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### 英语笔记模板

#### 1. 课程/学习单元标题

- **日期**:


- **课程/单元名称**:

专升本英语 - 阅读理解


#### 2. 词汇学习

- **新词汇**:









1. **Result**:

   - 作为名词,意为“结果”、“成果”。例如:“The result of the experiment was surprising.”(实验的结果是令人惊讶的。)
   - 作为动词,意为“导致”、“产生”。例如:“The changes resulted in significant improvements.”(这些变化导致了显著的改进。)

2. **Rejection**:

   - 意为“拒绝”、“否决”。例如:“She faced rejection from several publishers before her book was finally accepted.”(在她的书写被接受之前,她遭到了几家出版商的拒绝。)

3. **Reduction**:

   - 意为“减少”、“降低”。例如:“The company is facing a reduction in workforce due to budget cuts.”(由于预算削减,公司面临裁员。)

4. **Recognition**:

   - 意为“认出”、“识别”。例如:“She received widespread recognition for her work.”(她因工作得到了广泛的认可。)

5. **Announce**:

   - 意为“宣布”、“宣告”。例如:“The president will announce a new policy next week.”(总统将在下周宣布一项新政策。)

6. **Vote**:

   - 作为名词,意为“投票”、“表决”。例如:“The vote will take place tomorrow.”(投票将在明天进行。)
   - 作为动词,意为“投票”、“表决”。例如:“We will vote on the proposal at the meeting.”(我们将在会议上对提案进行投票。)


  - Word 1: Definition, Example Sentence
  - Word 2: Definition, Example Sentence
  - ...

- **短语搭配**:

“announce the result of the vote”是一个常见的短语,意思是“宣布投票的结果”

  - Phrase 1: Meaning, Usage
  - Phrase 2: Meaning, Usage
  - ...

#### 3. 语法点

这句话 "As far as I know, they will announce the result of the vote tonight." 使用了几种不同的时态,我们可以逐一分析:

1. **Present Tense**:

   - "know" 在这里使用了现在时态("I know"),表示说话者目前的认知状态。

2. **Future Tense**:

   - "will announce" 是未来时态,表示将来某个时间点会发生的动作。这里指的是在今晚,他们将会宣布投票的结果。

3. **Perfect Aspect**:

   - 虽然这句话没有直接使用完成时态,但是 "as far as I know" 这个短语隐含了一种完成时态的意味,即说话者基于他们目前所知道的信息来做出判断。

4. **Result of the Vote**:

   - 这个短语 "the result of the vote" 并没有特定的时态,它是一个名词短语,用来指代投票的结果。


- **语法点名称**:现在完成时
- **定义**:用来表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。
- **结构**:have/has + past participle
- **例句**:
  - I have finished my homework.
  - She has been to Paris three times.

#### 4. 阅读理解

- **文章标题**:The Impact of Technology on Education
- **主旨大意**:讨论科技对教育的影响。
- **关键信息**:
  - Point 1: Technology enhances learning accessibility.
  - Point 2: It also brings distractions in classrooms.
- **生词与短语**:
  - Accessibility: the quality of being able to be reached or entered.
  - Distraction: something that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.

#### 5. 听力练习

- **材料标题**:BBC News - Technology Update
- **关键信息摘要**:
  - New technology in education sector.
  - Challenges faced by teachers.
- **听不懂的表达**:
  - Expression 1: Meaning, Possible translation
  - Expression 2: Meaning, Possible translation

#### 6. 口语练习
- **话题**:Describe a technological device that has changed your life.
- **准备要点**:
  - Device name and function.
  - How it has impacted your daily life.
- **实用表达**:
  - It has revolutionized the way I...
  - I can't imagine life without...

#### 7. 写作练习
- **题目**:The role of technology in modern education.
- **写作要点**:
  - Introduction: Importance of technology in education.
  - Body: Benefits and drawbacks.
  - Conclusion: Personal opinion on technology's role.
- **常用句型**:
  - With the advent of...
  - One of the most significant impacts of...

#### 8. 学习反思
- **今日收获**:
  - Learned new vocabulary related to technology.
  - Improved understanding of the present perfect tense.

   (01)  用百词斩背单词是有限的



- **遇到的困难**:

  - Struggled with listening to fast-paced news broadcasts.

- **明日计划**:

  - Review today's vocabulary.
  - Practice listening to different accents.


#### 9. 附加备注
- **资源链接**:[BBC Learning English](http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish)
- **其他备注**:Need to work on pronunciation of new words.




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