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【windows】win10提示‘adb‘ 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序或批处理文件。


adb devices
'adb' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序或批处理文件








Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.40
Version 4797878
Installed as C:\Windows\system32\adb.exe

global options:
 -a         listen on all network interfaces, not just localhost
 -d         use USB device (error if multiple devices connected)
 -e         use TCP/IP device (error if multiple TCP/IP devices available)
 -s SERIAL  use device with given serial (overrides $ANDROID_SERIAL)
 -t ID      use device with given transport id
 -H         name of adb server host [default=localhost]
 -P         port of adb server [default=5037]
 -L SOCKET  listen on given socket for adb server [default=tcp:localhost:5037]

general commands:
 devices [-l]             list connected devices (-l for long output)
 help                     show this help message
 version                  show version num

 connect HOST[:PORT]      connect to a device via TCP/IP [default port=5555]
 disconnect [HOST[:PORT]]
     disconnect from given TCP/IP device [default port=5555], or all
 forward --list           list all forward socket connections
 forward [--no-rebind] LOCAL REMOTE
     forward socket connection using:
       tcp:<port> (<local> may be "tcp:0" to pick any open port)
       localabstract:<unix domain socket name>
       localreserved:<unix domain socket name>
       localfilesystem:<unix domain socket name>
       dev:<character device name>
       jdwp:<process pid> (remote only)
 forward --remove LOCAL   remove specific forward socket connection
 forward --remove-all     remove all forward socket connections
 ppp TTY [PARAMETER...]   run PPP over USB
 reverse --list           list all reverse socket connections from device
 reverse [--no-rebind] REMOTE LOCAL
     reverse socket connection using:
       tcp:<port> (<remote> may be "tcp:0" to pick any open port)
       localabstract:<unix domain socket name>
       localreserved:<unix domain socket name>
       localfilesystem:<unix domain socket name>
 reverse --remove REMOTE  remove specific reverse socket connection
 reverse --remove-all     remove all reverse socket connections from device

file transfer:
 push [--sync] LOCAL... REMOTE
     copy local files/directories to device
     --sync: only push files that are newer on the host than the device
 pull [-a] REMOTE... LOCAL
     copy files/dirs from device
     -a: preserve file timestamp and mode
 sync [all|data|odm|oem|product|system|vendor]
     sync a local build from $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT to the device (default all)
     -l: list but don't copy

 shell [-e ESCAPE] [-n] [-Tt] [-x] [COMMAND...]
     run remote shell command (interactive shell if no command given)
     -e: choose escape character, or "none"; default '~'
     -n: don't read from stdin
     -T: disable PTY allocation
     -t: force PTY allocation
     -x: disable remote exit codes and stdout/stderr separation
 emu COMMAND              run emulator console command

app installation:
 install [-lrtsdg] [--instant] PACKAGE
 install-multiple [-lrtsdpg] [--instant] PACKAGE...
     push package(s) to the device and install them
     -l: forward lock application
     -r: replace existing application
     -t: allow test packages
     -s: install application on sdcard
     -d: allow version code downgrade (debuggable packages only)
     -p: partial application install (install-multiple only)
     -g: grant all runtime permissions
     --instant: cause the app to be installed as an ephemeral install app
 uninstall [-k] PACKAGE
     remove this app package from the device
     '-k': keep the data and cache directories

   to show usage run "adb shell bu help"

 bugreport [PATH]
     write bugreport to given PATH [default=bugreport.zip];
     if PATH is a directory, the bug report is saved in that directory.
     devices that don't support zipped bug reports output to stdout.
 jdwp                     list pids of processes hosting a JDWP transport
 logcat                   show device log (logcat --help for more)

 disable-verity           disable dm-verity checking on userdebug builds
 enable-verity            re-enable dm-verity checking on userdebug builds
 keygen FILE
     generate adb public/private key; private key stored in FILE,
     public key stored in FILE.pub (existing files overwritten)

     wait for device to be in the given state
     State: device, recovery, sideload, or bootloader
     Transport: usb, local, or any [default=any]
 get-state                print offline | bootloader | device
 get-serialno             print <serial-number>
 get-devpath              print <device-path>
 remount                  remount partitions read-write
 reboot [bootloader|recovery|sideload|sideload-auto-reboot]
     reboot the device; defaults to booting system image but
     supports bootloader and recovery too. sideload reboots
     into recovery and automatically starts sideload mode,
     sideload-auto-reboot is the same but reboots after sideloading.
 sideload OTAPACKAGE      sideload the given full OTA package
 root                     restart adbd with root permissions
 unroot                   restart adbd without root permissions
 usb                      restart adb server listening on USB
 tcpip PORT               restart adb server listening on TCP on PORT

internal debugging:
 start-server             ensure that there is a server running
 kill-server              kill the server if it is running
 reconnect                kick connection from host side to force reconnect
 reconnect device         kick connection from device side to force reconnect
 reconnect offline        reset offline/unauthorized devices to force reconnect

environment variables:
     comma-separated list of debug info to log:
 $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS         colon-separated list of keys (files or directories)
 $ANDROID_SERIAL          serial number to connect to (see -s)
 $ANDROID_LOG_TAGS        tags to be used by logcat (see logcat --help)




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