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使用 scipy 计算置信区间


我有一个形状为 的数组(n, timesteps),其中n是试验次数,timesteps是每次试验的长度。该数组的每个值表示一个随机测量值。
我想实现一个通用函数,该函数计算给定统计数据(平均值、中位数……)的置信区间,假设 1)基础分布为正态分布,2)为学生分布。


def normal_ci(
    data: np.array,
    axis: int = 0,
    statistic: Callable = np.mean,
    confidence: float = 0.95


我的问题是,默认情况下,scipy 函数会计算平均值的区间,对吗?



from typing import Callable
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

rng = np.random.default_rng(84354894298246)
data = rng.standard_normal(size=(1000, 100))

def normal_ci(
    data: np.array,
    axis: int = 0,
    statistic: Callable = np.mean,
    confidence: float = 0.95
    res = stats.bootstrap((data,), statistic, axis=axis,
    return tuple(res.confidence_interval)

low, high = normal_ci(data, axis=-1)
np.mean((low < 0) & (0 < high))  # 0.953


def normal_ci(
    data: np.array,
    axis: int = 0,
    statistic: Callable = np.mean,
    confidence: float = 0.95
    # fit a normal distribution to the data
    mean = np.mean(data, axis=axis)
    std = np.std(data, ddof=1, axis=axis)

    # resample data from the fitted normal distribution
    n_resamples = 999
    m = data.shape[axis]  # assuming axis is an integer
    resample = rng.normal(loc=mean, scale=std, size=(m, n_resamples) + mean.shape)

    # compute the statistic for each of the resamples to estimate
    # the distribution
    statistic_distribution = statistic(resample, axis=0)

    # Generate the confidence interval
    # percentile bootstrap (very crude)
    alpha = 1 - confidence
    low, high = np.quantile(statistic_distribution, [alpha/2, 1-alpha/2], axis=0)
    return low, high

low, high = normal_ci(data, axis=-1)
np.mean((low < 0) & (0 < high))  # 0.954

否则,您需要针对您感兴趣的每个统计数据和人口家族研究从您的人口中抽取的样本的统计分布。对于正态分布的样本,样本均值服从 t 分布,方差服从卡方分布等……而这不是 Stack Overflow 的问题。



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