gogps 利用广播星历解算卫星位置matlab函数satellite_orbits详细注解版
主要注释了广播星历计算GPS BDS卫星位置的。
function [satp, satv] = satellite_orbits(t, Eph, sat, sbas)
% [satp, satv] = satellite_orbits(t, Eph, sat, sbas);
% t = clock-corrected GPS time
% Eph = ephemeris matrix
% sat = satellite index
% sbas = SBAS corrections
% satp = satellite position (X,Y,Z)
% satv = satellite velocity
% Computation of the satellite position (X,Y,Z) and velocity by means
% of its ephemerides.
% goGPS v0.4.3
% Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Mirko Reguzzoni, Eugenio Realini
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
switch char(Eph(31))
case 'G'
Omegae_dot = goGNSS.OMEGAE_DOT_GPS; % OMEGAE_DOT_GPS = 7.2921151467e-5; GPS Angular velocity of the Earth rotation [rad/s]GPS卫星地球轨道的角速度
case 'R'
Omegae_dot = goGNSS.OMEGAE_DOT_GLO;%OMEGAE_DOT_GLO = 7.292115e-5;GLONASS Angular velocity of the Earth rotation [rad/s]
case 'E'
Omegae_dot = goGNSS.OMEGAE_DOT_GAL;%OMEGAE_DOT_GAL = 7.2921151467e-5; Galileo Angular velocity of the Earth rotation [rad/s]
case 'C'
Omegae_dot = goGNSS.OMEGAE_DOT_BDS;%OMEGAE_DOT_BDS = 7.292115e-5; BeiDou Angular velocity of the Earth rotation [rad/s]
case 'J'
Omegae_dot = goGNSS.OMEGAE_DOT_QZS;%OMEGAE_DOT_QZS = 7.2921151467e-5; QZSS Angular velocity of the Earth rotation [rad/s]
fprintf('Something went wrong in satellite_orbits.m\nUnrecongized Satellite system!\n');
Omegae_dot = goGNSS.OMEGAE_DOT_GPS;
%consider BeiDou time (BDT) for BeiDou satellites北斗时和GPS时对其相差14秒,减去
if (strcmp(char(Eph(31)),'C'))
t = t - 14;
%GPS/Galileo/BeiDou/QZSS satellite coordinates computation
if (~strcmp(char(Eph(31)),'R'))
%get ephemerides
roota = Eph(4); %轨道长半径的平方根
ecc = Eph(6); %卫星轨道偏心率
omega = Eph(7); %近地点角距
cuc = Eph(8); %升交距角u的余弦调和改正项的振幅 c是改正数 u是升交距角 c是余弦
cus = Eph(9); %升交距角u的正弦调和改正项的振幅 c是改正数 u是升交距角 s是正弦
crc = Eph(10); %卫星至地心的距离r的余弦调和改正项的振幅 r是卫星到地心的距离
crs = Eph(11); %卫星至地心的距离r的余弦调和改正项的振幅 r是卫星到地心的距离
i0 = Eph(12); %轨道倾角
IDOT = Eph(13); %轨道倾角i的变化率
cic = Eph(14);%轨道倾角的余弦调和改正项的振幅 i是轨道倾角 c是余弦
cis = Eph(15);%轨道倾角的正弦调和改正项的振幅 i是轨道倾角 s是余弦
Omega0 = Eph(16);%参考时刻升交点的赤经
Omega_dot = Eph(17);%升交点赤经的变化率
toe = Eph(18);%参考时刻
time_eph = Eph(32);%当前观测时刻
%SBAS satellite coordinate corrections
if (~isempty(sbas))%如果有SBAS星基增强
dx_sbas = sbas.dx(sat);
dy_sbas = sbas.dy(sat);
dz_sbas = sbas.dz(sat);
dx_sbas = 0;
dy_sbas = 0;
dz_sbas = 0;
% (IS-GPS-200E)卫星坐标计算算法
%eccentric anomaly 偏近点角 (专业术语)
[Ek, n] = ecc_anomaly(t, Eph);
cr = 6.283185307179600;%2π
A = roota*roota; %semi-major axis 半长轴 (星历给出的是半长轴开根号)
tk = check_t(t - time_eph); %time from the ephemeris reference epoch 距离历书参考时刻的δt
fk = atan2(sqrt(1-ecc^2)*sin(Ek), cos(Ek) - ecc); %true anomaly 真近点角 (专业术语) 用偏近点角算真近点角
phik = fk + omega; %argument of latitude 升交角距
phik = rem(phik,cr); %对2π取余
uk = phik + cuc*cos(2*phik) + cus*sin(2*phik); %corrected argument of latitude 用广播星历里的摄动参数进行摄动改正
rk = A*(1 - ecc*cos(Ek)) + crc*cos(2*phik) + crs*sin(2*phik); %corrected radial distance 卫星矢径的改正
ik = i0 + IDOT*tk + cic*cos(2*phik) + cis*sin(2*phik); %corrected inclination of the orbital plane 卫星轨道倾角的摄动改正
%satellite positions in the orbital plane 计算卫星在轨道面坐标系中的位置
%卫星位置从此刻开始出现。。前面的程序在算计算轨道面坐标系中卫星位置所需的角度 和 半径
x1k = cos(uk)*rk; %。。不懂这个符号定义的,为啥要加个k。。大概懂了。。表示当前时刻
y1k = sin(uk)*rk;
%if GPS/Galileo/QZSS or MEO/IGSO BeiDou satellite 北斗的地球静止轨道卫星也要分开算
if (~strcmp(char(Eph(31)),'C') || (strcmp(char(Eph(31)),'C') && Eph(1) > 5))
%corrected longitude of the ascending node 观测瞬间升交点的经度L
Omegak = Omega0 + (Omega_dot - Omegae_dot)*tk - Omegae_dot*toe;
Omegak = rem(Omegak + cr, cr);
%satellite Earth-fixed coordinates (X,Y,Z) 卫星在瞬时地球坐标系中的位置
xk = x1k*cos(Omegak) - y1k*cos(ik)*sin(Omegak);
yk = x1k*sin(Omegak) + y1k*cos(ik)*cos(Omegak);
zk = y1k*sin(ik);
%apply SBAS corrections (if available)
satp(1,1) = xk + dx_sbas;
satp(2,1) = yk + dy_sbas;
satp(3,1) = zk + dz_sbas;
else %if GEO BeiDou satellite (ranging code number <= 5)
%corrected longitude of the ascending node 观测瞬间升交点的经度L
Omegak = Omega0 + Omega_dot*tk - Omegae_dot*toe;
Omegak = rem(Omegak + cr, cr);
%satellite coordinates (X,Y,Z) in inertial system
xgk = x1k*cos(Omegak) - y1k*cos(ik)*sin(Omegak);
ygk = x1k*sin(Omegak) + y1k*cos(ik)*cos(Omegak);
zgk = y1k*sin(ik);
%store inertial coordinates in a vector
Xgk = [xgk; ygk; zgk];
%rotation matrices from inertial system to
Rx = [1 0 0;
0 +cosd(-5) +sind(-5);
0 -sind(-5) +cosd(-5)];
oedt = Omegae_dot*tk;
Rz = [+cos(oedt) +sin(oedt) 0;
-sin(oedt) +cos(oedt) 0;
0 0 1];
%apply the rotations
Xk = Rz*Rx*Xgk;
xk = Xk(1);
yk = Xk(2);
zk = Xk(3);
%store CGCS2000 coordinates
satp(1,1) = xk;
satp(2,1) = yk;
satp(3,1) = zk;
% GPS Solutions (2004) 8:181-183 )
if (nargout > 1)
Mk_dot = n;
Ek_dot = Mk_dot/(1-ecc*cos(Ek));
fk_dot = sin(Ek)*Ek_dot*(1+ecc*cos(fk)) / ((1-cos(Ek)*ecc)*sin(fk));
phik_dot = fk_dot;
uk_dot = phik_dot + 2*(cus*cos(2*phik)-cuc*sin(2*phik))*phik_dot;
rk_dot = A*ecc*sin(Ek)*Ek_dot + 2*(crs*cos(2*phik)-crc*sin(2*phik))*phik_dot;
ik_dot = IDOT + 2*(cis*cos(2*phik)-cic*sin(2*phik))*phik_dot;
Omegak_dot = Omega_dot - Omegae_dot;
x1k_dot = rk_dot*cos(uk) - y1k*uk_dot;
y1k_dot = rk_dot*sin(uk) + x1k*uk_dot;
xk_dot = x1k_dot*cos(Omegak) - y1k_dot*cos(ik)*sin(Omegak) + y1k*sin(ik)*sin(Omegak)*ik_dot - yk*Omegak_dot;
yk_dot = x1k_dot*sin(Omegak) + y1k_dot*cos(ik)*cos(Omegak) - y1k*sin(ik)*ik_dot*cos(Omegak) + xk*Omegak_dot;
zk_dot = y1k_dot*sin(ik) + y1k*cos(ik)*ik_dot;
satv(1,1) = xk_dot;
satv(2,1) = yk_dot;
satv(3,1) = zk_dot;
else %GLONASS satellite coordinates computation (GLONASS-ICD 5.1)
time_eph = Eph(32); %ephemeris reference time
X = Eph(5); %satellite X coordinate at ephemeris reference time
Y = Eph(6); %satellite Y coordinate at ephemeris reference time
Z = Eph(7); %satellite Z coordinate at ephemeris reference time
Xv = Eph(8); %satellite velocity along X at ephemeris reference time
Yv = Eph(9); %satellite velocity along Y at ephemeris reference time
Zv = Eph(10); %satellite velocity along Z at ephemeris reference time
Xa = Eph(11); %acceleration due to lunar-solar gravitational perturbation along X at ephemeris reference time
Ya = Eph(12); %acceleration due to lunar-solar gravitational perturbation along Y at ephemeris reference time
Za = Eph(13); %acceleration due to lunar-solar gravitational perturbation along Z at ephemeris reference time
%NOTE: Xa,Ya,Za are considered constant within the integration interval (i.e. toe ?}15 minutes)
%integration step
int_step = 60; %[s]
%time from the ephemeris reference epoch
tk = check_t(t - time_eph);
%number of iterations on "full" steps
n = floor(abs(tk/int_step));
%array containing integration steps (same sign as tk)
ii = ones(n,1)*int_step*(tk/abs(tk));
%check residual iteration step (i.e. remaining fraction of int_step)
int_step_res = rem(tk,int_step);
%adjust the total number of iterations and the array of iteration steps
if (int_step_res ~= 0)
n = n + 1;
ii = [ii; int_step_res];
%numerical integration steps (i.e. re-calculation of satellite positions from toe to tk)
pos = [X Y Z];
vel = [Xv Yv Zv];
acc = [Xa Ya Za];
for s = 1 : n
%Runge-Kutta numerical integration algorithm
%step 1
pos1 = pos;
vel1 = vel;
[pos1_dot, vel1_dot] = satellite_motion_diff_eq(pos1, vel1, acc, goGNSS.ELL_A_GLO, goGNSS.GM_GLO, goGNSS.J2_GLO, goGNSS.OMEGAE_DOT_GLO);
%step 2
pos2 = pos + pos1_dot*ii(s)/2;
vel2 = vel + vel1_dot*ii(s)/2;
[pos2_dot, vel2_dot] = satellite_motion_diff_eq(pos2, vel2, acc, goGNSS.ELL_A_GLO, goGNSS.GM_GLO, goGNSS.J2_GLO, goGNSS.OMEGAE_DOT_GLO);
%step 3
pos3 = pos + pos2_dot*ii(s)/2;
vel3 = vel + vel2_dot*ii(s)/2;
[pos3_dot, vel3_dot] = satellite_motion_diff_eq(pos3, vel3, acc, goGNSS.ELL_A_GLO, goGNSS.GM_GLO, goGNSS.J2_GLO, goGNSS.OMEGAE_DOT_GLO);
%step 4
pos4 = pos + pos3_dot*ii(s);
vel4 = vel + vel3_dot*ii(s);
[pos4_dot, vel4_dot] = satellite_motion_diff_eq(pos4, vel4, acc, goGNSS.ELL_A_GLO, goGNSS.GM_GLO, goGNSS.J2_GLO, goGNSS.OMEGAE_DOT_GLO);
%final position and velocity
pos = pos + (pos1_dot + 2*pos2_dot + 2*pos3_dot + pos4_dot)*ii(s)/6;
vel = vel + (vel1_dot + 2*vel2_dot + 2*vel3_dot + vel4_dot)*ii(s)/6;
%transformation from PZ-90.02 to WGS-84 (G1150)
satp(1,1) = pos(1) - 0.36;
satp(2,1) = pos(2) + 0.08;
satp(3,1) = pos(3) + 0.18;
%satellite velocity
satv(1,1) = vel(1);
satv(2,1) = vel(2);
satv(3,1) = vel(3);