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使用 Spring Boot 客户端对 Apache Pulsar 进行自定义身份验证


在我们深入为 Pulsar 创建自定义身份验证机制之前,请确保您具有以下设置:

  • Java 17: 确保您的环境中已安装并设置 Java 17。
  • Spring Boot Version 3.3.2: 我们将使用 Spring Boot 创建自定义 Pulsar 客户端。
  • Docker & Docker Compose: 在容器化环境中运行 Pulsar 代理所必需的。
  • Maven: 用于构建和管理 Java 项目中的依赖关系。


在本指南中,我们将为 Apache Pulsar 创建一个自定义身份验证提供程序。我们的自定义提供程序将通过验证请求标头中发送到 REST API 的用户名和密码组合来处理身份验证。如果身份验证成功,将被授予访问 Pulsar 的权限;否则将被拒绝。

我们将按照官方 Pulsar 文档来扩展 Pulsar 的安全部分。

github repo: https://github.com/urdogan0000/PulsarCustomAuthSpringboot

Linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydarurdogan/

第 1 步:设置环境

首先,让我们为自定义 Pulsar 代理身份验证设置一个新的 Maven 项目:


├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   ├── java
│   │   │   └── com
│   │   │       └── liderahenkpulsar
│   │   │           └── auth
│   │   │               └── BasicAuthProvider.java
|   |   |               |_  AuthenticationBasicAuth
|   |   |               |__ CustomDataBasic
│   │   └── resources
│   │       └── application.properties
│   └── test
└── pom.xml



第 2 步:创建自定义代理身份验证

现在,让我们通过实现 Pulsar 的 AuthenticationProvider 接口来创建 BasicAuthProvider 类:


package com.liderahenkpulsar.auth;

import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.Response;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.pulsar.broker.authentication.AuthenticationProvider;
import org.apache.pulsar.broker.authentication.AuthenticationDataSource;
import org.apache.pulsar.broker.PulsarServerException;
import org.apache.pulsar.broker.ServiceConfiguration;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.naming.AuthenticationException;
import java.io.IOException;

public class BasicAuthProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
    static final String HTTP_HEADER_NAME = "Authorization";
    static final String AUTH_METHOD_NAME = "customAuth";
    static final String HTTP_HEADER_VALUE_PREFIX = "Basic";
    static final String REST_API_URL_NAME = "authRestApiEndpoint";
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasicAuthProvider.class);
    private String apiEndpoint;
    private OkHttpClient httpClient;

    public void initialize(ServiceConfiguration config) throws PulsarServerException {
        httpClient = new OkHttpClient();
        this.apiEndpoint = (String) config.getProperties().getOrDefault(REST_API_URL_NAME, "http://localhost:8081/pulsar/send");
        log.info("BasicAuthProvider initialized with endpoint: {}", apiEndpoint);

    public String getAuthMethodName() {
        return AUTH_METHOD_NAME;

    public String authenticate(AuthenticationDataSource authData) throws AuthenticationException {
        String credentials = getUserCredentials(authData);
        log.info("Authentication request to endpoint: {}", apiEndpoint);
        log.info("Authorization header: {}", credentials);

        Request request = new Request.Builder()
                .addHeader(HTTP_HEADER_NAME, credentials)

        try (Response response = httpClient.newCall(request).execute()) {
            if (response.isSuccessful()) {
                assert response.body() != null;
                String responseBody = response.body().string();
                log.info("Authentication successful: {}", responseBody);
                return responseBody;
            } else {
                log.warn("Authentication failed. HTTP status code: {}, Response: {}",
                throw new AuthenticationException("Authentication failed. Invalid username or password.");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Error during authentication: ", e);
            throw new AuthenticationException("Authentication process encountered an error.");

    private static String getUserCredentials(AuthenticationDataSource authData) throws AuthenticationException {
        if (authData.hasDataFromCommand()) {
            String commandData = authData.getCommandData();
            log.info("Extracted command data: {}", commandData);
            return validateUserCredentials(commandData);
        } else if (authData.hasDataFromHttp()) {
            String httpHeaderValue = authData.getHttpHeader(HTTP_HEADER_NAME);
            if (httpHeaderValue == null) {
                throw new AuthenticationException("Invalid HTTP Authorization header");
            return validateUserCredentials(httpHeaderValue);
        } else {
            throw new AuthenticationException("No user credentials passed");

    private static String validateUserCredentials(final String userCredentials) throws AuthenticationException {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userCredentials)) {
            return userCredentials;
        } else {
            throw new AuthenticationException("Invalid or blank user credentials found");

    public void close() {
        if (httpClient != null) {

第 3 步:实施自定义客户端身份验证


  1. AuthenticationBasicAuth:此类实现主要身份验证逻辑并向 Pulsar 代理提供凭证。

  2. CustomDataBasic:此类提供向 Pulsar 发出请求时进行身份验证所需的数据(标头)。

1. AuthenticationBasicAuth Class

此类负责定义身份验证方法并管理用户凭据。它实现了 AuthenticationEncodedAuthenticationParameterSupport 接口。


package com.liderahenkpulsar.auth;

import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Authentication;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.AuthenticationDataProvider;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.EncodedAuthenticationParameterSupport;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;

public class AuthenticationBasicAuth implements Authentication, EncodedAuthenticationParameterSupport {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AuthenticationBasicAuth.class);
    private static final String AUTH_NAME = "customAuth";  // Ensure this matches your Pulsar broker's expectation
    private String userId;
    private String password;

    // Default constructor for reflection or configuration usage
    public AuthenticationBasicAuth() {
        log.info("AuthenticationBasicAuth instantiated without parameters. Awaiting configuration.");

    // Constructor to directly accept userId and password
    public AuthenticationBasicAuth(String userId, String password) {
        if (userId == null || userId.isEmpty() || password == null || password.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("User ID and password must not be null or empty");
        this.userId = userId;
        this.password = password;
        log.info("AuthenticationBasicAuth instantiated with userId: {} and password: [PROTECTED]", userId);

    public void close() throws IOException {
        // No operation needed on close

    public String getAuthMethodName() {
        return AUTH_NAME;

    public AuthenticationDataProvider getAuthData() {
        return new CustomDataBasic(userId, password);

    public void configure(Map<String, String> authParams) {
        // No-op for map configuration
        log.info("Configured with authParams: {}", authParams);

    public void configure(String encodedAuthParamString) {
        // No-op for encoded string configuration
        log.info("Configured with encodedAuthParamString: {}", encodedAuthParamString);

    public void start() {
        log.info("Starting AuthenticationBasicAuth for userId: {}", userId);


  • 构造函数:有两个构造函数 - 一个默认(无参数),当没有直接传递配置时,另一个接受“userId”和“password”。后者确保在继续之前正确设置这些参数。
  • **getAuthMethodName**:返回身份验证方法名称,该名称应与自定义代理身份验证 (customAuth) 中定义的方法名称匹配。
  • **getAuthData**:提供 CustomDataBasic 的实例,其中包含身份验证标头。
  • **configure(Map<String, String> authParams)** **configure(StringencodedAuthParamString)**:这些方法允许您使用参数配置身份验证实例。它们在这里是无操作的,因为我们通过构造函数处理配置,但为了可见性而包含日志记录。
  • **start**:初始化或启动身份验证过程,主要用于日志记录目的。

2. CustomDataBasic Class

此类提供身份验证所需的实际数据,特别是处理 HTTP 请求的标头和命令数据。


package com.liderahenkpulsar.auth;

import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.AuthenticationDataProvider;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class CustomDataBasic implements AuthenticationDataProvider {
    private static final String HTTP_HEADER_NAME = "Authorization";
    private final String commandAuthToken;
    private Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();

    public CustomDataBasic(String userId, String password) {
        // Create the basic auth token
        this.commandAuthToken = "Basic " + userId + ":" + password; // Ideally, base64 encode this string

        // Initialize headers
        headers.put(HTTP_HEADER_NAME, this.commandAuthToken);
        this.headers = Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.headers);

    public boolean hasDataForHttp() {
        return true; // Indicate that HTTP headers are available

    public Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> getHttpHeaders() {
        return this.headers.entrySet(); // Return the HTTP headers for authentication

    public boolean hasDataFromCommand() {
        return true; // Indicate that command data is available

    public String getCommandData() {
        return this.commandAuthToken; // Return the command data for authentication


  • 构造函数:通过连接前缀为 BasicuserIdpassword 来初始化 commandAuthToken。在现实场景中,应该使用 Base64 进行编码。
  • **hasDataForHttp**: 返回 true,表示有数据(标头)可用于 HTTP 身份验证。
  • **getHttpHeaders**:提供 Pulsar 身份验证所需的 HTTP 标头,包括 Authorization 标头。
  • **hasDataFromCommand**:返回true,表示命令数据(凭证)可用。
  • **getCommandData**:返回身份验证令牌 (commandAuthToken) 作为命令数据。

第 1 步:构建自定义身份验证 JAR 文件

  1. 创建 JAR 文件:确保您的 Java 项目已正确设置所有依赖项。使用 Maven 或 Gradle 编译项目并将其打包成 JAR 文件。

  2. 对于Maven:

    mvn clean package
  • 构建后,您应该有一个 JAR 文件,通常位于 target 目录中,例如 target/liderahenkpulsar.auth-1.0.jar


下载原始 Broker 配置:从 Pulsar GitHub 存储库下载原始 broker.conf

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/pulsar/branch-3.3/conf/broker.conf -O broker.conf

更新代理配置:编辑 broker.conf 以包含您的自定义身份验证设置。以下是需要修改的关键行:

### --- Authentication --- ###

# Specify the authentication providers to use

# Define the authentication method name that matches your AuthenticationBasicAuth class

# (Optional) Specify the endpoint for your authentication service

# Authentication settings of the broker itself. Used when the broker connects to other brokers,
# either in the same or other clusters
# (Optional) Specify the endpoint for your authentication service
authRestApiEndpoint=http://localhost:8083/pulsar/send //this part is for your login rest api servic


为 Pulsar 设置 Docker Compose

  1. 创建 Docker Compose 文件
  2. 下面是完整的 Docker Compose 文件。将其保存为 docker-compose.yml,位于 JAR 文件和更新的代理配置所在的同一目录中。
version: '3.8'
    driver: bridge

  # Start Zookeeper
    image: apachepulsar/pulsar:3.3.1
    container_name: zookeeper
    restart: on-failure
      - pulsar
      - ./data/zookeeper:/pulsar/data/zookeeper
      - PULSAR_MEM=-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=256m
    command: >
      bash -c "bin/apply-config-from-env.py conf/zookeeper.conf && \
               bin/generate-zookeeper-config.sh conf/zookeeper.conf && \
               exec bin/pulsar zookeeper"
      test: ["CMD", "bin/pulsar-zookeeper-ruok.sh"]
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 30

  # Init cluster metadata
    image: apachepulsar/pulsar:3.3.1
    container_name: pulsar-init
    hostname: pulsar-init
      - pulsar
    command: >
      bin/pulsar initialize-cluster-metadata \
             --cluster cluster-a \
             --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 \
             --configuration-store zookeeper:2181 \
             --web-service-url http://broker:8080 \
             --broker-service-url pulsar://broker:6650
      - zookeeper

  # Start Bookie
    image: apachepulsar/pulsar:3.3.1
    container_name: bookie
    restart: on-failure
      - pulsar
      - clusterName=cluster-a
      - zkServers=zookeeper:2181
      - metadataServiceUri=metadata-store:zk:zookeeper:2181
      - advertisedAddress=bookie
      - BOOKIE_MEM=-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=256m
      - zookeeper
      - pulsar-init
      - ./data/bookkeeper:/pulsar/data/bookkeeper
    command: bash -c "bin/apply-config-from-env.py conf/bookkeeper.conf && exec bin/pulsar bookie"

  # Start Broker
    image: apachepulsar/pulsar:3.3.1
    container_name: broker
    hostname: broker
    restart: on-failure
      - pulsar
      - metadataStoreUrl=zk:zookeeper:2181
      - zookeeperServers=zookeeper:2181
      - clusterName=cluster-a
      - managedLedgerDefaultEnsembleSize=1
      - managedLedgerDefaultWriteQuorum=1
      - managedLedgerDefaultAckQuorum=1
      - advertisedAddress=broker
      - advertisedListeners=external:pulsar://
      - PULSAR_MEM=-Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=512m
      - zookeeper
      - bookie
      - "6650:6650"
      - "8080:8080"
      - ./custom-auth-broker.conf:/pulsar/conf/broker.conf
      - ./liderahenkpulsar.auth-1.0.jar:/pulsar/lib/liderahenkpulsar.auth-1.0.jar
    command: bash -c "bin/pulsar broker"

运行 Docker Compose 环境

运行 Docker Compose:使用 Docker Compose 启动具有自定义身份验证设置的 Pulsar 集群。

docker-compose up -d


  • 检查日志以确保所有服务(Zookeeper、Bookie、Broker)正确启动。
  • 确保代理加载自定义身份验证提供程序时不会出现错误。

设置 Spring Boot 项目

您可以使用 Spring Initializr 或具有以下依赖项的首选 IDE 创建新的 Spring Boot 项目:

  • Spring Web:适用于 RESTful API(可选,根据您的用例)
  • Spring Boot Starter:核心 Spring Boot 依赖项
  • Pulsar 客户端:Java 版 Pulsar 客户端


将 Pulsar 客户端和您的自定义身份验证 JAR 添加到 pom.xml

    <!-- Spring Boot Starter Dependencies -->

    <!-- Pulsar Client Dependency -->

    <!-- Custom Authentication Dependency -->

确保自定义 JAR 位于项目目录中的 lib 文件夹中。

使用自定义身份验证配置 Pulsar 客户端

为 Pulsar 客户端设置创建一个配置类:

package com.example.pulsarclient.config;

import com.liderahenkpulsar.auth.AuthenticationBasicAuth;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.ClientBuilder;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClient;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class PulsarConfig {

    public PulsarClient pulsarClient() throws Exception {
        // Replace with the correct broker service URL
        String serviceUrl = "pulsar://localhost:6650";
        String userId = "your-username"; // Replace with your actual username
        String password = "your-password"; // Replace with your actual password

        // Create a Pulsar client with custom authentication
        return PulsarClient.builder()
                .authentication(new AuthenticationBasicAuth(userId, password))

当您运行应用程序时,您会看到 broker 的日志

20240911T06:38:20,515+0000 [pulsar-io-37] INFO com.liderahenkpulsar.auth.BasicAuthProviderAuthentication request to endpoint: [](  
20240911T06:38:20,515+0000 [pulsar-io-37] INFO com.liderahenkpulsar.auth.BasicAuthProviderAuthorization header: Basic testUser:testPass  
20240911T06:38:20,519+0000 [pulsar-io-37] INFO com.liderahenkpulsar.auth.BasicAuthProviderAuthentication successful: test

恭喜您可以通过自定义身份验证访问 pulsar。




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