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Here are the steps GPT Pilot takes to create an app:
You enter the app name and the description.
Product Owner agent like in real life, does nothing.
Specification Writer agent asks a couple of questions to understand the requirements better if project >description is not good enough.
Architect agent writes up technologies that will be used for the app and checks if all technologies are >installed on the machine and installs them if not.
Tech Lead agent writes up development tasks that the Developer must implement.
Developer agent takes each task and writes up what needs to be done to implement it. The description is >in human-readable form.
Code Monkey agent takes the Developer’s description and the existing file and implements the changes.
Reviewer agent reviews every step of the task and if something is done wrong Reviewer sends it back to >Code Monkey.
Troubleshooter agent helps you to give good feedback to GPT Pilot when something is wrong.
Debugger agent hate to see him, but he is your best friend when things go south.
Technical Writer agent writes documentation for the project.






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