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Azure OpenAI models being unable to correctly identify model

题意:Azure OpenAI模型无法正确识别模型。


In Azure OpenAI Studio, while I am able to deploy a GPT-4 instance, the responses are based solely on GPT-3.5 Turbo. I test the same prompts in my personal ChatGPT sub and it returns the correct response from a GPT-4-based model. Any thoughts?

在Azure OpenAI Studio中,虽然我能够部署一个GPT-4实例,但响应完全基于GPT-3.5 Turbo。我在个人ChatGPT订阅中测试相同的提示,它返回了基于GPT-4的模型的正确响应。你有什么想法吗?


The model is performing next token prediction in response to your question. The model doesn't have any native ability to query what model version is currently being run to answer your question. To answer this question, you can always go to Azure OpenAI Studio > Management > Deployments > and consult the model name column to confirm what model is currently associated with a given deployment name.

该模型在对你的问题进行下一个标记预测时,并没有原生的能力查询当前运行的模型版本。要回答这个问题,你可以随时进入Azure OpenAI Studio > 管理 > 部署 > 查看“模型名称”列,以确认当前与给定部署名称关联的模型。

Here is the document that could help.




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