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golang 实现比特币内核:椭圆曲线有限域的代码实现


go init mod elliptic_curve


package elliptic_curve

import (

type FieldElement struct {
	order uint64 // field的阶
	num   uint64 // 该元素在域中的值

func NewFieldElement(order uint64, num uint64) FieldElement {

	if num >= order || num < 0 {
		err := fmt.Sprintf("Num not in the range from 0 to %d", order)

	return FieldElement{
		order: order,
		num:   num,

func (f FieldElement) String() string {
	// 将对象格式化为可打印的字符串,相当于Python中的__repr__
	return fmt.Sprintf("FieldElement{order: %d, num: %d}", f.order, f.num)

func (f FieldElement) EqualTo(other FieldElement) bool {
	return f.order == other.order && f.num == other.num


func (f *FieldElement) Add(other *FieldElement) *FieldElement {
	if other.order != f.order {
		panic("add need to do on field element with the same order")

	// 记得做模运算
	return NewFieldElement(f.order, (f.num+other.num)%f.order)

func (f *FieldElement) Negate() *FieldElement {
		对于一个域元素a,其负值是域中另一个元素b,使得(a + b) % order= 0
		(注意模数是order),由于域中元素的值小于其阶,我们可以通过order - a得到a的负值。

	return NewFieldElement(f.order, f.order-f.num)

func (f *FieldElement) Substract(other *FieldElement) *FieldElement {
	// 如何实现?
	return nil


package main

import (
	ecc "elliptic_curve"

func main() {
	f44 := ecc.NewFieldElement(57, 44)
	f33 := ecc.NewFieldElement(57, 33)
	// 44 + 33 等于 (44+33) % 57 等于 20
	res := f44.Add(f33)
	fmt.Printf("域元素44加上域元素33结果是:%v\n", res)
	// -44是域元素44的负值,即57 - 44 = 13
	fmt.Printf("域元素44的负值是:%v\n", f44.Negate())


go run main.go


field element 44 add to field element 33 is : FieldElement{order: 57, num: 20}
negate of field element 44 is : FieldElement{order: 57, num: 37}```

现在我们解决减法的问题,对于域元素a, b,我们希望找到域元素c,使得c = a - b。注意a - b等于a + (-b),而(-b)是b的负值,这意味着c等于a加上b的负值。让我们将其写入代码:

func (f *FieldElement) Subtract(other *FieldElement) *FieldElement {
	// 首先找到other的负值
	// 将其加上other的负值
	return f.Add(other.Negate())


func main() {
fmt.Printf("域元素44 - 33结果是:%v\n", f44.Substract(f33))
	fmt.Printf("域元素33 - 44结果是:%v\n", f33.Subtract(f44))

	// 检查 (11+33)%57 == 44
	// 检查 (46 + 44) % 57 == 33
	fmt.Printf("检查46 + 44在57模下结果是%d\n", (46+44)%57)
	// 使用域元素检查
	f46 := ecc.NewFieldElement(57, 46)
	fmt.Printf("域元素46 + 44结果是%v\n", f46.Add(f44))


field element 44 add to field element 33 is : FieldElement{order: 57, num: 20}
negate of field element 44 is : FieldElement{order: 57, num: 37}
field element 44 - 33 is : FieldElement{order: 57, num: 11}
field element 33 - 44 is : FieldElement{order: 57, num: 46}
check 46 + 44 over modulur 57 is 33
field element 46 + 44 is FieldElement{order: 57, num: 33}

我们可以进行一些简单的算术计算,(46+44) % 57的结果确实是33,这意味着我们的代码逻辑是正确的。接下来我们看看如何添加乘法和幂运算操作,即在模数order下的乘法和幂操作,代码如下:

func (f *FieldElement) checkOrder(other *FieldElement) {
	if other.order != f.order {
		panic("add need to do on field element with the same order")

func (f *FieldElement) Multiplie(other *FieldElement) *FieldElement {
	// 在模数order下乘法
	return NewFieldElement(f.order, (f.num*other.num)%f.order)

func (f *FieldElement) Power(power int64) *FieldElement {
	return NewFieldElement(f.order, uint64(math.Pow(float64(f.num), float64(power)))%f.order)


func main() {
    fmt.Printf("元素46自身相乘的结果是:%v\n", f46.Multiplie(f46))
    fmt.Printf("元素46的2次幂是%v\n", f46.Power(2))


multiplie element 46 with itself is :FieldElement{order: 57, num: 7}
element 46 with power to 2 is FieldElement{order: 57, num: 7}

可以看到,元素46的自乘等于其2次幂的计算结果。现在是问题时间了,对于阶为19的有限域,随机选择一个元素k,计算{k . 0, k . 1, … k . 18},结果会是什么呢?


func (f *FieldElement) ScalarMul(val uint64) *FieldElement {
	return NewFieldElement(f.order, (f.num*val)%f.order)


package main

import (
	ecc "elliptic_curve"

func SolveField19MultiplieSet() {
	// 随机选择一个1到18的数
	min := 1
	max := 18
	k := rand.Intn(max-min) + min
	fmt.Printf("随机选择的k是:%d\n", k)
	element := ecc.NewFieldElement(19, uint64(k))
	for i := 0; i < 19; i++ {
		fmt.Printf("元素%d乘以%d的结果是%v\n", k, i, element.ScalarMul(uint64(i)))

func main() {


element 2 multiplie with 0 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 0}
element 2 multiplie with 1 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 2}
element 2 multiplie with 2 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 4}
element 2 multiplie with 3 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 6}
element 2 multiplie with 4 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 8}
element 2 multiplie with 5 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 10}
element 2 multiplie with 6 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 12}
element 2 multiplie with 7 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 14}
element 2 multiplie with 8 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 16}
element 2 multiplie with 9 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 18}
element 2 multiplie with 10 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 1}
element 2 multiplie with 11 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 3}
element 2 multiplie with 12 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 5}
element 2 multiplie with 13 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 7}
element 2 multiplie with 14 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 9}
element 2 multiplie with 15 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 11}
element 2 multiplie with 16 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 13}
element 2 multiplie with 17 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 15}
element 2 multiplie with 18 is FieldElement{order: 19, num: 17}



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