这里我们选择压缩包安装方式,选择2021.3 - Windows x64 ZIP Archive (zip),也可以选择exe安装方式
- 创建非中文目录D:\idea2021
- 解压到D:\idea2021
- 打开cmd窗口,切换到D:\idea2021\\bin
- 执行idea.bat
- 创建快捷方式
这是 IDEA 的各种配置的保存目录。这个设置目录有一个特性,就是你删除掉整个目录之后,重新启动 IntelliJ IDEA 会再自动帮你生成一个全新的默认配置,所以很多时候如果你把 IntelliJ IDEA 配置改坏了,没关系,删掉该目录,一切都会还原到默认。
config 目录是 IntelliJ IDEA 个性化化配置目录,或者说是整个 IDE 设置目录。此目录可看成是最重要的目录,没有之一,安装新版本的 IntelliJ IDEA 会自动扫描硬盘上的旧配置目录,指的就是该目录。这个目录主要记录了:IDE 主要配置功能、自定义的代码模板、自定义的文件模板、自定义的快捷键、Project 的 tasks 记录等等个性化的设置。
system 目录是 IntelliJ IDEA 系统文件目录,是 IntelliJ IDEA 与开发项目一个桥梁目录,里面主要有:缓存、索引、容器文件输出等等,虽然不是最重要目录,但也是最不可或缺的目录之一。
Appearance & Behavior(外观和行为)
设置字体及字体大小 (可忽略)
Editor 编辑器
Editor -general
我们可以勾选此设置后,增加 Ctrl + 鼠标滚轮 快捷键来控制代码字体大小显示。
- Add unambiguous imports on the fly:自动导入不明确的结构
- Optimize imports on the fly:自动帮我们优化导入的包
- 如上图红圈所示,可以勾选 Show line numbers:显示行数。我建议一般这个要勾选上。
- 如上图红圈所示,可以勾选 Show method separators: 显示方法分隔线。这种线有助于我们区分开方法,所以建议勾选上。
设置多行显示 tabs 的操作
在打开很多文件的时候,IntelliJ IDEA 默认是把所有打开的文件名 Tab 单行显示的。但是我个人现在的习惯是使用多行,多行效率比单行高,因为单行会隐藏超过界面部分 Tab,这样找文件不方便。
Editor – Color Scheme
- Doc Comment – Text:修改文档注释的字体颜色
- Block comment:修改多行注释的字体颜色
- Line comment:修改当行注释的字体颜色
Editor – Code Style
设置超过指定 import 个数,改为* (可忽略)
Editor – File and Code Templates
@author shkstart
@create ${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY} ${TIME}
${PACKAGE_NAME} - the name of the target package where the new class or interface will be created.
${PROJECT_NAME} - the name of the current project.
${FILE_NAME} - the name of the PHP file that will be created.
${NAME} - the name of the new file which you specify in the New File dialog box during the file creation.
${USER} - the login name of the current user.
${DATE} - the current system date.
${TIME} - the current system time.
${YEAR} - the current year.
${MONTH} - the current month.
${DAY} - the current day of the month.
${HOUR} - the current hour.
${MINUTE} - the current minute.
${PRODUCT_NAME} - the name of the IDE in which the file will be created.
${MONTH_NAME_SHORT} - the first 3 letters of the month name. Example: Jan, Feb, etc.
${MONTH_NAME_FULL} - full name of a month. Example: January, February, etc.
Editor – File Encodings
说明:Transparent native-to-ascii conversion 主要用于转换 ascii,一般都要勾选,不然 Properties 文件中的注释显示的都不会是中文。
描述 | eclipse | idea |
SelectAllOccurrences | alt control Y | control alt shift J |
MoveStatementDown | alt DOWN | control shift DOWN |
ShowIntentionActions | alt ENTER|shift alt J|shift control M | alt ENTER |
ActivateNavBar | alt F11 | null |
ViewNavigationBar | alt HOME | null |
Back | alt LEFT | control alt LEFT |
Unwrap | alt R | control shift DELETE |
Forward | alt RIGHT | control alt RIGHT |
MoveElementLeft | alt shift LEFT | control alt shift LEFT |
MoveElementRight | alt shift RIGHT | control alt shift RIGHT |
UnselectPreviousOccurrence | alt shift Y | alt shift J |
MoveStatementUp | alt UP | control shift UP |
SelectNextOccurrence | alt Y | alt J |
EditorDuplicateLines | control alt DOWN | null |
ReformatCode | control alt L|shift control F | control alt L |
OptimizeImports | control alt O|shift control O | control alt O |
PreviousEditorTab | control alt shift RIGHT | alt shift LEFT |
EditorCodeBlockEnd | control CLOSE_BRACKET | control CLOSE_BRACKET |
EditorDeleteLine | control D | control Y |
Replace | control F | control R |
Rerun | control F11 | control F5 |
FindWordAtCaret | control F12 | control F3 |
FileStructurePopup | control F3|control O | control F12 |
SmartStepInto | control F5 | shift F7 |
NextTab | control F6|control alt LEFT|control PAGE_DOWN | alt RIGHT |
Diff.NextChange | control F6|control alt LEFT|control PAGE_DOWN | alt RIGHT |
NextDiff | control F7 | F7 |
CompileDirty | control F9|control B | control F9 |
FindUsages | control G | alt F7 |
FindInPath | control H | control shift F |
AutoIndentLines | control I | control alt I |
IncrementalSearch | control J | null |
FindNext | control K | F3|control L |
GotoLine | control L | control G |
ExpandAllRegions | control MULTIPLY | control shift ADD|control shift EQUALS |
ShowPopupMenu | control N|shift alt S|control F10|shift alt T | CONTEXT_MENU |
control P | null | |
FileChooser.TogglePathShowing | control P | control P |
JumpToLastChange | control Q | control shift BACK_SPACE |
RunToCursor | control R | alt F9 |
NextEditorTab | control shift alt LEFT | alt shift RIGHT |
GotoImplementation | control T|control alt B | control alt B |
EvaluateExpression | control U | alt F8 |
CloseActiveTab | control W | control shift F4 |
$Redo | control Y | control shift Z|alt shift BACK_SPACE |
$Undo | control Z | control Z|alt BACK_SPACE |
EditSource | F12|shift control E | F4 |
GotoDeclaration | F3 | control B |
TypeHierarchy | F4 | control H |
StepInto | F5 | F7 |
StepOver | F6 | F8 |
StepOut | F7|shift F8 | shift F8 |
Resume | F8|F9 | F9 |
ChangeSignature | shift alt C | control F6 |
ToggleBookmarkWithMnemonic | shift alt control F11 | control F11 |
Debug | shift alt D|shift F9 | shift F9 |
EditorUnSelectWord | shift alt DOWN | control shift W |
DelegateMethods | shift alt E | null |
RerunTests | shift alt G | shift alt R |
RunDashboard.ShowConfigurations | shift alt H | control shift T |
Inline | shift alt I | control alt N |
IntroduceVariable | shift alt L|control alt V | control alt V |
ExtractMethod | shift alt M | control alt M |
HighlightUsagesInFile | shift alt O|shift control F7 | control shift F7 |
ImplementMethods | shift alt P | control I |
ChangesView.Rename | shift alt R | F2|Shift F6 |
RenameElement | shift alt R | shift F6 |
Git.Reword.Commit | shift alt R | F2|Shift F6 |
ShelvedChanges.Rename | shift alt R | F2|Shift F6 |
SmartTypeCompletion | shift alt SPACE | control shift SPACE |
EditorSelectWord | shift alt UP | control W |
Move | shift alt V | F6 |
Run | shift alt X|shift F10 | shift F10 |
SurroundWith | shift alt Z|control alt T | control alt T |
InsertLiveTemplate | shift control alt J | control J |
ToggleLineBreakpoint | shift control B|control F8 | control F8 |
EditorDeleteToLineEnd | shift control DELETE | null |
CollapseAllRegions | shift control DIVIDE | control shift SUBTRACT|control shift MINUS |
MethodDown | shift control DOWN | alt DOWN |
ToggleBookmark | shift control F11 | F11 |
CloseAllEditors | shift control F4|shift control W | null |
PreviousTab | shift control F6|control alt RIGHT|control PAGE_UP | alt LEFT |
Diff.PrevChange | shift control F6|control alt RIGHT|control PAGE_UP | alt LEFT |
FindUsagesInFile | shift control G | control F7 |
XDebugger.Inspect | shift control I | null |
FindPrevious | shift control K | shift F3|control shift L |
EditorPreviousWordWithSelection | shift control LEFT | control shift LEFT |
EditorMatchBrace | shift control P | control shift M |
GotoFile | shift control R | control shift N |
EditorNextWordWithSelection | shift control RIGHT | control shift RIGHT |
CommentByBlockComment | shift control SLASH | control shift SLASH|control shift DIVIDE |
QuickJavaDoc | shift control SPACE|F2 | control Q |
GotoClass | shift control T | control N |
GotoChangedFile | shift control T | control N |
EditorToggleCase | shift control U|shift control X|shift control Y | control shift U |
MethodUp | shift control UP | alt UP |
GotoPreviousError | shift F1 | shift F2 |
ExternalJavaDoc | shift F2 | shift F1 |
EditorIndentSelection | TAB | TAB |