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现在的情况是,在MySQL中有db1和db2两个数据库。项目使用Hibernate,可同时访问db1和db2,默认数据库为db1。表table2在db2中。且table2的主键名为ids,是自增长字段(Auto Increment)。


@Table(name = "table2", schema = "db2")
@Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE)
public class Table2 implements java.io.Serializable {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 48L;

	@Column(name = "ids")
	@GeneratedValue(generator = "idGenerator", strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
	@GenericGenerator(name = "idGenerator", strategy = "increment")
	private Integer ids;


select max(ids) from table2



	public void configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect dialect) throws MappingException {
		returnClass = type.getReturnedClass();

		ObjectNameNormalizer normalizer =
				( ObjectNameNormalizer ) params.get( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.IDENTIFIER_NORMALIZER );

		String column = params.getProperty( "column" );
		if ( column == null ) {
			column = params.getProperty( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.PK );
		column = dialect.quote( normalizer.normalizeIdentifierQuoting( column ) );

		String tableList = params.getProperty( "tables" );
		if ( tableList == null ) {
			tableList = params.getProperty( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.TABLES );
		String[] tables = StringHelper.split( ", ", tableList );

		final String schema = dialect.quote(
						params.getProperty( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.SCHEMA )
		final String catalog = dialect.quote(
						params.getProperty( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.CATALOG )

		StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
		for ( int i=0; i < tables.length; i++ ) {
			final String tableName = dialect.quote( normalizer.normalizeIdentifierQuoting( tables[i] ) );
			if ( tables.length > 1 ) {
				buf.append( "select max(" ).append( column ).append( ") as mx from " );
			buf.append( Table.qualify( catalog, schema, tableName ) );
			if ( i < tables.length-1 ) {
				buf.append( " union " );
		if ( tables.length > 1 ) {
			buf.insert( 0, "( " ).append( " ) ids_" );
			column = "ids_.mx";

		sql = "select max(" + column + ") from " + buf.toString();

在初始化Table2实体类时,该方法就会执行。作用是生成对应数据库的select max语句。


Mapping parameters supported, but not usually needed: tables, column. (The tables parameter specified a comma-separated list of table names.)


params.getProperty( "column" )


final String schema = dialect.quote(
		    params.getProperty( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.SCHEMA )


public interface PersistentIdentifierGenerator extends IdentifierGenerator {

	 * The configuration parameter holding the schema name
	public static final String SCHEMA = "schema";

	 * The configuration parameter holding the table name for the
	 * generated id
	public static final String TABLE = "target_table";

	 * The configuration parameter holding the table names for all
	 * tables for which the id must be unique
	public static final String TABLES = "identity_tables";

	 * The configuration parameter holding the primary key column
	 * name of the generated id
	public static final String PK = "target_column";

     * The configuration parameter holding the catalog name
    public static final String CATALOG = "catalog";

	 * The key under whcih to find the {@link org.hibernate.cfg.ObjectNameNormalizer} in the config param map.
	public static final String IDENTIFIER_NORMALIZER = "identifier_normalizer";


@Column(name = "ids")
@GeneratedValue(generator = "idGenerator", strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@GenericGenerator(name = "idGenerator", strategy = "increment", parameters = @Parameter(name = PersistentIdentifierGenerator.SCHEMA, value = "db2"))
private Integer ids;


select max(ids) from db2.table2


@GenericGenerator(name = "idGenerator", strategy = "increment", parameters = {
            @Parameter(name = PersistentIdentifierGenerator.SCHEMA, value = "db2"),
            @Parameter(name=PersistentIdentifierGenerator.CATALOG, value = "db2")




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