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Flutter 项目结构的区别

  1. 如果需要调用原生代码,请创建一个plugin类型的项目开发。
  2. 如果需要调用C语言,请参考文档:Flutter项目中调用C语言
  3. plugin 其实是 package 的一种,全称是 plugin package,我们简称为 plugin,中文叫插件。

1. Application

Flutter Application 表示一个Flutter项目,主体是Flutter,当然它也可以接入Android Module 或者 iOS Framework,其内部包含 Android 和 iOS 项目。




可以通过xcode 打开 Runner.xcworkspace 进行项目配置

pubspec.yaml这个是Flutter项目的依赖配置文件,类似于Android build.gradle文件,这里面包含了Flutter SDK 版本、依赖等。

2. Plugin

Flutter Plugin表示 Flutter 插件,包含 Android 和 iOS 项目,如果你要开发一个 Plugin 且此 Plugin 涉及到原生支持,比如蓝牙功能、网络功能等,这些功能纯 Flutter 是无法实现的。
其目录比 Flutter Application 多了一个 example,example用于当前 Plugin 的demo, Flutter Plugin 开发完成后可以发布到 pub 上。


name: plugin_demo
description: A new Flutter project.
version: 0.0.1


  # This section identifies this Flutter project as a plugin project.
  # The 'pluginClass' specifies the class (in Java, Kotlin, Swift, Objective-C, etc.)
  # which should be registered in the plugin registry. This is required for
  # using method channels.
  # The Android 'package' specifies package in which the registered class is.
  # This is required for using method channels on Android.
  # The 'ffiPlugin' specifies that native code should be built and bundled.
  # This is required for using `dart:ffi`.
  # All these are used by the tooling to maintain consistency when
  # adding or updating assets for this project.
        package: com.example.plugin_demo
        pluginClass: PluginDemoPlugin
        pluginClass: PluginDemoPlugin

3. Package

Flutter Package 和 Flutter Plugin 基本一样,唯一的区别是Flutter Package表示纯 Flutter 模块,不需要原生开发,没有Android 和 iOS 项目,比如开发一个纯 UI 的插件。

4. Module

Flutter Module 用于原生项目中插入 Flutter 模块,原生为主体,与 Flutter 进行混合开发。

5. 参考指令

flutter create  指令用法说明

flutter create <output directory>

-h, --help                   Print this usage information.
    --[no-]pub               Whether to run "flutter pub get" after the project
                             has been created.
                             (defaults to on)
    --[no-]offline           When "flutter pub get" is run by the create
                             command, this indicates whether to run it in
                             offline mode or not. In offline mode, it will need
                             to have all dependencies already available in the
                             pub cache to succeed.
    --[no-]overwrite         When performing operations, overwrite existing
    --description            The description to use for your new Flutter
                             project. This string ends up in the pubspec.yaml
                             (defaults to "A new Flutter project.")
    --org                    The organization responsible for your new Flutter
                             project, in reverse domain name notation. This
                             string is used in Java package names and as prefix
                             in the iOS bundle identifier.
                             (defaults to "com.example")
    --project-name           The project name for this new Flutter project. This
                             must be a valid dart package name.
-i, --ios-language           The language to use for iOS-specific code, either
                             Objective-C (legacy) or Swift (recommended).
                             [objc, swift (default)]
-a, --android-language       The language to use for Android-specific code,
                             either Java (legacy) or Kotlin (recommended).
                             [java, kotlin (default)]
    --platforms              The platforms supported by this project. Platform
                             folders (e.g. android/) will be generated in the
                             target project. This argument only works when
                             "--template" is set to app or plugin. When adding
                             platforms to a plugin project, the pubspec.yaml
                             will be updated with the requested platform. Adding
                             desktop platforms requires the corresponding
                             desktop config setting to be enabled.
                             [ios (default), android (default), windows
                             (default), linux (default), macos (default), web
-t, --template=<type>        Specify the type of project to create.

          [app]              (default) Generate a Flutter application.
          [module]           Generate a project to add a Flutter module to an
                             existing Android or iOS application.
          [package]          Generate a shareable Flutter project containing
                             modular Dart code.
          [plugin]           Generate a shareable Flutter project containing an
                             API in Dart code with a platform-specific
                             implementation through method channels for Android,
                             iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, web, or any combination
                             of these.
          [plugin_ffi]       Generate a shareable Flutter project containing an
                             API in Dart code with a platform-specific
                             implementation through dart:ffi for Android, iOS,
                             Linux, macOS, Windows, or any combination of these.
          [skeleton]         Generate a List View / Detail View Flutter
                             application that follows community best practices.

-s, --sample=<id>            Specifies the Flutter code sample to use as the
                             "main.dart" for an application. Implies
                             "--template=app". The value should be the sample ID
                             of the desired sample from the API documentation
                             website (https://api.flutter.dev/). An example can
                             be found at:
-e, --[no-]empty             Specifies creating using an application template
                             with a main.dart that is minimal, including no
                             comments, as a starting point for a new
                             application. Implies "--template=app".
    --list-samples=<path>    Specifies a JSON output file for a listing of
                             Flutter code samples that can be created with


flutter create --template=package hello



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