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  • 对于数组而言,我们拿到它的位置,接着按顺序遍历一遍就可以访问到每一个元素了,因此,它的时间复杂度是O(1)
  • 对于链表来说,我们通过拿到它第一个位置,按照地址去遍历一遍,假设一共有n个元素,那它的时间复杂度为O(n)


  • 对于数组来说,我们想要创建一个大的数组,那我们就得用一块更大的内存空间来承载。假设数组里面的一个数据的大小是4个字节,一共有4个数据,我们的内存空间为7个数据,这就占据了28个字节。还有一种情形就是,内存空间已经填满了,可是数组又想去扩大,那我们只能够创建一块更大的数据空间

  • 对于链表而言,我们不存在什么多余的空间,但每一个数据都要包含一个4字节的地址和一个不知道多少字节的内容。所占内存的大小就是数据量再乘上内容所需的字节与储存地址所需的字节之和。数组和链表两者之间其实并不存在哪一个所占内存大哪一个小,这主要取决于数据量的多少,数组所需内存的字节数,内容所要的字节数,我们进行相应的计算后比对。我们需要根据相应的情形对其进行分析。



  • 数组:开头插入数据就意味着现有的数据每一个都得后移一个位,因此它的时间复杂度为O(n)

  • 链表:开头插入的话,我们就只需要在最前面添加内容,并储存此前第一个数据的位置


  • 数组:我们讨论的是动态数组,如果还没填满的话,时间复杂度就是O(1),如果已经填满了,那我们就需要遍历全部数据再在最后的位置添加,此时的时间复杂度是O(N)

  • 链表:我们需要遍历一遍数据,再在最后添加一个数据,因此此时的时间复杂度就是O(n)






struct Node {
	int data;
	struct Node* next;//指针
struct Node* head;//全局变量
void insert(int x) {
	struct Node* temp = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); 
	temp->data = x;
	temp->next = NULL;
	if (head != NULL)temp->next = head;
	head = temp;
void print() {
	struct Node* temp = head;
	printf("List is:");
	while (temp != NULL)
		printf("%d", temp->data);
		temp = temp->next;
int main() {
	head = NULL; //空链表
	printf("How many numbers do yop want to input\n");
	int n;
	scanf("%d", &n);
	int x;
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		printf("please input the number\n");
		scanf("%d", &x);



#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H

#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

template <typename Object>
class List
    // The basic doubly linked list node.
    // Nested inside of List, can be public
    // because the Node is itself private
    struct Node
        Object  data;
        Node   *prev;
        Node   *next;

        Node( const Object & d = Object{ }, Node * p = nullptr, Node * n = nullptr )
          : data{ d }, prev{ p }, next{ n } { }
        Node( Object && d, Node * p = nullptr, Node * n = nullptr )
          : data{ std::move( d ) }, prev{ p }, next{ n } { }

    class const_iterator
        // Public constructor for const_iterator.
        const_iterator( ) : current{ nullptr }
          { }

        // Return the object stored at the current position.
        // For const_iterator, this is an accessor with a
        // const reference return type.
        const Object & operator* ( ) const
          { return retrieve( ); }
        const_iterator & operator++ ( )
            current = current->next;
            return *this;

        const_iterator operator++ ( int )
            const_iterator old = *this;
            ++( *this );
            return old;

        const_iterator & operator-- ( )
            current = current->prev;
            return *this;

        const_iterator operator-- ( int )
            const_iterator old = *this;
            --( *this );
            return old;
        bool operator== ( const const_iterator & rhs ) const
          { return current == rhs.current; }

        bool operator!= ( const const_iterator & rhs ) const
          { return !( *this == rhs ); }

        Node *current;

        // Protected helper in const_iterator that returns the object
        // stored at the current position. Can be called by all
        // three versions of operator* without any type conversions.
        Object & retrieve( ) const
          { return current->data; }

        // Protected constructor for const_iterator.
        // Expects a pointer that represents the current position.
        const_iterator( Node *p ) :  current{ p }
          { }
        friend class List<Object>;

    class iterator : public const_iterator

        // Public constructor for iterator.
        // Calls the base-class constructor.
        // Must be provided because the private constructor
        // is written; otherwise zero-parameter constructor
        // would be disabled.
        iterator( )
          { }

        Object & operator* ( )
          { return const_iterator::retrieve( ); }

        // Return the object stored at the current position.
        // For iterator, there is an accessor with a
        // const reference return type and a mutator with
        // a reference return type. The accessor is shown first.
        const Object & operator* ( ) const
          { return const_iterator::operator*( ); }
        iterator & operator++ ( )
            this->current = this->current->next;
            return *this;

        iterator operator++ ( int )
            iterator old = *this;
            ++( *this );
            return old;

        iterator & operator-- ( )
            this->current = this->current->prev;
            return *this;

        iterator operator-- ( int )
            iterator old = *this;
            --( *this );
            return old;

        // Protected constructor for iterator.
        // Expects the current position.
        iterator( Node *p ) : const_iterator{ p }
          { }

        friend class List<Object>;

    List( )
      { init( ); }

    ~List( )
        clear( );
        delete head;
        delete tail;

    List( const List & rhs )
        init( );
        for( auto & x : rhs )
            push_back( x );

    List & operator= ( const List & rhs )
        List copy = rhs;
        std::swap( *this, copy );
        return *this;

    List( List && rhs )
      : theSize{ rhs.theSize }, head{ rhs.head }, tail{ rhs.tail }
        rhs.theSize = 0;
        rhs.head = nullptr;
        rhs.tail = nullptr;
    List & operator= ( List && rhs )
        std::swap( theSize, rhs.theSize );
        std::swap( head, rhs.head );
        std::swap( tail, rhs.tail );
        return *this;
    // Return iterator representing beginning of list.
    // Mutator version is first, then accessor version.
    iterator begin( )
      { return iterator( head->next ); }

    const_iterator begin( ) const
      { return const_iterator( head->next ); }

    // Return iterator representing endmarker of list.
    // Mutator version is first, then accessor version.
    iterator end( )
      { return iterator( tail ); }

    const_iterator end( ) const
      { return const_iterator( tail ); }

    // Return number of elements currently in the list.
    int size( ) const
      { return theSize; }

    // Return true if the list is empty, false otherwise.
    bool empty( ) const
      { return size( ) == 0; }

    void clear( )
        while( !empty( ) )
            pop_front( );
    // front, back, push_front, push_back, pop_front, and pop_back
    // are the basic double-ended queue operations.
    Object & front( )
      { return *begin( ); }

    const Object & front( ) const
      { return *begin( ); }

    Object & back( )
      { return *--end( ); }

    const Object & back( ) const
      { return *--end( ); }

    void push_front( const Object & x )
      { insert( begin( ), x ); }

    void push_back( const Object & x )
      { insert( end( ), x ); }

    void push_front( Object && x )
      { insert( begin( ), std::move( x ) ); }

    void push_back( Object && x )
      { insert( end( ), std::move( x ) ); }

    void pop_front( )
      { erase( begin( ) ); }

    void pop_back( )
      { erase( --end( ) ); }

    // Insert x before itr.
    iterator insert( iterator itr, const Object & x )
        Node *p = itr.current;
        return iterator( p->prev = p->prev->next = new Node{ x, p->prev, p } );

    // Insert x before itr.
    iterator insert( iterator itr, Object && x )
        Node *p = itr.current;
        return iterator( p->prev = p->prev->next = new Node{ std::move( x ), p->prev, p } );
    // Erase item at itr.
    iterator erase( iterator itr )
        Node *p = itr.current;
        iterator retVal( p->next );
        p->prev->next = p->next;
        p->next->prev = p->prev;
        delete p;

        return retVal;

    iterator erase( iterator from, iterator to )
        for( iterator itr = from; itr != to; )
            itr = erase( itr );

        return to;

    int   theSize;
    Node *head;
    Node *tail;

    void init( )
        theSize = 0;
        head = new Node;
        tail = new Node;
        head->next = tail;
        tail->prev = head;




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