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利用Python filestream实现文件流读

在 Python 中,文件流(filestream)操作通过内置的 open() 函数实现,它提供了对文件的读取、写入、以及流控制的支持。常见的文件模式包括:

  • r:只读模式(默认)。
  • w:写入模式(会覆盖已有内容)。
  • a:追加模式。
  • r+:读写模式。




在编写一个编译器时,需要逐个字符地读取文件中的内容。如果遇到 “/” 后跟另一个 “/”,则将把其余的行视为注释。使用 file.read(1) 每次读取一个字符。但是,如果查找到 “/” 后面跟着不是 “/” 的字符,有没有办法将文件流向后移动一个字符,以免丢失该字符?


def tokenType(self):
    # PAGE 108
    if (self.current == '{' or self.current == '}' or self.current == '(' or self.current == ')' or self.current == '[' or self.current == ']' or self.current == '.' or self.current == ',' or self.current == ';' or self.current == '-' or self.current == '*' or self.current == '/' or self.current == '&' or self.current == '|' or self.current == '<' or self.current == '>' or self.current == '=' or self.current == '~'):
        if (self.current == '/'):
            next = self.file.read(1)
            if (next == '/'):
                while (next != "\n"):
                    next = self.file.read(1)
                return "IGNORE"
            if (next == '*'):
                while (True):
                    next = self.file.read(1)
                    if (next == '*'):
                        next = self.file.read(1)
                        if (next == '/'):
                return "IGNORE"
                return "SYMBOL"
        return "SYMBOL"
    elif (self.current == " " or self.current == "\n"):
        return "IGNORE"
    elif (self.current == "'"):
        while(next != "'"):
            self.current = self.current + next
        return "STRING_CONST"
    elif (type(self.current) == int):
        next = self.file.read(1)
        while(next != " "):
            self.current = self.current + next
        return "INT_CONST"
        next = self.file.read(1)
        while(next != " " and next != ""):
            self.current = self.current + next
            next = self.file.read(1)
        if (self.current == 'class' or self.current == 'constructor' or self.current == 'function' or self.current == 'method' or self.current == 'field' or self.current == 'static' or self.current == 'var' or self.current == 'int' or self.current == 'char' or self.current == 'boolean' or self.current == 'void' or self.current == 'true' or self.current == 'false' or self.current == 'null' or self.current == 'this' or self.current == 'let' or self.current == 'do' or self.current == 'if' or self.current == 'else' or self.current == 'while' or self.current == 'return'):
            return "KEYWORD"
            return "IDENTIFIER"

My problem seems to be when I have something like 10/5 and my program checks to see if the next character is a "/". Then on the next pass through my character interpreting function, the 5 has already been removed when it was checking for a comment.
So, is there any way I can get a character from a file stream without it being "removed" from the stream or is there a way I can move it back a character when I hit a case like this?


  • 第一种方法: 使用 file.seek() 函数调整文件流位置

    file.seek() 可以将文件流指针定位到文件中的特定位置。在处理完一个字符后,可以使用 file.seek() 将流指针向前移动一个字符,以便在下次读取时能够读取该字符。

    def tokenType(self):
        # PAGE 108
        if (self.current == '{' or self.current == '}' or self.current == '(' or self.current == ')' or self.current == '[' or self.current == ']' or self.current == '.' or self.current == ',' or self.current == ';' or self.current == '-' or self.current == '*' or self.current == '/' or self.current == '&' or self.current == '|' or self.current == '<' or self.current == '>' or self.current == '=' or self.current == '~'):
            if (self.current == '/'):
                next = self.file.read(1)
                if (next == '/'):
                    while (next != "\n"):
                        next = self.file.read(1)
                    return "IGNORE"
                if (next == '*'):
                    while (True):
                        next = self.file.read(1)
                        if (next == '*'):
                            next = self.file.read(1)
                            if (next == '/'):
                    return "IGNORE"
                    self.file.seek(-1, 1)  # 将文件流指针向前移动一个字符
                    return "SYMBOL"
            return "SYMBOL"
        elif (self.current == " " or self.current == "\n"):
            return "IGNORE"
        elif (self.current == "'"):
            while(next != "'"):
                self.current = self.current + next
            return "STRING_CONST"
        elif (type(self.current) == int):
            next = self.file.read(1)
            while(next != " "):
                self.current = self.current + next
            return "INT_CONST"
            next = self.file.read(1)
            while(next != " " and next != ""):
                self.current = self.current + next
                next = self.file.read(1)
            if (self.current == 'class' or self.current == 'constructor' or self.current == 'function' or self.current == 'method' or self.current == 'field' or self.current == 'static' or self.current == 'var' or self.current == 'int' or self.current == 'char' or self.current == 'boolean' or self.current == 'void' or self.current == 'true' or self.current == 'false' or self.current == 'null' or self.current == 'this' or self.current == 'let' or self.current == 'do' or self.current == 'if' or self.current == 'else' or self.current == 'while' or self.current == 'return'):
                return "KEYWORD"
                return "IDENTIFIER"
    My problem seems to be when I have something like 10/5 and my program checks to see if the next character is a "/". Then on the next pass through my character interpreting function, the 5 has already been removed when it was checking for a comment.
    So, is there any way I can get a character from a file stream without it being "removed" from the stream or is there a way I can move it back a character when I hit a case like this?
  • 第二种方法: 使用 Python 的 io.StringIO()

    io.StringIO() 类可以创建一个文件对象,该对象将字符串作为输入。这样,就可以将字符串作为文件流来处理。当需要将文件流指针向前移动时,可以使用 io.StringIO()seek() 方法来调整指针位置。

    import io
    def tokenType(self):
        string_io = io.StringIO(self.file.read())  # 将文件内容作为字符串读入
        while True:
            char = string_io.read(1)
            if char == '{' or char == '}' or char == '(' or char == ')' or char == '[' or char == ']' or char == '.' or char == ',' or char == ';' or char == '-' or char == '*' or char == '/' or char == '&' or char == '|' or char == '<' or char == '>' or char == '=' or char == '~':
                if char == '/':
                    next = string_io.read(1)
                    if next == '/':
                        while next != "\n":
                            next = string_io.read(1)
                        return "IGNORE"
                    if next == '*':
                        while True:
                            next = string_io.read(1)
                            if next == '*':
                                next = string_io.read(1)
                                if next == '/':
                        return "IGNORE"
                        string_io.seek(-1, 1)  # 将文件流指针向前移动一个字符
                        return "SYMBOL"
                return "SYMBOL"
            elif char == " " or char == "\n":


  • 按行读取:适用于逐行处理大文件。
  • 分块读取:适用于内存敏感的操作,尤其是处理超大文件时。
  • 文件指针控制:通过 seek()tell() 可以实现随机访问和流控制。
  • 安全文件操作:使用 with 关键字和异常处理可以确保文件安全、正确地被打开和关闭。




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