Apache subversion 编译流程
- 1. 概述
- 2. 依赖库简介
- 2.1 Expat
- 2.2 Apache apr
- 2.3 Apache apr-iconv
- 2.4 Apache apr-util
- 2.5 Zlib
- 2.6 OpenSSL
- 2.7 Sqlite
- 2.8 Apache Serf
- 2.9 Apache subversion
- 3. 编译
- 3.1 Expat编译
- 3.1.1 源码信息
- 3.1.2 CMake-GUI
- 3.1.3 编译步骤
- 3.2 APR编译
- 3.2.1 源码信息
- 3.2.2 编译步骤
- 3.3 Zlib编译
- 3.3.1 源码信息
- 3.3.2 编译步骤
- 3.4 OpenSSL编译
- 3.4.1 源码信息
- 3.4.2 编译要求
- 3.4.3 编译步骤
- 3.5 Apache Serf编译
- 3.5.1 源码信息
- 3.5.2 编译要求
- 3.5.3 编译步骤
- 3.6 SQLite编译
- 3.6.1 源码信息
- 3.6.2 编译步骤
- 3.7 Apache Subversion编译
- 3.7.1 源码信息
- 3.7.2 编译步骤
1. 概述
Apache subversion
依赖的三方库较多,贸然将所有三方库升级至最新版本存在一定的风险,具体的版本建议参照最新的Tortoise SVN
2. 依赖库简介
2.1 Expat
A stream-oriented XML parser library written in C
2.2 Apache apr
The base portability library
2.3 Apache apr-iconv
A portable iconv() implementation built on top of APR
2.4 Apache apr-util
A number of helpful abstractions on top of APR
2.5 Zlib
A general purpose data compression library
2.6 OpenSSL
A software library for applications that secure communications over computer networks against eavesdropping or need to identify the party at the other end
2.7 Sqlite
Database engine
2.8 Apache Serf
A high performance C-based HTTP client library built upon the Apache Portable Runtime (APR).
2.9 Apache subversion
An Apache SVN client
3. 编译
3.1 Expat编译
3.1.1 源码信息
Releases · libexpat/libexpat (github.com)
3.1.2 CMake-GUI
3.1.3 编译步骤
- 指定source code path,指定build path(该路径需要自己创建
- 点击Configure按钮,选择VS版本以及编译位数
- 点击Generate按钮,生成成功后,点击Open Project按钮,打开工程,自行编译出Debug/Release 版本
3.2 APR编译
The Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library provides an abstraction of operating-system level services such as file and network I/O, memory management, and so on. It also provides convenience routines for things like hash tables, checksums, and argument processing. While it was originally developed for the Apache HTTP server, APR is a standalone library used by Sub