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(1) 国家标准的代号由大写汉语拼音字母构成,强制性国家标准代号为GB,推荐性国家标准的代号为GB/T。

(2) 行业标准代号由汉字拼音大写字母组成,再加上斜杠T组成推荐性行业标准(如××/T)。行业标准代号由国务院各有关行政主管部门提出其所管理的行业标准范围的申请报告,国务院标准化行政主管部门审查确定并正式公布该行业标准代号。已正式公布的行业代号有QJ(航天)、SI(电子)、JB(机械)和JR(金融)等。

(3) 地方标准代号由大写汉字拼音DB加上省、自治区、直辖市行政区划代码的前两位数字(如北京市11、天津市12、上海市31等),再加上斜杠T组成推荐性地方标准DB××/T不加斜杠T为强制性地方标准,如DB××

(4) 企业标准的代号由汉字大写拼音字母Q加斜杠再加企业代号组成(如Q/×××),企业代号可用大写拼音字母或阿拉伯数字,或者两者兼用所组成。 




RMS(Rate Monotonic Scheduling)调度算法根据任务周期确定优先级,周期越短,优先级越高。 详见架构设计笔记-16-嵌入式系统架构设计理论与实践


  1. - 嵌入式:嵌入式是嵌入式数据库的基本特性。嵌入式数据库不仅可以嵌入到其他的软件当中,也可以嵌入到硬件设备当中。
  2. - 实时性:实时性和嵌入式是分不开的。只有具有了实时性的数据库才能够第一时间得到系统的资源,对系统的请求在第一时间内做出响应。但是,并不是具有嵌入式就一定具有实时性。要想嵌入式数据库具有很好的实时性,必须做很多额外的工作。
  3. - 移动性:移动性是目前在国内提得比较多的一个说法,这和目前国内移动设备的大规模应用有关。可以这么说,具有嵌入式的数据库一定具有比较好的移动性,但是具有比较好的移动性的数据库,不一定具有嵌入式。
  4. - 伸缩性:伸缩性在嵌入式场合显得尤为重要。首先嵌入式场合硬件和软件的平台都是千差万别,基本都是客户根据需要自己选择的结果。

嵌入式数据库中,SQLite和Berkeley DB是文件型数据库Firebird是网络型数据库,eXtremeDB则是内存型数据库。Oracle是大型数据库,不是嵌入式数据库。(官方教材第二版P565) 

宏内核和微内核的主要区别在于它们的架构和设计哲学。宏内核将所有系统服务(包括设备驱动程序、内存管理、进程管理等)都集成在单一的内核空间中,这通常能提供较高的性能,但降低了模块化和可维护性。相反,微内核只包含最基本的操作系统服务(如进程调度和通信),将其他服务(如设备驱动程序)放在用户空间或作为服务器进程运行,这提供了更高的模块化和安全性,但可能牺牲一些性能。 在微内核架构中,由于大部分系统服务都运行在用户空间,进程间通信(IPC)通常通过消息传递机制来实现。这种机制允许进程通过发送和接收消息来进行通信,而不需要直接访问对方的内存空间,从而提高了系统的安全性和模块化。 






A system's architecture is a representation of a system in which there is a mapping of functionality onto hardware and software components, a mapping of the (请作答此空) onto the hardware architecture, and a concern for the human interaction with these components. That is, system architecture is concerned with a total system, including hardware, software, and humans. Software architectural structures can be divided into three major categories, depending on the broad nature of the elements they show. 1) (请作答此空) embody decisions as a set of code or data units that have to be constructed or procured. 2) (请作答此空) embody decisions as to how the system is to be structured as a set of elements that have runtime behavior and interactions. 3) (请作答此空) embody decisions as to how the system will relate to nonsoftware structures in its environment (such as CPUs, file systems, networks, development teams, etc.). 


During the systems analysis phase, you must decide how data will be organized, stored, and managed. A data structure is a framework for organizing, storing, and managing data. Each file or table contains data about people, places, things, or events. One of the potential problems existing in a file processing environment is data redundency, which means that data common to two or more information systems is stored in several places. In a DBMS, the linked tables form a unified data structure that greatly improves data quality and access. A(n) entity-relationship diagram is a model that shows the logical relationships and interaction among system entities. It provides an overall view of the system and a blueprint for creating the physical data structures. Normalization is the process of creating table designs by assigning specific fields or attributes to each table in the database. A table design specifies the fields and identifies the primary key in a particular table or file. The three normal forms constitute a progression in which third nomal form represents the best design. Most business - related data bases must be designed in that form.

在系统分析阶段,必须决定如何组织、存储和管理数据。数据结构是组织、存储和管理数据的一个框架。每个文件或表都包含有关人物、地点、事物或事件的数据。文件处理环境中存在的潜在问题之一是数据冗余,这意味着两个或多个信息系统共用的数据存储在多个不同位置。 在数据库管理系统(DBMS)中,相互连接的表形成了一个统一的数据结构,极大地提高了数据质量和访问能力。实体关系图是显示系统实体之间的逻辑关系和交互的模型。它提供了系统的总体视图和用于创建物理数据结构的蓝图。规范化是通过为数据库中的每个表分配特定字段或属性来创建表设计的过程。表设计指定字段并标识特定表或文件中的主键。三种范式构成了一个渐进过程,其中第三范式代表了好的设计。大部分与业务相关的数据库都必须以这种形式设计。

System analysis is traditionally done top - down using structured analysis based on functional decomposition. Object - oriented analysis focuses on creation of models. The three types of the analysis model are class model / interaction model / state model. There are two substages of object - oriented analysis. Domain analysis focuses on real - world things whose semantics the application captures. The object constructedin the requirement analysis shows the static structure of the real - world system and organizes it intoworkable pieces. Application analysis addresses the computer aspects of the applicati on that are visible tousers. The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.


A simple but essential architectural style used in high - quality architecture involves the separation of the domain and technical building blocks, according to the tenets of Quasar (Quality - Driven Software Architecture). Business building blocks are those that contain source code for the application domain, such as business rules, calculations, validations, and so on. Technical building blocks s olve purely technical problems, such as database connections, user interfaces, and so on. The basic principle of this architec tural style is that each building block contained in an architecture may only be responsible for either of these two aspects. This s eparation is postulated by Quasar because the domain and technical aspects of software systems usually have very different change cycles. If this separation can be maintained, the result will be a well modularized system. This Quasar - based idea became manageable with the introduction of “blood types” for software components. I think this mode l has not really become established because the blood - type analogy for software is pretty far-fetched. Nevertheless, this style pro vides some very important hints that should be obvious to every software architect.

根据Quasar(质量驱动软件架构)的原则,高质量架构中使用的一种简单但必不可少的架构风格涉及领域和技术构建块的分离。业务构建块是包含应用程序域源代码的构建块,如业务规则、计算、验证等。技术构建块解决纯粹的技术问题,如数据库连接、用户界面等。这种架构风格的基本原则是,架构中包含的每个构建块可能只负责这两个方面中的任何一个。这种分离是由Quasar提出的,因为软件系统的领域和技术方面通常具有非常不同的变更周期。如果能够保持这种分离,结果将是一个模块化良好的系统。 随着软件组件“血型”的引入,这种基于Quasar的想法变得易于管理。我认为这个模型还没有真正建立起来,因为软件的血型类比是相当牵强的。然而,这种风格提供了一些对每个软件架构师来说都应该显而易见的非常重要的提示。

The core purpose of architecture design is to ascertain the allocation of application software segments to respective hardware platforms. T his necessitates the identification of the key software components under development, followed by their assignment to the div erse hardware elements upon which the system will reside. All software systems can be categorized into four fundamental rol es. The initial role pertains to data storage. The majority of information systems necessitate the storage and retrieval of data, be it a miniscule file, akin to a word processor's memo, or an extensive database housing an organization's financial records. The su bsequent function is the data access logic, encompassing the procedures necessary for data access, often executed through Structured Query Language database queries. The third function revolves around the application logic, which encapsulates the logic articulated in DFDs, use cases, and functional specifications. Lastly, the presentation logic oversees the display of information to the user a nd the reception of user commands. The three fundamental hardware constituents of a system encompass clientsservers and network.



In the context of designing robust and adaptable software systems, one of the key principles is the separation of concerns bet ween the domain and infrastructure aspects of the system. According to the principles of Domain - Driven Design (DDD), the core domain logic, wh ich includes business rules, processes, and data manipulation, should be separated from the technical? functionalities, such as data persistence, user interface, and external services integration. This separation ensures that the core domain logic remains f ocused and free from the complexities of infrastructure concerns. By adhering to this principle, developers can achieve a syst em that is more loosely coupled?, allowing for easier maintenance, scalability, and adaptability to changing requirements. However, impl ementing this separation effectively requires a clear understanding of the domain and technical boundaries, as well as the abil ity to define these boundaries in a way that minimizes coupling and maximizes cohesion. Despite the challenges, this approac h has been proven in many successful software projects.




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