What‘s new in C# 7,8,9,10
What's new in C# 7
C# 7 in Visual Studio 2017
Out Variables
Pattern Matching
Tuples (System.ValueTuple)
Local Functions
Ref Returns and Locals
Expression Bodied Members
Throw Expressions
Generated Async Return Types
Literal Improvements
C# 7.1 in Visual Studio 2017.3
Compilation Issues (how to switch to C#7.1)
Async Main
Default Expressions
Ref Assemblies
Infer Tuple Names
Pattern-Matching with Generics
C# 7.2 in Visual Studio 2017 15.5
Leading Digit Separators
'Private Protected' Access Modifier
Non-Trailing Named Arguments
Reference Semantics on Value Types值类型的引用语义
C# 7.3 in Visual Studio 2017 15.5
Performance Improvement
Features Enhancements
Extensioned expression variables in initializers
New Compiler Features
What's new in C# 8
What's new in C# 9
What's new in C# 10
What's new in C# 7
C# 7 in Visual Studio 2017
Out Variables
using System;
using static System.Console;
namespace CSharp7Demos
class OutVariables
static void MainOV(string[] args)
DateTime dt; // struct
if (DateTime.TryParse("01/01/2017", out dt))
WriteLine($"Old-fashioned parse: {dt}");
// variable declaration is an expression, not a statement
if (DateTime.TryParse("02/02/2016", out /*DateTime*/ var dt2))
WriteLine($"New parse: {dt2}");
// the scope of dt2 extends outside the if block
WriteLine($"I can use dt2 here: {dt2}");
// what if the parse fails?
int.TryParse("abc", out var i);
WriteLine($"i = {i}"); // default value
Pattern Matching
using static System.Console;
namespace CSharp7Demos
public class Shape
public class Rectangle : Shape
public int Width, Height;
public class Circle : Shape
public int Diameter;
public class PatternMatching
public void DisplayShape(Shape shape)
if (shape is Rectangle)
var rc = (Rectangle) shape;
} else if (shape is Circle)
// ...
var rect = shape as Rectangle;
if (rect != null) // nonnull
if (shape is Rectangle r)
// use r
// can also do the invserse
if (!(shape is Circle cc))
// not a circle!
switch (shape)
case Circle c:
// use c
case Rectangle sq when (sq.Width == sq.Height):
// square!
case Rectangle rr:
// use rr
var z = (23, 32);
//switch (z)
// case (0, 0):
// WriteLine("origin");
static void Main(string[] args)
Tuples (System.ValueTuple)
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using static System.Console;
namespace CSharp7Demos
public class Point
public int X, Y;
public void Deconstruct(out string s)
s = $"{X}-{Y}";
public void Deconstruct(out int x, out int y)
x = X;
y = Y;
public class Tuples
static Tuple<double, double> SumAndProduct(double a, double b)
return Tuple.Create(a + b, a * b);
// requires ValueTuple nuget package
// originally with no names
static (double sum, double product) NewSumAndProduct(double a, double b)
return (a+b,a*b);
static void MainT(string[] args)
// New
var sp = SumAndProduct(2, 5);
// sp.Item1 ugly
WriteLine($"sum = {sp.Item1}, product = {sp.Item2}");
var sp2 = NewSumAndProduct(2, 5);
WriteLine($"new sum = {sp2.sum}, product = {sp2.product}");
WriteLine($"Item1 = {sp2.Item1}");
// converting to valuetuple loses all info
var vt = sp2;
// back to Item1, Item2, etc...
var item1 = vt.Item1; // :(
// can use var below
//(double sum, var product) = NewSumAndProduct(3, 5);
var (sum, product) = NewSumAndProduct(3, 5);
// note! var works but double doesn't
// double (s, p) = NewSumAndProduct(3, 4);
(double s, double p) = NewSumAndProduct(3, 4);//This can work
WriteLine($"sum = {sum}, product = {product}");
// also assignment
double s, p;
(s, p) = NewSumAndProduct(1, 10);
// tuple declarations with names
//var me = new {name = "Evan", age = 37}; // AnonymousType
var me = (name: "Evan", age: 37);
WriteLine(me.GetType());//Print is System.ValueTuple
// names are not part of the type:
WriteLine("Fields: " + string.Join(",", me.GetType().GetFields().Select(pr => pr.Name)));
WriteLine("Properties: " + string.Join(",", me.GetType().GetProperties().Select(pr => pr.Name)));
WriteLine($"My name is {me.name} and I am {me.age} years old");
// proceed to show return: TupleElementNames in dotPeek (internally, Item1 etc. are used everywhere)
// unfortunately, tuple names only propagate out of a function if they're in the signature
var snp = new Func<double, double, (double sum, double product)>((a, b) => (sum: a + b, product: a * b));
var result = snp(1, 2);
// there's no result.sum unless you add it to signature
WriteLine($"sum = {result.sum}");
// deconstruction
Point pt = new Point {X = 2, Y = 3};
var (x,y) = pt; // interesting error here
Console.WriteLine($"Got a point x = {x}, y = {y}");
// can also discard values
(int z, _) = pt;
Local Functions
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string MiddleName { get; set; }
//normal ctor
//public Employee(string firstName, string lastName, string middleName)
// FirstName = firstName;
// LastName = lastName;
// MiddleName = middleName;
//lambda ctor
public Employee(string firstName, string lastName, string middleName) => (FirstName, LastName, MiddleName) = (firstName, lastName, middleName);
using System;
namespace CSharpDemos
public class EquationSolver
//private Func<double, double, double, double> CalculateDiscriminant = (aa, bb, cc) => bb * bb - 4 * aa * cc;
//Quadratic 二次方程
public static Tuple<double, double> SolveQuadratic(double a, double b, double c)
//var CalculateDiscriminant = new Func<double, double, double, double>((aa, bb, cc) => bb * bb - 4 * aa * cc);
//double CalculateDiscriminant(double aa, double bb, double cc)
// return bb * bb - 4 * aa * cc;
//double CalculateDiscriminant(double aa, double bb, double cc) => bb * bb - 4 * aa * cc;
//double CalculateDiscriminant() => b * b - 4 * a * c;
//var disc = CalculateDiscriminant(a, b, c);
var disc = CalculateDiscriminant();
var rootDisc = Math.Sqrt(disc);
return Tuple.Create(
(-b + rootDisc) / (2 * a),
(-b - rootDisc) / (2 * a)
// can place here
double CalculateDiscriminant() => b * b - 4 * a * c;
//private static double CalculateDiscriminant(double a, double b, double c)
// return b * b - 4 * a * c;
public class LocalFunctions
static void MainT(string[] args)
var result = EquationSolver.SolveQuadratic(1, 10, 16);
Ref Returns and Locals
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Console;
namespace CSharpDemos
public class RefReturnsAndLocals
static ref int Find(int[] numbers, int value)
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
if (numbers[i] == value)
return ref numbers[i];
// cannot do by value return
//return -1;
// cannot return a local
//int fail = -1;
//return ref fail;
throw new ArgumentException("meh");
static ref int Min(ref int x, ref int y)
//return x < y ? (ref x) : (ref) y;
//return ref (x < y ? x : y);
if (x < y) return ref x;
return ref y;
static void MainRRL(string[] args)
// reference to a local element
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3 };
ref int refToSecond = ref numbers[1];
var valueOfSecond = refToSecond;
// cannot rebind
// refToSecond = ref numbers[0];
refToSecond = 123;
WriteLine(string.Join(",", numbers)); // 1, 123, 3
// reference persists even after the array is resized
Array.Resize(ref numbers, 1);
WriteLine($"second = {refToSecond}, array size is {numbers.Length}");
refToSecond = 321;
WriteLine($"second = {refToSecond}, array size is {numbers.Length}");
//numbers.SetValue(321, 1); // will throw
// won't work with lists
var numberList = new List<int> {1, 2, 3};
//ref int second = ref numberList[1]; // property or indexer cannot be out
int[] moreNumbers = {10, 20, 30};
//ref int refToThirty = ref Find(moreNumbers, 30);
//refToThirty = 1000;
// disgusting use of language
Find(moreNumbers, 30) = 1000;
// too many references:
int a = 1, b = 2;
ref var minRef = ref Min(ref a, ref b);
// non-ref call just gets the value
int minValue = Min(ref a, ref b);
WriteLine($"min is {minValue}");
Expression Bodied Members
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace CSharpDemos
// community contributed feature
public class Person
private int id;
private static readonly Dictionary<int, string> names = new Dictionary<int, string>();
public Person(int id, string name) => names.Add(id, name);
~Person() => names.Remove(id);
public string Name
get => names[id];
set => names[id] = value;
Throw Expressions
using System;
using static System.Console;
namespace CSharpDemos
public class ThrowExpressions
public string Name { get; set; }
public ThrowExpressions(string name)
Name = name ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName: nameof(name));
int GetValue(int n)
return n > 0 ? n + 1 : throw new Exception();
static void MainTE(string[] args)
int v = -1;
var te = new ThrowExpressions("");
v = te.GetValue(-1); // does not get defaulted!
catch (Exception e)
Generated Async Return Types
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CSharpDemos
public class GeneralizedAsyncReturnTypes
public static async Task<long> GetDirSize(string dir)
if (!Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(dir).Any())
return 0;
// Task<long> is return type so it still needs to be instantiated
return await Task.Run(() => Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
.Sum(f => new FileInfo(f).Length));
// C# 7 lets us define custom return types on async methods
// main requirement is to implement GetAwaiter() method
// ValueTask is a good example
// need nuget package
public static async ValueTask<long> NewGetDirSize(string dir)
if (!Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(dir).Any())
return 0;
// Task<long> is return type so it still needs to be instantiated
return await Task.Run(() => Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
.Sum(f => new FileInfo(f).Length));
static void MainGART(string[] args)
// async methods used to require void, Task or Task<T>
// C# 7 allows other types such as ValueType<T> - prevent
// allocation of a task when the result is already available
// at the time of awaiting
Literal Improvements
namespace CSharpDemos
public class LiteralImprovements
static void MainLI(string[] args)
int a = 123_321;
int b = 123_321______123;
// cannot do trailing
//int c = 1_2_3___; // R# remove
// also works for hex
long h = 0xAB_BC_D123EF;
// also binay
var bin = 0b1110_0010_0011;
C# 7.1 in Visual Studio 2017.3
Compilation Issues (how to switch to C#7.1)
以下内码在vs2017.3中会报编译错误,你可以从Solution Explore右击Project-->Properties-->Build --> Advance去更改C#版本到7.1去解决编译错误。
static async Task Main(string[] args)
Async Main
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CSharpDemos
internal class Program
// used to be the case that your demo
// would have to reside in a separate
// body
private static string url = "http://google.com/robots.txt";
//private static async Task MainAsync(string s)
// // blah
// Console.WriteLine(await new HttpClient().GetStringAsync(s));
//public static void Main(string[] args)
// // fine
// MainAsync(url).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
// there is no async void, it's
// Task Main
// Task<int> Main if you need to return
static async Task Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(await new HttpClient().GetStringAsync(url));
Default Expressions
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Console;
namespace CSharpDemos
public class DefaultLiteral
// allowed in argument names
// only upside: switching from ref to value type
// VS Action 'Simplify Default Expression'
public DateTime GetTimestamps(List<int> items = default(List<int>))
// ...
return default;
/// <summary>
/// Default literal, one of the slightly meaningless features.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
// Simplify default expression here
int a = default(int);
int av = default;//same as above, 0 is int default value
int b = default;
// constants are ok if the inferred type is suitable
const int c = default;
// will not work here
// const int? d = default; // oops
// cannot leave defaults on their own
var e = new[] {default, 33, default};
WriteLine(string.Join(",", e));
// rather silly way of doing things; null is shorter
string s = default;
WriteLine(s == null);
// comparison with default is OK if type can be inferred
if (s == default)
WriteLine("Yes, s is default/null");
// ternary operations
var x = a > 0 ? default : 1.5;
Ref Assemblies
Infer Tuple Names
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace CSharpDemos
using static System.Console;
public class InferTupleNames
// Tuple projection initializers
public static void Main(string[] args)
// reminder: tuples
var me = (name: "Evan", age: 37);
var alsoMe = (me.age, me.name);
WriteLine(alsoMe.Item1); // typical
WriteLine(alsoMe.name); // new
var result = new[] {"March", "April", "May"} // explicit name not required
.Select(m => (
/*Length:*/ m/*?*/.Length, // optionally nullable
FirstChar: m[0])) // some names (e.g., ToString) disallowed
.Where(t => t.Length == 5); // note how .Length is available here
WriteLine(string.Join(",", result));
// tuples produced by deconstruction
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
var u = (now.Hour, now.Minute);
var v = ((u.Hour, u.Minute) = (11, 12));
Pattern-Matching with Generics
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CSharpDemos
using static System.Console;
public class Animal
public class Pig : Animal
public class PatternMatchingWithGenerics
public static void Cook<T>(T animal)
where T : Animal
// note the red squiggly!
// cast is redundant here
if ((object)animal is Pig pig)
// cook and eat it
Write("We cooked and ate the pig...");
switch (/*(object)*/animal)
case Pig pork:
WriteLine(" and it tastes delicious!");
/// <summary>
/// Need to fall back to C# 7 for this.
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
var pig = new Pig();
C# 7.2 in Visual Studio 2017 15.5
Leading Digit Separators
class LeadingUnderscoresNumericSeparators
static void Main(string[] args)
// binary
var x = 0b_1111_0000;
// hex
var y = 0x_baad_f00d;
'Private Protected' Access Modifier
public class Base
private int a;
protected internal int b; // derived classes or classes in same assembly
private protected int c; // containing class or derived classes in same assembly only
class Derived : Base
public Derived()
c = 333; // fine
b = 3; // no
class Foo
static void Main(string[] args)
Base pp = new Base();
var d = new Derived();
d.b = 3;
// d.c is a no-go
Non-Trailing Named Arguments
static void doSomething(int foo, int bar)
static void Main(string[] args)
doSomething(foo: 33, 44);
// still illegal
//doSomething(33, foo:44)
Reference Semantics on Value Types值类型的引用语义
'In' Parameters
'Ref Readonly' Variables
'Ref Struct' and Span
struct Point
public double X, Y;
public Point(double x, double y)
X = x;
Y = y;
public void Reset()
X = Y = 0;
// we don't want to recreate origin as new Point(), so...
private static Point origin = new Point();
public static ref readonly Point Origin => ref origin;
public override string ToString()
return $"({X},{Y})";
public class RefSemanticsValueTypes
void changeMe(ref Point p)
// structs are passed by reference (i.e. address, so 32 or 64 bits)
// 'in' is effectively by-ref and read-only
double MeasureDistance(in Point p1, in Point p2)
// cannot assign to in parameter
// p1 = new Point();
// cannot pass as ref or out method
// obvious
// changeMe(ref p2);
p2.Reset(); // instance operations happen on a copy!
var dx = p1.X - p2.X;
var dy = p1.Y - p2.Y;
return Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
// cannot create overloads that differ only in presence?
// yeah you can, but
//double MeasureDistance(Point p1, Point p2)
// return 0.0;
public RefSemanticsValueTypes()
var p1 = new Point(1, 1);
var p2 = new Point(4, 5);
var distance = MeasureDistance(p1, p2);
// ^^^^ call ambiguous
Console.WriteLine($"Distance between {p1} and {p2} is {distance}");
// can also pass in temporaries
var distFromOrigin = MeasureDistance(p1, new Point());
var alsoDistanceFromOrigin = MeasureDistance(p2, Point.Origin);
// make an ordinary by-value copy
Point copyOfOrigin = Point.Origin;
// it's readonly, you cannot do a ref!
//ref var messWithOrigin = ref Point.Origin;
ref readonly var originRef = ref Point.Origin;
// won't work
//originRef.X = 123;
// a value type that MUST be stack-allocated
// can never be created on the heap
// created specifically for Span<T>
class CannotDoThis
Span<byte> stuff;
static void Main(string[] args)
new RefSemanticsValueTypes();
// managed
byte* ptr = stackalloc byte[100];
Span<byte> memory = new Span<byte>(ptr, 100);
// unmanaged
IntPtr unmanagedPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(123);
Span<byte> unmanagedMemory = new Span<byte>(unmanagedPtr.ToPointer(), 123);
// implicit cast
char[] stuff = "hello".ToCharArray();
Span<char> arrayMemory = stuff;
// string is immutable so we can make a readonly span
ReadOnlySpan<char> more = "hi there!".AsSpan();
Console.WriteLine($"Our span has {more.Length} elements");
C# 7.3 in Visual Studio 2017 15.5
Performance Improvement
- Fixed-sized buffers
- Ref local variables maybe reassigned
- stackalloc arrays support initializers
int* pArr1=stackalloc int[3]{1,2,3} int* pArr2=stackalloc int[]{1,2,3}
Features Enhancements
- Attributes on backing fields of auto-props (auto-props的后置字段上的属性)
public float SomeProperty{get;set;}
Extensioned expression variables in initializers
public class B
public B(int i,out int j)
public class D:B
public D(int i):B(i,out var j)
Console.WriteLine($"j = {j}}");
- Tutple support == and !=
- Imrpove overload resolution rules for method groups
New Compiler Features
- --deterministic
- --publicsign
What's new in C# 8
Nullable Reference Types
Method 1: 通过引用ReSharper.Annotations
[CanBeNull] Foo foo 会被解析为 Foo? foo
[CanBeNull] string middleName会被解析为string? middleName
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
[CanBeNull] public string MiddleName { get; set; }//CanBeNull is coming from ReSharper.Annotations on NuGet
public Employee(string firstName, string lastName, [CanBeNull] string middleName) => (FirstName, LastName, MiddleName) = (firstName, lastName, middleName);
public string FullName => $"{FirstName} {MiddleName} {LastName}";
Method 2: 通过使用string?
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string? MiddleName { get; set; }
//[CanBeNull] public string MiddleName { get; set; }//CanBeNull is coming from ReSharper.Annotations on NuGet
//public Employee(string firstName, string lastName, [CanBeNull] string middleName) => (FirstName, LastName, MiddleName) = (firstName, lastName, middleName);
public Employee(string firstName, string lastName, string? middleName) => (FirstName, LastName, MiddleName) = (firstName, lastName, middleName);
public string FullName => $"{FirstName} {MiddleName} {LastName}";
以下代码会提示一个Warning:MiddleName maybe null here. CS8602:Dereference of a possible null reference.
public string FullName => $"{FirstName} {MiddleName[0]} {LastName}";
If nullability is enabled
string? ≠ Nullable<string>
string? is still a string, but we need null checks.
public string FullName => $"{FirstName} {MiddleName?[0]} {LastName}";
void Test()
string? str = GetString();
//Will get warning below
char c = str[0];
//no warning
if (str != null)
char c2 = str[0];
Override Null Checks
2 ways to stop null checks
- 1. Keep the variable non-nullable
public string MiddleName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- 2. Write expression with a bang(!)
public string MiddleName { get; set; } = null!;
(null as Employee).FullName
//No Warning
(null as Employee)!.FullName
//No Warning. !可以随便输入多少个,都是合法的
(null as Employee)!!!!!!!!!.FullName
Diable nullable check
Edit **csproj file
Enable nullable check
Edit **csproj file,it is default setting.
Code in below are no warning.
//No warning
Type t = Type.GetType(nameof(Employee));
string name = t.Name;
//No warning
Type? t2 = Type.GetType(nameof(Employee));
string name = t2.Name;
Index and Range
Points into an array
- Value
- IsFromEnd
Index ids = 2;//implict conversion
Index idx2 = new Index(0, false);
var idx3 = ^0;//Index (0, true)
// -1 is not last
var items = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
items[^2] = 33;//^2 去倒数第二个数值
Console.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", items)}");//1,2,33,4
//Range from a[X...Y] means from a[X] to a[Y].
//If X > Y will through ArgumentOutOfRangeException
items = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
var items2 = items[0..2];//从第一个开始取值,总共取两个值
Console.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", items2)}");//1,2
//Index + Range
var items3 = items[0..^0];//从第一个开始取值,取到最后一个值
Console.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", items3)}");//1,2,3,4
//Array slices yield copies
var test = items[..2];//Create a copy
Console.WriteLine($"{string.Join(",", test)}");//1,2
var test2 = items.AsSpan<int>();//{1,2,3,4}
foreach (var item in test2)
Default Interface Members
Extension to create Default function in Interface
public interface IHuman
string Name { get; set; }
public static class HumanExtension
public static void SayHello(this IHuman human)
Console.WriteLine($"Hello, I am {human.Name}");
Default function in iterface
It is same behavior with above code.
public interface IHuman
string Name { get; set; }
public void SayHello()
Console.WriteLine($"Hello, I am {Name}");
Call demo:
//Human human2 = new Human("Alex");
//human2.SayHello();//Compiler error
IHuman human = new Human("Alex");
human.SayHello();//Hello, I am Alex
((IHuman)new Human("Alex")).SayHello();//Hello, I am Alex
Interface override
public class IFrieldlyHuman : IHuman//IHuman is same with code in above
public string Name { get; set; }
public void SayHello()
Console.WriteLine($"Greeting, I am {Name}");
public class Human2 : IFrieldlyHuman
public Human2(string name)
Name = name;
//call demo
((IFrieldlyHuman)new Human2("Alex")).SayHello();//Greeting, I am Alex
Pattern Matching
struct PhoneNumer
public int Code, Number;
private void TestPhone()
var phoneNumer = new PhoneNumer();
string? origin;
origin = phoneNumer switch
{ Number: 110 } => "Police",
{ Code: 86 } => "China",
{ } => null
switch (phoneNumer)
case { Number: 110 }:
origin = "Police";
case { Code: 86 }:
origin = "China";
origin = null;
What's new in C# 9 (. NET 5)
Record Types
var p = new Person() { Name = "Evan", Age = 37 };
var p2 = new Person() { Name = "Evan", Age = 37 };
Console.WriteLine(p);//Print: Person { Name = Evan, Age = 37, Address = }
Console.WriteLine(p2);//Print: Person { Name = Evan, Age = 37, Address = }
Console.WriteLine($"p==p2? {p == p2}");//Print: p==p2? true
var address = new Address() { AreaCode = 123456, Stress = "星火北路8号" };
var address2 = new Address() { AreaCode = 123456, Stress = "药谷大道8号" };
Console.WriteLine($"address==address2? {address == address2}");//Print: address==address2? false
p.Address = address;
p2.Address = address;
Console.WriteLine($"p==p2? {p == p2}");//Print: p==p2? true
p2.Address = address2;
Console.WriteLine($"p==p2? {p == p2}");//Print: p==p2? false
public record Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public Address Address { get; set; }
public class Address
public int AreaCode { get; set; }
public string Stress { get; set; }
Car car = new() { Engine = "V6", Color = new CarColor() { Name = "Black", Metallic = false } };
Car upgradeCar = car with { Engine = "V8" };//Clone()=shallow copy. 浅拷贝
upgradeCar.Color.Metallic = true;
Console.WriteLine(car);//Print: Car { Engine = V6, Color = CarColor { Name = Black, Metallic = True } }
Console.WriteLine(upgradeCar);//Print: Car { Engine = V8, Color = CarColor { Name = Black, Metallic = True } }
public record Car
public string Engine { get; set; }
public CarColor Color { get; set; }
public record CarColor
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool Metallic { get; set; }
Top-level Calls
Program.cs 没有namespace了。
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
void Foo()
Console.WriteLine("Hello, Foo!");
Initial Setters
public class Demo
//readonly filed only can set value in initial or in ctor
public readonly string Filed = "ABC";
public Demo(string filed)
Filed = filed;
public class Demo
//Inital only can set value in the class it ctor, not by call or function
public int Age { get; init; }
public Demo(int filed)
Age = filed;
//Below code will get error
public void ChangeValue(int newValue)
Age = newValue;
public class CallDemo
void Main()
//Below code will get error
var p = new Demo() { Age = 37 };
Pttern Matching Improvement
object obj;
if (obj is not null)
if (obj is not string)//same as !(obj is string)
int temperature = 40;
var feel = temperature switch
< 0 => "冷",
>= 0 and < 20 => "温暖",
>= 20 and not 40 => "热",
40 or 666 => "热死了"
public static bool IsLetter(this char c) =>
c is >= 'a' and <= 'z' or >= 'A' and <= 'Z';
public static bool IsLetterOrSeparator(this char c) =>
c is (>= 'a' and <= 'z') or (>= 'A' and <= 'Z') or ';' or ',';
Target-Typed New
Person p=new Person();
var p2=new Person();
Person p=new();
Source Generators
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers, NugGet, ISourceGenerator
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
namespace Gen
public class Generator : ISourceGenerator
public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
var source=@"class Foo{public string Bar=""bar"";}";
public void Execute(GeneratorInitializationContext context)
//Build 完成后,在c:\temp\Gen\GenGenerator 会生成一个Gen.cs文件
Partial Method Syntax and Modules Initializers(部分方法语法和模块初始化器)
Startup.cs in API
What's new in C# 10 (. NET 6)
Visual Studio go to x64.
Record Structs
Same as Record class, but value types
Synthesuized members合成的成员
- Constructure,Deconstructure,Equals/==/!=, GetHashCode, PrintMembers, ToString
Predictable differences to record classes
- Eg: Equals() does not do null check
Performance can be significantly better than ordinary structs
- Also better than value Tuple
- Default Equals()/GetHaskCode() implementations are bad (boxing etc.)
- Record struct can be 20x faster with 100% less allocations
- Cannot have a clone member
- Instance field cannot be unsafe
- annot declare a destructor
//small, composite value types
record struct Point<T>(T x, T y){...}
Point<int> p=new (100,200);
//Record structs are mutable(可变的)
//Mutable structs are dangerous
player.Position.X++;// does nothing. means don't change anything
record struct Point2<T>(T x, T y){...}
p.X++;//will not compile
Global Using Directives
using System has been replaced because we have global using System.
.NET6 project included several global usings that are implicit(隐式的):
File-Scoped Namespace Declarations
vs有工具去选择“”Tofile-scoped namespace“”