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go bindata




go install github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...@master


go bindata支持以下参数

PS D:\go_workspace\src\test> go-bindata
Missing <input dir>

Usage: D:\g\versions\1.22.8\bin\go-bindata.exe [options] <input directories>

        Do not embed the assets, but provide the embedding API. Contents will still be loaded from disk.
        Similar to debug, but does not emit absolute paths. Expects a rootDir variable to already exist in the generated code's package.
  -ignore value
        Regex pattern to ignore
  -mode uint
        Optional file mode override for all files.
  -modtime int
        Optional modification unix timestamp override for all files.
        Assets will *not* be GZIP compressed when this flag is specified.
        Use a .rodata hack to get rid of unnecessary memcopies. Refer to the documentation to see what implications this carries.
        Assets will not preserve size, mode, and modtime info.
  -o string
        Optional name of the output file to be generated. (default "./bindata.go")
  -pkg string
        Package name to use in the generated code. (default "main")
  -prefix string
        Optional path prefix to strip off asset names.
  -tags string
        Optional set of build tags to include.
        Displays version information.


go-bindata -o=pkg/bindata.go -pkg=pkg template/...

如果出现bindata: Failed to stat input path '.go': CreateFile .go,删除.go ,再修改文件名即可。

PS D:\go_workspace\src\test> go-bindata -o=pkg/bindata.go -pkg=pkg template/...
bindata: Failed to stat input path '.go': CreateFile .go: The system cannot find the file specified.



// 根据名称加载并返回文件内容
func Asset(name string) ([]byte, error) {}

// 类似于Asset,但在出错时会panic,适用于初始化全局变量
func MustAsset(name string)[]byte{}

// 返回文件的元数据信息
func AssetInfo(name string)(os.FileInfo,error){}

// 返回所有嵌入文件的名称列表
func AssetNames() []string{}

// 返回指定目录下的文件和子目录名称
func AssetDir(name string) ([]string, error){}

// 将单个嵌入的文件恢复到指定目录
func RestoreAsset(dir, name string) error{}

// 递归的将嵌入的文件和目录恢复到指定目录
func RestoreAssets(dir, name string) error{}


temp, err := tools.Asset("data/template/reach_overstock_info.tmpl")
	if err != nil {
		vars.Logger.Errorf(ctx, "wechat_service.SendReachOverstockMessage tools.Asset err %#v", err)
src := data.Overstocks
tmpl, err := template.New("reach_overstock_info").Parse(string(temp))


go bindata为我们提供了将静态资源嵌入到包里,即将静态资源生成.go文件。



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