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性能测试工具locust —— Python脚本参数化!



def login(self):              try:                  user = self.user.userqueue.get_nowait()         # 取不到数据时直接崩溃,走异常处理流程              except queue.Empty:                  print("没有数据了")                  exit(0)              url = '*****'              headers = {                  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'              }              body = {                  'username': user['username'],                  'password': '******'              }              with self.client.post(url, data=body, headers=headers, name='登录', catch_response=True,) as response:                  self.user.userqueue.put_nowait(user)     #数据放回队列                  try:                      res = json.loads(response.text)                      if response.status_code == 200 and str(res) == user['userid']:                          response.success()                          return user['userid']                      else:                          response.failure("登录失败")                  except Exception as e:                      response.failure(e)         class WebUser(HttpUser):              tasks = [MyTask]              wait_time = between(0.1, 0.3)              host = 'http://*******'              userdata = xlrd.open_workbook(r'F:\pycharmproject\locusttest\i8.xls')              table = userdata.sheet_by_name('Sheet2')  # 表格中不同table页的名称              # 获取表格总行数              nrows = table.nrows              # 实例化队列,依次从表格中按行取出数据,放进队列              userqueue = queue.Queue()              for n in range(1, nrows):                  row_data = table.row_values(n)                  data = {                      'username': '%s' % row_data[0],                      'userid': '%s' % row_data[1]                  }                  userqueue.put_nowait(data)        


由于on_start 只执行一次,不会去执行函数里面的返回;因此将登录定义为一个函数,再通过on_start调用,保证只执行一次,同时能够获取到登录后返回的数据。

def on_start(self):              self.userid = self.login()                   def login(self):              """              登录接口              :return: 登录成功后返回userid,用于其他任务的参数              """              try:                  user = self.user.userqueue.get_nowait()         # 取不到数据时直接崩溃,走异常处理流程              except queue.Empty:                  print("没有数据了")                  exit(0)              url = '******'              headers = {                  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'              }              body = {                  'username': user['username'],                  'password': '*****'              }              with self.client.post(url, data=body, headers=headers, name='登录', catch_response=True,) as response:                  self.user.userqueue.put_nowait(user)                  try:                      res = json.loads(response.text)                      if response.status_code == 200 and str(res) == user['userid']:                          response.success()                          return user['userid']                      else:                          response.failure("登录失败")                  except Exception as e:                      response.failure(e)          

          @task(3)          def addbyi8(self):              url = '*********'              body = {                         'userid': self.userid              }              headers = {                  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'              }              with self.client.post(url, data=body, headers=headers, catch_response=True,) as res:                  try:                      resjson = json.loads(res.text)                      if res.status_code == 200 and resjson == 1:                          res.success()                      else:                          res.failure('添加接口出错%s' % resjson)                  except Exception as e:                      res.failure(e) 



task(1)          def changeallbyi8(self):              random_number = random.randint(1, 1000)              url = '********'              contents = {                          "******": "locust发送的" + str(random_number),                  "******": "locust图纸的分析" + str(random_number)              }              body = {                       'contents': json.dumps(contents)                  }              with self.client.post(url, data=body,  catch_response=True) as res:                  try:                      resjson = json.loads(res.text)                      if res.status_code == 200 and resjson == 1:                          res.success()                      else:                          res.failure('保存接口出错')                  except Exception as e:                      res.failure(e)



@task(3)          def addbyi8(self):              typedict = {                  'key1': 'value1',                  'key2': 'value2'    }              type = random.choice(list(typedict.keys()))              url = '****'              body = {                  'type': type,                  'operate': typedict[type]              }              headers = {                  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'    }              with self.client.post(url, data=body, headers=headers,  catch_response=True,) as res:                  try:                      resjson = json.loads(res.text)                      if res.status_code == 200 and resjson == 1:                          res.success()                      else:                          res.failure('添加接口出错')                  except Exception as e:                      res.failure(e)






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