR; // 0x29C
volatile unsigned int res11[24];
volatile unsigned int MP_APB4LPENSETR; // 0x300
volatile unsigned int MP_APB4LPENCLRR; // 0x304
volatile unsigned int MP_APB5LPENSETR; // 0x308
volatile unsigned int MP_APB5LPENCLRR; // 0x30C
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB5LPENSETR; // 0x310
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB5LPENCLRR; // 0x314
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB6LPENSETR; // 0x318
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB6LPENCLRR; // 0x31C
volatile unsigned int MP_TZAHB6LPENSETR; // 0x320
volatile unsigned int MP_TZAHB6LPENCLRR; // 0x324
volatile unsigned int res12[22];
volatile unsigned int MC_APB4LPENSETR; // 0x380
volatile unsigned int MC_APB4LPENCLRR; // 0x384
volatile unsigned int MC_APB5LPENSETR; // 0x388
volatile unsigned int MC_APB5LPENCLRR; // 0x38C
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB5LPENSETR; // 0x390
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB5LPENCLRR; // 0x394
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB6LPENSETR; // 0x398
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB6LPENCLRR; // 0x39C
volatile unsigned int res13[24];
volatile unsigned int BR_RSTSCLRR; // 0x400
volatile unsigned int MP_GRSTCSETR; // 0x404
volatile unsigned int MP_RSTSR; // 0x408
volatile unsigned int MP_IWDGFZSETR; // 0x40C
volatile unsigned int MP_IWDGFZCLRR; // 0x410
volatile unsigned int MP_CIER; // 0x414
volatile unsigned int MP_CIFR; // 0x418
volatile unsigned int PWRLPDLYCR; // 0x41C
volatile unsigned int MP_RSTSS; // 0x420
volatile unsigned int res14[247];
volatile unsigned int MCO1CFGR; // 0x800
volatile unsigned int MCO2CFGR; // 0x804
volatile unsigned int OCRDYR; // 0x808
volatile unsigned int DBGCFGR; // 0x80C
volatile unsigned int res15[4];
volatile unsigned int RCK3SELR; // 0x820
volatile unsigned int RCK4SELR; // 0x824
volatile unsigned int TIMG1PRER; // 0x828
volatile unsigned int TIMG2PRER; // 0x82C
volatile unsigned int MCUDIVR; // 0x830
volatile unsigned int APB1DIVR; // 0x834
volatile unsigned int APB2DIVR; // 0x838
volatile unsigned int APB3DIVR; // 0x83C
volatile unsigned int res16[16];
volatile unsigned int PLL3CR; // 0x880
volatile unsigned int PLL3CFGR1; // 0x884
volatile unsigned int PLL3CFGR2; // 0x888
volatile unsigned int PLL3FRACR; // 0x88C
volatile unsigned int PLL3CSGR; // 0x890
volatile unsigned int PLL4CR; // 0x894
volatile unsigned int PLL4CFGR1; // 0x898
volatile unsigned int PLL4CFGR2; // 0x89C
volatile unsigned int PLL4FRACR; // 0x8A0
volatile unsigned int PLL4CSGR; // 0x8A4
volatile unsigned int res17[6];
volatile unsigned int I2C12CKSELR; // 0x8C0
volatile unsigned int I2C35CKSELR; // 0x8C4
volatile unsigned int SAI1CKSELR; // 0x8C8
volatile unsigned int SAI2CKSELR; // 0x8CC
volatile unsigned int SAI3CKSELR; // 0x8D0
volatile unsigned int SAI4CKSELR; // 0x8D4
volatile unsigned int SPI2S1CKSELR; // 0x8D8
volatile unsigned int SPI2S23CKSELR; // 0x8DC
volatile unsigned int SPI45CKSELR; // 0x8E0
volatile unsigned int UART6CKSELR; // 0x8E4
volatile unsigned int UART24CKSELR; // 0x8E8
volatile unsigned int UART35CKSELR; // 0x8EC
volatile unsigned int UART78CKSELR; // 0x8F0
volatile unsigned int SDMMC12CKSELR; // 0x8F4
volatile unsigned int SDMMC3CKSELR; // 0x8F8
volatile unsigned int ETHCKSELR; // 0x8FC
volatile unsigned int QSPICKSELR; // 0x900
volatile unsigned int FMCCKSELR; // 0x904
volatile unsigned int res18[1];
volatile unsigned int FDCANCKSELR; // 0x90C
volatile unsigned int res19[1];
volatile unsigned int SPDIFCKSELR; // 0x914
volatile unsigned int CECCKSELR; // 0x918
volatile unsigned int USBCKSELR; // 0x91C
volatile unsigned int RNG2CKSELR; // 0x920
volatile unsigned int DSICKSELR; // 0x924
volatile unsigned int ADCCKSELR; // 0x928
volatile unsigned int LPTIM45CKSELR; // 0x92C
volatile unsigned int LPTIM23CKSELR; // 0x930
volatile unsigned int LPTIM1CKSELR; // 0x934
volatile unsigned int res20[18];
volatile unsigned int APB1RSTSETR; // 0x980
volatile unsigned int APB1RSTCLRR; // 0x984
volatile unsigned int APB2RSTSETR; // 0x988
volatile unsigned int APB2RSTCLRR; // 0x98C
volatile unsigned int APB3RSTSETR; // 0x990
volatile unsigned int APB3RSTCLRR; // 0x994
volatile unsigned int AHB2RSTSETR; // 0x998
volatile unsigned int AHB2RSTCLRR; // 0x99C
volatile unsigned int AHB3RSTSETR; // 0x9A0
volatile unsigned int AHB3RSTCLRR; // 0x9A4
volatile unsigned int AHB4RSTSETR; // 0x9A8
volatile unsigned int AHB4RSTCLRR; // 0x9AC
volatile unsigned int res21[20];
volatile unsigned int MP_APB1ENSETR; // 0xA00
volatile unsigned int MP_APB1ENCLRR; // 0xA04
volatile unsigned int MP_APB2ENSETR; // 0xA08
volatile unsigned int MP_APB2ENCLRR; // 0xA0C
volatile unsigned int MP_APB3ENSETR; // 0xA10
volatile unsigned int MP_APB3ENCLRR; // 0xA14
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB2ENSETR; // 0xA18
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB2ENCLRR; // 0xA1C
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB3ENSETR; // 0xA20
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB3ENCLRR; // 0xA24
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB4ENSETR; // 0xA28
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB4ENCLRR; // 0xA2C
volatile unsigned int res22[2];
volatile unsigned int MP_MLAHBENSETR; // 0xA38
volatile unsigned int MP_MLAHBENCLRR; // 0xA3C
volatile unsigned int res23[16];
volatile unsigned int MC_APB1ENSETR; // 0xA80
volatile unsigned int MC_APB1ENCLRR; // 0xA84
volatile unsigned int MC_APB2ENSETR; // 0xA88
volatile unsigned int MC_APB2ENCLRR; // 0xA8C
volatile unsigned int MC_APB3ENSETR; // 0xA90
volatile unsigned int MC_APB3ENCLRR; // 0xA94
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB2ENSETR; // 0xA98
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB2ENCLRR; // 0xA9C
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB3ENSETR; // 0xAA0
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB3ENCLRR; // 0xAA4
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB4ENSETR; // 0xAA8
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB4ENCLRR; // 0xAAC
volatile unsigned int MC_AXIMENSETR; // 0xAB0
volatile unsigned int MC_AXIMENCLRR; // 0xAB4
volatile unsigned int MC_MLAHBENSETR; // 0xAB8
volatile unsigned int MC_MLAHBENCLRR; // 0xABC
volatile unsigned int res24[16];
volatile unsigned int MP_APB1LPENSETR; // 0xB00
volatile unsigned int MP_APB1LPENCLRR; // 0xB04
volatile unsigned int MP_APB2LPENSETR; // 0xB08
volatile unsigned int MP_APB2LPENCLRR; // 0xB0C
volatile unsigned int MP_APB3LPENSETR; // 0xB10
volatile unsigned int MP_APB3LPENCLRR; // 0xB14
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB2LPENSETR; // 0xB18
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB2LPENCLRR; // 0xB1C
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB3LPENSETR; // 0xB20
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB3LPENCLRR; // 0xB24
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB4LPENSETR; // 0xB28
volatile unsigned int MP_AHB4LPENCLRR; // 0xB2C
volatile unsigned int MP_AXIMLPENSETR; // 0xB30
volatile unsigned int MP_AXIMLPENCLRR; // 0xB34
volatile unsigned int MP_MLAHBLPENSETR; // 0xB38
volatile unsigned int MP_MLAHBLPENCLRR; // 0xB3C
volatile unsigned int res25[16];
volatile unsigned int MC_APB1LPENSETR; // 0xB80
volatile unsigned int MC_APB1LPENCLRR; // 0xB84
volatile unsigned int MC_APB2LPENSETR; // 0xB88
volatile unsigned int MC_APB2LPENCLRR; // 0xB8C
volatile unsigned int MC_APB3LPENSETR; // 0xB90
volatile unsigned int MC_APB3LPENCLRR; // 0xB94
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB2LPENSETR; // 0xB98
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB2LPENCLRR; // 0xB9C
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB3LPENSETR; // 0xBA0
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB3LPENCLRR; // 0xBA4
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB4LPENSETR; // 0xBA8
volatile unsigned int MC_AHB4LPENCLRR; // 0xBAC
volatile unsigned int MC_AXIMLPENSETR; // 0xBB0
volatile unsigned int MC_AXIMLPENCLRR; // 0xBB4
volatile unsigned int MC_MLAHBLPENSETR; // 0xBB8
volatile unsigned int MC_MLAHBLPENCLRR; // 0xBBC
volatile unsigned int res26[16];
volatile unsigned int MC_RSTSCLRR; // 0xC00
volatile unsigned int res27[4];
volatile unsigned int MC_CIER; // 0xC14
volatile unsigned int MC_CIFR; // 0xC18
volatile unsigned int res28[246];
volatile unsigned int VERR; // 0xFF4
volatile unsigned int IDR; // 0xFF8
volatile unsigned int SIDR; // 0xFFC
#define RCC ((rcc_t *)0x50000000)
#endif // __STM32MP1XX_RCC_H__
#ifndef __STM32MP1xx_GPIO_H__
#define __STM32MP1xx_GPIO_H__
typedef struct {
volatile unsigned int MODER; // 0x00
volatile unsigned int OTYPER; // 0x04
volatile unsigned int OSPEEDR; // 0x08
volatile unsigned int PUPDR; // 0x0C
volatile unsigned int IDR; // 0x10
volatile unsigned int ODR; // 0x14
volatile unsigned int BSRR; // 0x18
volatile unsigned int LCKR; // 0x1C
volatile unsigned int AFRL; // 0x20
volatile unsigned int AFRH; // 0x24
volatile unsigned int BRR; // 0x28
volatile unsigned int res;
volatile unsigned int SECCFGR; // 0x30
#define GPIOA ((gpio_t *)0x50002000)
#define GPIOB ((gpio_t *)0x50003000)
#define GPIOC ((gpio_t *)0x50004000)
#define GPIOD ((gpio_t *)0x50005000)
#define GPIOE ((gpio_t *)0x50006000)
#define GPIOF ((gpio_t *)0x50007000)
#define GPIOG ((gpio_t *)0x50008000)
#define GPIOH ((gpio_t *)0x50009000)
#define GPIOI ((gpio_t *)0x5000A000)
#define GPIOJ ((gpio_t *)0x5000B000)
#define GPIOK ((gpio_t *)0x5000C000)
#define GPIOZ ((gpio_t *)0x54004000)
#define GPIO_PIN_0 0
#define GPIO_PIN_1 1
#define GPIO_PIN_2 2
#define GPIO_PIN_3 3
#define GPIO_PIN_4 4
#define GPIO_PIN_5 5
#define GPIO_PIN_6 6
#define GPIO_PIN_7 7
#define GPIO_PIN_8 8
#define GPIO_PIN_9 9
#define GPIO_PIN_10 10
#define GPIO_PIN_11 11
#define GPIO_PIN_12 12
#define GPIO_PIN_13 13
#define GPIO_PIN_14 14
#define GPIO_PIN_15 15
typedef enum{
typedef enum{
typedef enum{
typedef enum{
typedef enum{
typedef struct{
gpio_moder_t moder;
gpio_otyper_t otyper;
gpio_ospeedr_t ospeedr;
gpio_pupdr_t pupdr;
#endif // __STM32MP1xx_GPIO_H__
#ifndef __STM32MP1XX_UART_H__
#define __STM32MP1XX_UART_H__
typedef struct {
volatile unsigned int CR1;
volatile unsigned int CR2;
volatile unsigned int CR3;
volatile unsigned int BRR;
volatile unsigned int GTPR;
volatile unsigned int RTOR;
volatile unsigned int RQR;
volatile unsigned int ISR;
volatile unsigned int ICR;
volatile unsigned int RDR;
volatile unsigned int TDR;
volatile unsigned int PRESC;
#define USART1 ((uart_t *)0x5C000000)
#define USART2 ((uart_t *)0x4000E000)
#define USART3 ((uart_t *)0x4000F000)
#define USART4 ((uart_t *)0x40010000)
#define USART5 ((uart_t *)0x40011000)
#define USART6 ((uart_t *)0x44003000)
#define USART7 ((uart_t *)0x40018000)
#define USART8 ((uart_t *)0x40019000)
#endif // __STM32MP1XX_UART_H__
#ifndef __STM32MP1XX_EXTI_H__
#define __STM32MP1XX_EXTI_H__
typedef struct{
volatile unsigned int RTSR1; // EXTI rising trigger selection register
volatile unsigned int FTSR1; // EXTI falling trigger selection register
volatile unsigned int SWIER1; // EXTI software interrupt event register
volatile unsigned int RPR1; // EXTI rising edge pending register
volatile unsigned int FPR1; // EXTI falling edge pending register
volatile unsigned int TZENR1; // EXTI TrustZone enable register
volatile unsigned int RES1[2];
volatile unsigned int RTSR2; // EXTI rising trigger selection register
volatile unsigned int FTSR2; // EXTI falling trigger selection register
volatile unsigned int SWIER2; // EXTI software interrupt event register
volatile unsigned int RPR2; // EXTI rising edge pending register
volatile unsigned int FPR2; // EXTI falling edge pending register
volatile unsigned int TZENR2; // EXTI TrustZone enable register
volatile unsigned int RES2[2];
volatile unsigned int RTSR3; // EXTI rising trigger selection register
volatile unsigned int FTSR3; // EXTI falling trigger selection register
volatile unsigned int SWIER3; // EXTI software interrupt event register
volatile unsigned int RPR3; // EXTI rising edge pending register
volatile unsigned int FPR3; // EXTI falling edge pending register
volatile unsigned int TZENR3; // EXTI TrustZone enable register
volatile unsigned int RES3[2];
volatile unsigned int EXTICR1; // EXTI external interrupt selection register 1
volatile unsigned int EXTICR2; // EXTI external interrupt selection register 2
volatile unsigned int EXTICR3; // EXTI external interrupt selection register 3
volatile unsigned int EXTICR4; // EXTI external interrupt selection register 4
volatile unsigned int RES4[4];
volatile unsigned int C1IMR1; // EXTI CPU1 wakeup with interrupt mask register
volatile unsigned int C1EMR1; // EXTI CPU1 wakeup with event mask register
volatile unsigned int RES5[2];
volatile unsigned int C1IMR2; // EXTI CPU1 wakeup with interrupt mask register
volatile unsigned int C1EMR2; // EXTI CPU1 wakeup with event mask register
volatile unsigned int RES6[2];
volatile unsigned int C1IMR3; // EXTI CPU1 wakeup with interrupt mask register
volatile unsigned int C1EMR3; // EXTI CPU1 wakeup with event mask register
volatile unsigned int RES7[6];
volatile unsigned int C2IMR1; // EXTI CPU2 wakeup with interrupt mask register
volatile unsigned int C2EMR1; // EXTI CPU2 wakeup with event mask register
volatile unsigned int RES8[2];
volatile unsigned int C2IMR2; // EXTI CPU2 wakeup with interrupt mask register
volatile unsigned int C2EMR2; // EXTI CPU2 wakeup with event mask register
volatile unsigned int RES9[2];
volatile unsigned int C2IMR3; // EXTI CPU2 wakeup with interrupt mask register
volatile unsigned int C2EMR3; // EXTI CPU2 wakeup with event mask register
volatile unsigned int RES10[2];
#define EXTI ((exti_t*)0x5000D000)
#endif //__STM32MP1XX_EXTI_H__
#ifndef __STM32MP1XX_GIC_H__
#define __STM32MP1XX_GIC_H__
typedef struct {
volatile unsigned int CTRL;
volatile unsigned int TYPER;
volatile unsigned int IIDR;
volatile unsigned int RES1[29];
volatile unsigned int IGROUPR[9];
volatile unsigned int RES2[23];
volatile unsigned int ISENABLER[9];
volatile unsigned int RES3[23];
volatile unsigned int ICENABLER[9];
volatile unsigned int RES4[23];
volatile unsigned int ISPENDR[9];
volatile unsigned int RES5[23];
volatile unsigned int ICPENDR[9];
volatile unsigned int RES6[23];
volatile unsigned int ISACTIVER[9];
volatile unsigned int RES7[23];
volatile unsigned int ICACTIVER[9];
volatile unsigned int RES8[23];
volatile unsigned int IPRIORITYR[72];
volatile unsigned int RES9[184];
volatile unsigned int ITARGETSR[72];
volatile unsigned int RES10[184];
volatile unsigned int ICFGR[18];
volatile unsigned int RES11[46];
#define GICD ((gicd_t*)0xA0021000)
typedef struct {
volatile unsigned int CTRL;
volatile unsigned int PMR;
volatile unsigned int BRR;
volatile unsigned int IAR;
volatile unsigned int EOIR;
volatile unsigned int RPR;
volatile unsigned int HPPIR;
volatile unsigned int ABPR;
volatile unsigned int AIAR;
volatile unsigned int AEOIR;
volatile unsigned int AHPPIR;
volatile unsigned int RES1[41];
volatile unsigned int APR0;
volatile unsigned int RES2[3];
volatile unsigned int NSAPR0;
volatile unsigned int RES3[6];
volatile unsigned int IIDR;
volatile unsigned int RES4[960];
volatile unsigned int DIRDIR;
#define GICC ((gicc_t*)0xA0022000)
#endif // __STM32MP1XX_GIC_H__
#ifndef __UART_LED_H__
#define __UART_LED_H__
#include "stm32mp1xx_rcc.h"
#include "stm32mp1xx_gpio.h"
#include "stm32mp1xx_uart.h"
#include "stm32mp1xx_exti.h"
#include "stm32mp1xx_gic.h"
int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
void hal_led_init();
void hal_gpio_init(gpio_t* gpiox, gpio_init_t* init, unsigned int pin);
void hal_led_gpio_write(gpio_t* gpiox, unsigned int pin, gpio_status_t state);
void hal_uart_init();
void uart_put_char(const char str);
void uart_put_string(const char* str);
char uart_get_char();
char* uart_get_string();
#include "uart_led.h"
extern void printf(const char *fmt, ...);
extern void delay_ms(int ms);
int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
int t = 0;
while(*s1 || *s2)
if(*s1 != *s2)
t = *s1 - *s2;
return t;
*s1 ++;
*s2 ++;
return t;
void hal_led_init()
RCC->MP_AHB4ENSETR |= (0x3 << 4);
gpio_init_t init = {Output, Push_pull, Low_speed, No_up_down};
hal_gpio_init(GPIOE, &init, GPIO_PIN_10);
hal_gpio_init(GPIOF, &init, GPIO_PIN_10);
hal_gpio_init(GPIOE, &init, GPIO_PIN_8);
void hal_gpio_init(gpio_t* gpiox, gpio_init_t* init, unsigned int pin)
gpiox->MODER &= (~(0x3 << (pin * 2)));
gpiox->MODER |= (init->moder << (pin * 2));
gpiox->OTYPER &= (~(0x1 << pin));
gpiox->OTYPER |= (init->otyper << pin);
gpiox->OSPEEDR &= (~(0x3 << (pin * 2)));
gpiox->OSPEEDR |= (init->ospeedr << (pin * 2));
gpiox->PUPDR &= (~(0x3 << (pin * 2)));
gpiox->PUPDR |= (init->pupdr << (pin * 2));
void hal_led_gpio_write(gpio_t* gpiox, unsigned int pin, gpio_status_t state)
if(gpio_reset_t == state)
gpiox->ODR &= (~(0x1 << pin));
gpiox->ODR |= (0x1 << pin);
void hal_uart_init()
RCC->MP_AHB4ENSETR |= (0x1 << 1);
RCC->MP_AHB4ENSETR |= (0x1 << 6);
RCC->MP_APB1ENSETR |= (0x1 << 16);
gpio_init_t init = {0};
init.moder = Alternate; //设置GPIO模式为复用模式
hal_gpio_init(GPIOB, &init, GPIO_PIN_2);
hal_gpio_init(GPIOG, &init, GPIO_PIN_11);
GPIOB->MODER |= (0x1 << 5);
GPIOB->AFRL &= (~(0xF << 8));
GPIOB->AFRL |= (0x1 << 11);
GPIOG->MODER |= (0x1 << 23);
GPIOG->AFRH &= (~(0xF << 12));
GPIOG->AFRH |= (0x3 << 13);
if(USART4->CR1 & (0x1 << 0)) //判断UE位是否为0
USART4->CR1 &= (~(0x1 << 0));
USART4->CR1 &= (~(0x1 << 28)); //设置数据位宽度为8位
USART4->CR1 &= (~(0x1 << 12));
USART4->CR1 &= (~(0x1 << 15)); //设置串口采样率
USART4->CR1 &= (~(0x1 << 10)); //设置无奇偶校验位
USART4->CR2 &= (~(0x3 << 12)); //设置串口1位停止位
USART4->PRESC &= (~(0x3 << 3)); //设置串口不分频
USART4->BRR |= 0x22B; //设置串口波特率
USART4->CR1 |= (0x1 << 2); //串口发送器使能
USART4->CR1 |= (0x1 << 3); //串口接收器使能
USART4->CR1 |= (0x1 << 0); //串口使能
void uart_put_char(const char str)
while(!(USART4->ISR & (0x1 << 7)));
USART4->TDR = str;
//3.判断发送数据是否完成 ISR[6]
while(!(USART4->ISR & (0x1 << 6)));
void uart_put_string(const char* str)
for(int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)
char uart_get_char()
char ch;
//1.判断接收数据寄存器是否有数据可读 ISR[5]
while(!(USART4->ISR & (0x1 << 5)));
ch = USART4->RDR;
return ch;
char buff[50] = {0};
char* uart_get_string()
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 48; i++)
buff[i] = uart_get_char();
if(buff[i] == '\r')
buff[i] = '\0';
if(strcmp(buff,"led1on") == 0)
hal_led_gpio_write(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_10, gpio_set_t);
return "LED1_ON success";
else if(strcmp(buff,"led1off") == 0)
hal_led_gpio_write(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_10, gpio_reset_t);
return "LED1_OFF success";
else if(strcmp(buff,"led2on") == 0)
hal_led_gpio_write(GPIOF, GPIO_PIN_10, gpio_set_t);
return "LED2_ON success";
else if(strcmp(buff,"led2off") == 0)
hal_led_gpio_write(GPIOF, GPIO_PIN_10, gpio_reset_t);
return "LED2_OFF success";
else if(strcmp(buff,"led3on") == 0)
hal_led_gpio_write(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_8, gpio_set_t);
return "LED3_ON success";
else if(strcmp(buff,"led3off") == 0)
hal_led_gpio_write(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_8, gpio_reset_t);
return "LED3_OFF success";
return "invalid instruction!";
#include "uart_led.h"
extern void printf(const char *fmt, ...);
void delay_ms(int ms)
int i,j;
for(i = 0; i < ms;i++)
for (j = 0; j < 1800; j++);
int main()
hal_led_init(); //LED灯初始化
hal_uart_init(); //串口初始化
return 0;