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websim.ai 体验过程+感受

体验 websim.ai 后感觉网站更倾向于客户提需求或者满足客户需求的可视化页面阶段,比较像设计界面。就是一直命令AI添加功能,然后它绘图。导出的代码是单个HTML文件,用前端三件套写的。

  • 体验过程

① Create a relationship diagram between people in a community,Add a status bar on the left side, and when the mouse hovers, the detailed information of the node will be displayed in the status bar

② Add more people’s information

③ After clicking on the selected node with the mouse, bold the connections between the characters associated with it

④ Add some roles to everyone, such as Neighbors,Local Business,Community Leader,Educator





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