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论文概览 |《IJGIS》2024.09 Vol.38 issue9

本次给大家整理的是《International Journal of Geographical Information Science》杂志2024年第38卷第9期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括9篇SCI论文!


A movement-aware measure for trajectory similarity and its application for ride-sharing path extraction in a road network



Recognizing common travel paths of crowds in a road network is valuable for understanding human mobility patterns and developing intelligent ride-sharing services. To achieve this, it is critical to measure the similarity of their trajectories. Although many measures have been proposed in the past decades, they often ignore movement consistency, exhibit one or more deficiencies in the face of noise and misaligned trajectories, or require extra parameters to tune predictions. In this paper, we propose an improved similarity measure called the directed segment path distance (DSPD), which considers the spatial proximity and movement consistency of trajectories. By integrating the spatial proximity distance and moving direction similarity between trajectories, the DSPD is a competitive parameter-free similarity measure that can effectively distinguish trajectories with different movement characteristics. To verify the effectiveness of the DSPD, we conducted a quantitative comparative study between the DSPD measure and 11 state-of-the-art trajectory similarity measures on six simulated trajectory datasets and applied the DSPD to two typical application scenarios: trajectory clustering for road network generation and retrieving common trajectories for ride-sharing path planning. The results demonstrate the effectiveness, robustness, and superiority of the DSPD and its great potential in trajectory search, clustering, and classification.






Ju Peng,中南大学,地理信息学系,中国湖南长沙

Min Deng,中南大学,地理信息学系;湖南省地理空间信息工程技术研究中心,中国湖南长沙

Jianbo Tang,中南大学,地理信息学系;湖南省地理空间信息工程技术研究中心,中国湖南长沙

Zhiyuan Hu,中南大学,地理信息学系,中国湖南长沙

Heyan Xia,中南大学,地理信息学系,中国湖南长沙

Huimin Liu,中南大学,地理信息学系,中国湖南长沙

Xiaoming Mei,中南大学,地理信息学系,中国湖南长沙


ST-ADPTC: a method for clustering spatiotemporal raster data based on improved density peak detection



Spatiotemporal raster (STR) data employ an array of grids to represent temporally varying and spatially distributed information, commonly utilized for recording environmental variables and socioeconomic indices. To reveal the geographic patterns embedded in STR data, the clustering by fast search and finding of density peaks (CFSFDP) algorithm is considered effective and suitable. However, this algorithm encounters limitations in identifying cluster centers, handling large data volumes, and measuring the coupled spatial-temporal-attribute distance when applied to STR data. To overcome these challenges, we propose an improved method named spatial temporal-adaptive density peak tree clustering (ST-ADPTC). This method leverages adaptive density peak tree segmentation to identify cluster centers and optimizes memory usage through the k-nearest neighbors (kNN) technique. By constructing a neighborhood that incorporates both spatiotemporal and thematic attribute similarities, ST-ADPTC computes the local density of STR data, facilitating the discovery of time-varying clusters. Based on the proposed method, we develop an open-source Python package (Geo_ADPTC). Experiments conducted using benchmarking datasets illustrate improvements in cluster identification and memory reduction. Additionally, a case study of sea surface temperature data demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of exploring spatial and temporal distribution patterns using the proposed method.






Jie Song,虚拟地理环境重点实验室,南京师范大学,教育部,南京,中国;地理环境演变省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地,南京师范大学,南京,中国;地理信息资源开发与应用协同创新江苏中心,南京师范大学,南京,中国;武汉测绘研究院,武汉,中国

Songshan Yue,虚拟地理环境重点实验室,南京师范大学,教育部,南京,中国;地理环境演变省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地,南京师范大学,南京,中国;地理信息资源开发与应用协同创新江苏中心,南京师范大学,南京,中国

Min Chen,虚拟地理环境重点实验室,南京师范大学,教育部,南京,中国;地理环境演变省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地,南京师范大学,南京,中国;江苏省地理信息资源开发与应用协同创新中心,南京师范大学,南京,中国

Zhuo Sun,虚拟地理环境重点实验室,南京师范大学,教育部,南京,中国;地理环境演变省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地,南京师范大学,南京,中国;江苏省地理信息资源开发与应用协同创新中心,南京师范大学,南京,中国

Yongning Wen,虚拟地理环境重点实验室,南京师范大学,教育部,南京,中国;地理环境演变(江苏省)国家重点实验室培育基地,南京师范大学,南京,中国;江苏省地理信息资源开发与应用协同创新中心,南京师范大学,南京,中国

Lingzhi Sun,自然资源部第三地理信息制图研究院,中国成都


Combining hierarchies for spatial reasoning of hierarchical relations among places in different contexts



Spatial reasoning of hierarchical relations is an important research topic in geographic information science. Existing literature focuses mainly on hierarchical relations according to ordered containment of point sets based on the 9-Intersection Model (9IM). However, in natural language descriptions, hierarchical relations expressed by prepositions such as in can have spatial configurations conflicting with those hierarchical relations based on 9IM. This paper proposes an algorithm employing combined hierarchies to infer hierarchical relations among places in different contexts. Two graph databases containing combined hierarchies conforming to administrative reach and geometric enclosure are established with places represented by polygons with misaligned boundaries on prototypical and real data. The 13170 pairs of conflicting hierarchical relations with the same start nodes but different end nodes detected in the combined hierarchies on real data validate the proposed algorithm for spatial reasoning of hierarchical relations in different contexts. This research facilitates consistent spatial reasoning of hierarchical relations in different contexts for spatial information retrieval and question answering.






Xiaonan Wang,墨尔本大学基础设施工程系,澳大利亚


Multi-observation points setting problem based on stepwise maximum viewshed approach



Terrain visibility analysis is vital in geospatial research, employing computer geometry and graphics principles for computing and visualizing visibility between observation and target points. The observation point setup problem is crucial for tasks like sentry point selection and signal base station placement. This problem involves choosing the minimum viewpoints on terrain for optimal joint view coverage, presenting a combinatorial optimization challenge. As technology advances, data can be acquired with increasing precision, the number of viewpoints that can be extracted from the same area is gradually increasing as well, obtaining candidate viewpoints and determining optimal combinations become challenging. This paper proposes a novel method, Stepwise Maximum Viewshed (SMV), addressing observation point setup by stepwise filtering the maximum viewshed and can customize the size of the observation point combination. In complex mountainous terrain, the SMV algorithm demonstrates superior joint view coverage compared to Candidate Viewpoints Filtering (CVF) and Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithms. Experimental results reveal up to 5.59% improvement over CVF and a maximum of 12.52% over SA in joint viewshed coverage.






Peng Wang,南京师范大学地理学院,中国南京;南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室,中国南京

Junfei Ma,南京师范大学地理学院,中国南京;南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室,中国南京

Fayuan Li,南京师范大学地理学院,中国南京;南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室,中国南京


GeoAR: a calibration method for Geographic-Aware Augmented Reality



The applicability of augmented reality (AR) as a tool for geospatial data analysis and urban environment interaction relies on developing robust and accurate systems capable of aligning the virtual reference frame with the geographic one. In this article, we introduce our work toward the conceptualization and realization of Geographic-Aware Augmented Reality (GeoAR), including an evaluated framework for the automatic registration of georeferenced AR content. The proposed framework uses a novel calibration method that enables highly accurate placement of augmentations at their assigned geographic coordinate. Moreover, it introduces four calibration approaches suitable for different user needs. The framework was evaluated to assess the robustness of the augmentation’s positional accuracy in three areas with different environmental characteristics, using references up to 50 m away while the user moves around. The results demonstrate that this framework supports novel outdoor AR applications, extending the possibilities in research and urban applications.






Marcelo L. Galvão,维也纳科技大学测量与地理信息系,奥地利维也纳

Paolo Fogliaroni,维也纳科技大学测量与地理信息系,奥地利维也纳

Ioannis Giannopoulos,维也纳科技大学测量与地理信息系,奥地利维也纳

Gerhard Navratil,维也纳科技大学测量与地理信息系,奥地利维也纳

Markus Kattenbeck,维也纳科技大学测量与地理信息系,奥地利维也纳

Negar Alinaghi,维也纳科技大学测量与地理信息系,奥地利维也纳


Optimisation of spatiotemporal context-constrained full-view area coverage deployment in camera sensor networks via quantum annealing



Full-view coverage of a space area with a camera sensor network (CSN) is key to monitoring tasks like security monitoring. Unlike traditional CSN challenges that focus on mere target detection, the full-view area coverage problem (FVACP) demands recognition of targets irrespective of their locations or orientations. However, prior approaches often neglect real-world spatiotemporal context constraints like buildings and pedestrian dynamics, leading to inefficient CSN deployment. Moreover, FVACP’s complexity, being an NP-hard issue, underscores the need for effective optimisation strategies. Recently, quantum annealing (QA) has emerged as a promising solution, which potentially outperforms classical computing in optimisation tasks. Therefore, this study proposes a QA-based FVACP optimisation framework. It addresses spatial constraints by optimising candidate deployment points and tackles temporal constraints by optimising sensor orientations. These optimisation tasks are converted into quadratic unconstrained binary optimisation problems, which are suitable for QA techniques and benchmarking against classical methods. The effectiveness of the framework is validated through facial recognition-oriented experiments. Results demonstrate not only efficient CSN deployment with larger benefits and fewer cameras but also confirm the superiority of QA over classical computing given that it delivers approximate optimum outcomes across various scenarios. Consequently, CSN monitoring capabilities in real-world applications can be enhanced.






Jie Li,中国地质大学(武汉)计算机科学学院

Zhenqiang Li,中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院 国家地理信息系统工程研究中心

Long Yao,中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院 国家地理信息系统工程研究中心

Ke Wang,国家地理信息系统工程研究中心,中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院,武汉,中国

Jialin Li,地理信息系统国家工程研究中心,中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院,武汉,中国

Yao Lu,地理信息系统国家工程研究中心,中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院,武汉,中国

Chuli Hu,地理信息系统国家工程研究中心,中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院,武汉,中国;自然资源信息管理与数字孪生工程软件教育部工程研究中心,中国地质大学(武汉),武汉,中国


An ensemble spatial prediction method considering geospatial heterogeneity



Ensemble learning synthesizes the advantages of different models and has been widely applied in the field of spatial prediction. However, the nonlinear constraints of spatial heterogeneity on the model ensemble process make it difficult to adaptively determine the ensemble weights, greatly limiting the predictive ability of the ensemble learning model. This paper therefore proposes a novel geographical spatial heterogeneous ensemble learning method (GSH-EL). Firstly, the geographically weighted regression model, geographically optimal similarity model, and random forest model are used as three base learners to express local spatial heterogeneity, global feature correlation, and nonlinear relationship of geographic elements, respectively. Then, a spatially weighted ensemble neural network module (SWENN) of GSH-EL is proposed to express spatial heterogeneity by exploring the complex nonlinear relationship between the spatial proximity and ensemble weights. Finally, the outputs of the three base learners are combined with the spatial heterogeneous ensemble weights from SWENN to obtain the spatial prediction results. The proposed method is validated on the PM2.5 air quality and landslide dataset in China, both of which obtain more accurate prediction results than the existing ensemble learning strategies. The results confirm the need to accurately express spatial heterogeneity in the model ensemble process.






Shifen Cheng,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京,中国;中国科学院大学,北京,中国

Lizeng Wang,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京,中国;中国科学院大学,北京,中国

Peixiao Wang,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京,中国;中国科学院大学,北京,中国

Feng Lu,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京,中国;中国科学院大学,北京,中国;数字中国研究院,福州大学,福州,中国;江苏省地理信息资源开发与应用协同创新中心,南京,中国


A machine learning based approach for generating point sketch maps from qualitative directional information



People often use qualitative relations to describe locations or directional information, especially in written communication, such as ‘the restaurant is located at the southeast corner of the square’. However, when a large number of spatial entities are involved, qualitative relations alone are not intuitive enough for people to understand a spatial configuration. In fact, many applications, e.g. pertaining to sharing travel experiences, use sketch maps, i.e. maps focusing on the main features of an area whilst abstracting exact scale measurements, to help demonstrate abstract qualitative relations with more intuitive geometric points. Current approaches for generating point sketch maps from qualitative spatial relations require a high level of expertise, face inherent difficulties with efficiently processing large-scale data in bulk, and are vulnerable to inaccurate or conflicting information contained in qualitative data. To address these limitations, by incorporating machine learning techniques, we propose to translate the problem into an optimization problem of data reconstruction, enabling a novel end-to-end approach for generating point sketch maps from qualitative directional relations in bulk. Experiments on real-world datasets show that the proposed approach has very high accuracy and is robust even with a large portion of inaccurate or incomplete information.






Zhiguo Long,西南交通大学计算与人工智能学院,中国成都;四川省制造产业链协同与信息支撑技术重点实验室,中国成都

Qingqian Li,西南交通大学计算与人工智能学院,中国成都;四川省制造产业链协同与信息支撑技术重点实验室,中国成都

Hua Meng,西南交通大学数学学院,中国成都

Michael Sioutis,法国蒙彼利埃大学与国家科学研究中心(CNRS)LIRMM UMR 5506,蒙彼利埃


Detecting synthetic population bias using a spatially-oriented framework and independent validation data



Models of human mobility can be broadly applied to find solutions addressing diverse topics such as public health policy, transportation management, emergency management, and urban development. However, many mobility models require individual-level data that is limited in availability and accessibility. Synthetic populations are commonly used as the foundation for mobility models because they provide detailed individual-level data representing the different types and characteristics of people in a study area. Thorough evaluation of synthetic populations is required to detect data biases before the prejudices are transferred to subsequent applications. Although synthetic populations are commonly used for modeling mobility, they are conventionally validated by their sociodemographic characteristics, rather than mobility attributes. Mobility microdata provides an opportunity to independently/externally validate the mobility attributes of synthetic populations. This study demonstrates a spatially-oriented data validation framework and independent data validation to assess the mobility attributes of two synthetic populations at different spatial granularities. Validation using independent data (SafeGraph) and the validation framework replicated the spatial distribution of errors detected using source data (LODES) and total absolute error. Spatial clusters of error exposed the locations of underrepresented and overrepresented communities. This information can guide bias mitigation efforts to generate a more representative synthetic population.






Jessica Embury,美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈,圣迭戈州立大学地理系

Atsushi Nara,美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈,圣迭戈州立大学地理系

Sergio Rey,美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈,圣迭戈州立大学地理系

Ming-Hsiang Tsou,美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈,圣迭戈州立大学地理系

Sahar Ghanipoor Machiani,美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈,圣迭戈州立大学土木、建筑与环境工程系



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