# coding:utf-8 import pygame, sys, random, time, easygui from pygame.locals import * # 初始化pygame环境 pygame.init() # 创建窗口 canvas = pygame.display.set_mode((1000, 600)) # 加载图片 bg = pygame.image.load("imgs/bg.jpg") win = pygame.image.load("imgs/win.png") # 设置标题 pygame.display.set_caption("连连看") # 图片位置数组 p = [[60, 120], [170, 120], [280, 120], [390, 120], [500, 120], [610, 120], [720, 120], [830, 120], [60, 230], [170, 230], [280, 230], [390, 230], [500, 230], [610, 230], [720, 230], [830, 230], [60, 340], [170, 340], [280, 340], [390, 340], [500, 340], [610, 340], [720, 340], [830, 340], [60, 450], [170, 450], [280, 450], [390, 450], [500, 450], [610, 450], [720, 450], [830, 450]] # 定义变量存储点击的卡片信息 first_num = 0 first_x = 0 first_y = 0 # 创建handleEvent方法 def handleEvent(): # 全局变量 global first_num, first_x, first_y for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: sys.exit() pygame.quit() # 判断点击鼠标左键 if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: # 获取鼠标坐标 mouse_x = event.pos[0] mouse_y = event.pos[1] # 调用Click方法获取点击到的卡片信息 if Click(mouse_x, mouse_y): sec_num = Click(mouse_x, mouse_y)[0] sec_x = Click(mouse_x, mouse_y)[1] sec_y = Click(mouse_x, mouse_y)[2] # 创建列表存储点击标号相同卡片的下标 dellist = [] # 给第一次点击的卡片信息赋值 if first_num == 0: first_num = sec_num first_x = sec_x first_y = sec_y else: # 第二次点击卡片标号相同判断坐标 if sec_num == first_num : if not(first_x == sec_x and first_y == sec_y) : # 获取标号相同的卡片在cards列表中的下标 for i in range(len(cards)): if cards[i].num == sec_num: dellist.append(i) # 删除卡片 for j in range(2): if j == 0: cards.pop(dellist[j]) else: cards.pop(dellist[j] - 1) first_num = 0 first_x = 0 first_y = 0 # 第二次点击卡片标号不同时给点击卡片信息重新赋值 else: first_num = sec_num first_x = sec_x first_y = sec_y # 创建Card类 class Card (): def __init__(self, num , x, y): self.num = num self.img = pygame.image.load('imgs/' + str(num) + '.png') self.x = x self.y = y def paint(self): canvas.blit(self.img, (self.x, self.y)) # 创建cards列表存储所有卡片 cards = [] for i in range(0, 32): n = int(i % 16 + 1) m = int(random.randint(0, (31 - i))) x = p[m][0] y = p[m][1] cards.append(Card(n , x, y)) p.pop(m) # 添加点击事件获取点击到的卡片信息 def Click(mouse_x, mouse_y): x1 = mouse_x y1 = mouse_y # 获取所有卡片信息 for i in range(0, len(cards)): imgx = cards[i].x imgy = cards[i].y # 判断鼠标点击位置是否在卡片上 if imgx + 100 > x1 and x1 > imgx and imgy + 100 > y1 and y1 > imgy: img = cards[i].num return img , imgx, imgy return False #获取开始时间 start_time = time.time() while True: # 画出游戏背景 #canvas.blit(bg, (0, 0)) #添加游戏结束背景 if len(cards) == 0: canvas.blit(win,(0,0)) else: canvas.blit(bg,(0,0)) # 画出所有图片 for i in range(0, len(cards)): cards[i].paint() #获取游戏时间 if len(cards) != 0: end_time = time.time() timing = int(end_time - start_time) #easygui.msgbox('耗时:' + str(timing)) Time = pygame.font.SysFont('华文琥珀',40) TextTime = Time.render('time:' + str(timing),True,(255,255,255)) canvas.blit(TextTime,(720,40)) # 更新屏幕内容 pygame.display.update() # 调用handleEvent方法 handleEvent()
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