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  • SentencePiece 是一个无监督的文本分词器和 detokenizer(还原回去的?)
  • 主要用于词汇表大小是预定的文本生成系统中
  • 它拓展了原始句子的训练,实现子词单元如 BPE 和 unigram language model
  • 技术亮点
    • 纯数据驱动,纯从句子中训练 tokenizer 和 detokenizer。不总是需要预训练模型
    • 语言独立:把句子视为 Unicode 字符,没有语言逻辑
    • 多个子词算法: BPE 和 Unigram LM
    • 子词正则化:实现了 子词正则化 和 BPE dropout 的子词采样,有助于提高鲁棒性和准确性。
    • 快、轻量级:每秒 50k 个句子,内存大概 6MB
    • 自包含:相同的模型文件相同的 tokenizer
    • 快速词汇 id 生成
    • NFKC 的正则化
      • NFC : 组合形式,字符被标准化为单个预组合字符(合成字符)
      • NFD : 分解模型,字符被标准化为基本字符加上组合符号的形式(分解模式)—— 原始字符:é —> NFD 形式:e + ´
      • NFKC : 兼容性组合模式,类似 NFC,但在标准化过程中可能会删除某些格式化信息
      • NFKD : 兼容性分解模式,类似 NFD,但在标准化过程中可能会删除某些格式化信息
  • **吐槽:**这些 HF 的 tokenizers 都能做。。。。。。而且 Tokenizers 做的更多

1.什么是 SentencePiece

  • 是子词单元的重新实现,缓解开放词汇表问题
  • 独一无二的 token 数量是预定的,例如 8k, 16k, 32k
  • 用未处理的句子训练
    • 以前的子词实现为了告诉训练,需要提前将输入句子 token 化。
    • SentencePiece 实现很快,可以使用原始句子训练模型。这对于中文或日语很有用
  • 空格被视为基本符号
    • 原来,(word.) == (word .)
    • 现在,(word.) != (word_.)
    • 因为空格被保存到了句子中,所以可以不含糊的 detokenize 回去;对比原来是不可你转的
    • 这让 tokenization 没有语言依赖成为了可能

2.子词正则化 和 BPE Dropout

  • 目的:用于子词分割和模型训练,旨在提高模型的泛化能力和鲁棒性
  • 子词正则化:
    • 远离:在训练时不会固定使用一种分割方法,而是从多种分割方案中,随机选择一种。增强模型应对多样性输入的能力
    • 优点:引入分词的不确定性,提高鲁棒性和泛海能力。对低资源等数据较少的场景友好
  • BPE Dropout
    • 原理:常规 BPE 中,每次选频率最高的字符进行合并,而 BPE Dropout 会随机丢弃一些合并步骤。意味着在训练中,同一个词语在不同的迭代中可能被分割成不同的子词序列。
    • 优点:引入随机性,鲁棒性,饭还行。对 OOV 问题友好


  • pip 安装
pip install sentencepiece
  • c++ 源码安装
git clone https://github.com/google/sentencepiece.git 
cd sentencepiece
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j $(nproc)
sudo make install
sudo update_dyld_shared_cache
# sudo ldconfig -v --> ubuntu


1.训练 SentencePiece 模型

spm_train --input=<input> --model_prefix=<model_name> --vocab_size=8000 --character_coverage=1.0 --model_type=<type>
--input: 每行一句的语料库文件。默认使用 NFKC。可以传递逗号分隔的文教列表。
--model_prefix: 输出模型名字前缀。生成 xx.model 和 xx.vocab
--vocab_size: 词汇表大小,如 8000, 16000, 32000
--character_coverage: 模型涵盖的字符数量,好的默认是 0.9995(中文或日语等丰富的字符集),小字符集可以是 1.0
--model_type: 模型类型,选择 unigram(默认), bpe, char, word

--input (comma separated list of input sentences)  type: std::string default: ""
--input_format (Input format. Supported format is `text` or `tsv`.)  type: std::string default: ""
--model_prefix (output model prefix)  type: std::string default: ""
--model_type (model algorithm: unigram, bpe, word or char)  type: std::string default: "unigram"
--vocab_size (vocabulary size)  type: int32 default: 8000
--accept_language (comma-separated list of languages this model can accept)  type: std::string default: ""
--self_test_sample_size (the size of self test samples)  type: int32 default: 0
--character_coverage (character coverage to determine the minimum symbols)  type: double default: 0.9995
--input_sentence_size (maximum size of sentences the trainer loads)  type: std::uint64_t default: 0
--shuffle_input_sentence (Randomly sample input sentences in advance. Valid when --input_sentence_size > 0)  type: bool default: true
--seed_sentencepiece_size (the size of seed sentencepieces)  type: int32 default: 1000000
--shrinking_factor (Keeps top shrinking_factor pieces with respect to the loss)  type: double default: 0.75
--num_threads (number of threads for training)  type: int32 default: 16
--num_sub_iterations (number of EM sub-iterations)  type: int32 default: 2
--max_sentencepiece_length (maximum length of sentence piece)  type: int32 default: 16
--max_sentence_length (maximum length of sentence in byte)  type: int32 default: 4192
--split_by_unicode_script (use Unicode script to split sentence pieces)  type: bool default: true
--split_by_number (split tokens by numbers (0-9))  type: bool default: true
--split_by_whitespace (use a white space to split sentence pieces)  type: bool default: true
--split_digits (split all digits (0-9) into separate pieces)  type: bool default: false
--treat_whitespace_as_suffix (treat whitespace marker as suffix instead of prefix.)  type: bool default: false
--allow_whitespace_only_pieces (allow pieces that only contain (consecutive) whitespace tokens)  type: bool default: false
--control_symbols (comma separated list of control symbols)  type: std::string default: ""
--control_symbols_file (load control_symbols from file.)  type: std::string default: ""
--user_defined_symbols (comma separated list of user defined symbols)  type: std::string default: ""
--user_defined_symbols_file (load user_defined_symbols from file.)  type: std::string default: ""
--required_chars (UTF8 characters in this flag are always used in the character set regardless of --character_coverage)  type: std::string default: ""
--required_chars_file (load required_chars from file.)  type: std::string default: ""
--byte_fallback (decompose unknown pieces into UTF-8 byte pieces)  type: bool default: false
--vocabulary_output_piece_score (Define score in vocab file)  type: bool default: true
--normalization_rule_name (Normalization rule name. Choose from nfkc or identity)  type: std::string default: "nmt_nfkc"
--normalization_rule_tsv (Normalization rule TSV file. )  type: std::string default: ""
--denormalization_rule_tsv (Denormalization rule TSV file.)  type: std::string default: ""
--add_dummy_prefix (Add dummy whitespace at the beginning of text)  type: bool default: true
--remove_extra_whitespaces (Removes leading, trailing, and duplicate internal whitespace)  type: bool default: true
--hard_vocab_limit (If set to false, --vocab_size is considered as a soft limit.)  type: bool default: true
--use_all_vocab (If set to true, use all tokens as vocab. Valid for word/char models.)  type: bool default: false
--unk_id (Override UNK (<unk>) id.)  type: int32 default: 0
--bos_id (Override BOS (<s>) id. Set -1 to disable BOS.)  type: int32 default: 1
--eos_id (Override EOS (</s>) id. Set -1 to disable EOS.)  type: int32 default: 2
--pad_id (Override PAD (<pad>) id. Set -1 to disable PAD.)  type: int32 default: -1
--unk_piece (Override UNK (<unk>) piece.)  type: std::string default: "<unk>"
--bos_piece (Override BOS (<s>) piece.)  type: std::string default: "<s>"
--eos_piece (Override EOS (</s>) piece.)  type: std::string default: "</s>"
--pad_piece (Override PAD (<pad>) piece.)  type: std::string default: "<pad>"
--unk_surface (Dummy surface string for <unk>. In decoding <unk> is decoded to `unk_surface`.)  type: std::string default: " ⁇ "
--train_extremely_large_corpus (Increase bit depth for unigram tokenization.)  type: bool default: false
--random_seed (Seed value for random generator.)  type: uint32 default: 4294967295
--enable_differential_privacy (Whether to add DP while training. Currently supported only by UNIGRAM model.)  type: bool default: false
--differential_privacy_noise_level (Amount of noise to add for DP)  type: float default: 0
--differential_privacy_clipping_threshold (Threshold for clipping the counts for DP)  type: std::uint64_t default: 0
--help (show help)  type: bool default: false
--version (show version)  type: bool default: false
--minloglevel (Messages logged at a lower level than this don't actually get logged anywhere)  type: int default: 0

2.编码未处理的文本到 sentence pieces/ids

spm_encode --model=<model_file> --output_format=piece < input > output
spm_encode --model=<model_file> --output_format=id < input > output
  • 使用 --extra_options 去添加 BOS/EOS 或 反向输入序列
spm_encode --extra_options=eos (add </s> only)
spm_encode --extra_options=bos:eos (add <s> and </s>)
spm_encode --extra_options=reverse:bos:eos (reverse input and add <s> and </s>)

3.解码 sentence pieces/ids

spm_decode --model=<model_file> --input_format=piece < input > output
spm_decode --model=<model_file> --input_format=id < input > output
  • 使用 --extra_options 在反向顺序中解码文本
spm_decode --extra_options=reverse < input > output


spm_train --input=data/botchan.txt --model_prefix=m --vocab_size=1000
unigram_model_trainer.cc(494) LOG(INFO) Starts training with :
input: "../data/botchan.txt"
... <snip>
unigram_model_trainer.cc(529) LOG(INFO) EM sub_iter=1 size=1100 obj=10.4973 num_tokens=37630 num_tokens/piece=34.2091
trainer_interface.cc(272) LOG(INFO) Saving model: m.model
trainer_interface.cc(281) LOG(INFO) Saving vocabs: m.vocab

echo "I saw a girl with a telescope." | spm_encode --model=m.model
▁I ▁saw ▁a ▁girl ▁with ▁a ▁ te le s c o pe .

echo "I saw a girl with a telescope." | spm_encode --model=m.model --output_format=id
9 459 11 939 44 11 4 142 82 8 28 21 132 6

echo "9 459 11 939 44 11 4 142 82 8 28 21 132 6" | spm_decode --model=m.model --input_format=id
I saw a girl with a telescope.


spm_export_vocab --model=<model_file> --output=<output file>








  1. 训练(我弄的是12800 词汇表大小)



  1. 分词

    • 直接分词就好了,因为任务是分类,不需要插入 eos 和 bos



    • 分成 id
      • note : 生成的词汇表的顺序正好是对应的 词 id 的自增顺序



  2. 并没有对应的词向量文件,看来还需要对这些词进行词嵌入训练,还是用fasttext好了。

    • 写个脚本变成 fasttext 需要的形式


  3. id 和 词向量都有了,可以构造词嵌入矩阵了

    • 对应关系是

      • fast_vec —> word : vec
      • spm_vec —> id : word
      • 构造 embedding —> id:vec
      • 1.2w 数据中有 20 行为 空,不多,对空值处理为随机值吧


      • 写个脚本,然后保存为词向量的 .npy 文件,留着模型用


    • 思想

      • 用 sentencepiece 作为分词器,得到一系列 id
      • 把 id 为给模型
      • 模型训练
      • 推理的时候也是 sentencepiece 分词
    • 实践开始吧~

      • 代码

      • 效果:基本收敛到了 96%


      • 30之后连同嵌入层一起微调10轮,准确率又上去了一个百分点




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