IMP - Interface Message Processor - 接口信息处理机
MODEM - Modulator-Demodulator - 调制解调器
LAN - Local Area Network - 局域网
FDM - Frequency Division Multiplexing - 频分复用
TDM - Time Division Multiplexing - 时分复用
STDM - Statistical Time Division Multiplexing - 统计时分复用
WDM - Wavelength Division Multiplexing - 波分复用
DWDM - Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing - 密集波分复用
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access - 码分多址
PCM - Pulse Code Modulation - 脉冲编码调制
CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check - 循环冗余校验
FEC - Forward Error Correction - 前向纠错
ARQ - Automatic Repeat reQuest - 自动重传请求
PPP - Point-to-Point Protocol - 点对点协议
LCP - Link Control Protocol - 链路控制协议
NCP - Network Control Protocol - 网络控制协议
CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection - 带冲突检测的载波监听多路访问
MAC - Media Access Control - 媒体访问控制
LLC - Logical Link Control - 逻辑链路控制
NIC - Network Interface Card - 网络接口卡
VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network - 虚拟局域网
10BASE5 - 10 Mbps Baseband over Thick coaxial cable - 10兆以太网粗同轴电缆
10BASE-T - 10 Mbps Baseband over Twisted Pair - 10兆以太网双绞线
100BASE-FX - 100 Mbps Full Duplex over Fiber Optic - 100兆全双工光纤
CIDR - Classless Inter-Domain Routing - 无类别域间路由
IP - Internet Protocol - 互联网协议
ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol - 互联网控制消息协议
IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol - 互联网组管理协议
ARP - Address Resolution Protocol - 地址解析协议
RARP - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol - 反向地址解析协议
RIP - Routing Information Protocol - 路由信息协议
OSPF - Open Shortest Path First - 开放最短路径优先
IGP - Interior Gateway Protocol - 内部网关协议
BGP - Border Gateway Protocol - 边界网关协议
NAT - Network Address Translation - 网络地址转换
TTL - Time to Live - 生存时间
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol - 传输控制协议
UDP - User Datagram Protocol - 用户数据报协议
MSS - Maximum Segment Size - 最大段大小
ARQ - Automatic Repeat reQuest - 自动重传请求(与链路层的ARQ相同,但在传输层通常指选择重传ARQ)
RTT - Round-Trip Time - 往返时间
RTO - Retransmission Timeout - 重传超时
HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol - 超文本传输协议
HTTPSHyperText Transfer Protocol Secure - 安全套接字层超文本传输协议
FTPFile Transfer Protocol - 文件传输协议
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol - 简单邮件传输协议
POP3Post Office Protocol version 3 - 第三代邮局协议
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol - 互联网消息访问协议
DNSDomain Name System - 域名系统
SSHSecure Shell - 安全外壳协议
TelnetTeletype Network - 远程终端协议
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol - 简单网络管理协议