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4.商务过程 Business processes

        The business processes are those activities that participate directly in the application of the
particular business rules of the system. Thus they are primarily interactions between the business
functions (see 6.2).
        With reference to Figure 3, the generic payment metering system application process employs the following generic business processes.

        See Clause 10 for a definition of each of these business processes.

 5. 支持过程 Support processes

        The support processes are those activities that do not participate directly in the application of the business rules of the system, but provide supporting services to the business functions and
processes. Thus they are interactions between the business functions (see 6.2) as well as
between support functions (see 6.3). With reference to Figure 3, the generic payment metering
system application process employs the following generic support processes.

        See Clause 10 for a definition of each of these support processes.




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