Update Azure OpenAI npm Package to 2023-12-01-preview Version
题意:将 Azure OpenAI npm 包更新到 2023-12-01-preview 版本
I am currently using the azure-openai npm package in my project with version 2023-03-15-preview. As per the latest updates, version 2023-12-01-preview is available and brings several improvements, including support for DALL-E 3.0 and enhanced content filtering.So, i want to update my package.
我目前在项目中使用的是 `azure-openai` npm 包的 `2023-03-15-preview` 版本。根据最新更新,`2023-12-01-preview` 版本已经发布,并带来了多项改进,包括对 DALL-E 3.0 的支持和增强的内容过滤功能。因此,我想更新我的包。
My nodejs version is 18.13 and my azure-openai version is "^0.9.4". azure-openai package use 2023-03-15-preview. I read that in /node_modules/azure-openai/README.md. This README.md file mention they are used **2023-03-15-preview/**inference.json. Now, I want to update 2023-03-15-preview with 2023-12-01-preview.So where can i change or update this app-version.
我的 Node.js 版本是 18.13,`azure-openai` 版本是 `^0.9.4`。`azure-openai` 包使用的是 `2023-03-15-preview` 版本。我在 `/node_modules/azure-openai/README.md` 文件中看到这一点。这个 README.md 文件提到他们使用了 **2023-03-15-preview/** 的 `inference.json`。现在,我想将 `2023-03-15-preview` 更新为 `2023-12-01-preview`。那么,我应该在哪里更改或更新这个应用版本?
You should move to the official library, which is this one: @azure/openai - npm
You have several demos using it accessible from the documentation here: Azure OpenAI client library for JavaScript | Microsoft Learn
The other one is a fork from openai repo but not the official one.
你应该迁移到官方库,即这个:`@azure/openai - npm`。
你可以从这里的文档中访问多个使用它的演示: [Azure OpenAI client library for JavaScript | Microsoft Learn](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/openai/).
之前使用的库是从 OpenAI 仓库派生的,但不是官方的。