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一、pan\kitchen 参数说明

/rep        : Repository name
/user       : Repository username
/pass       : Repository password
/job        : The name of the job to launch
/dir        : The directory (dont forget the leading /)
/file       : The filename (Job XML) to launch
/level      : The logging level (Basic, Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel, Error, Nothing)
/logfile    : The logging file to write to
/listdir    : List the directories in the repository
/listjobs   : List the jobs in the specified directory
/listrep    : List the available repositories
/norep      : Do not log into the repository
/version    : show the version, revision and build date
/param      : Set a named parameter <NAME>=<VALUE>. For example -param:FOO=bar
/listparam : List information concerning the defined parameters in the specified job.
/export     : Exports all linked resources of the specified job. The argument is the name of a ZIP


options 后面可以是=也可以是:也可以是空格

如:pan /file d:\test.ktr   或者 -file=D:\test.ktr


window下,一定要用 " " 双引号,多个变量按顺序书写即可(linux下不用引号)

如:pan /file d:\test.ktr "-param:key1=value1" "-param:key2=value2"





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