OceanBase 升级过程研究(
使用滚动升级方式来进行OB升级。该方法前提是OB集群必须满足官方规定的高可用架构(如果 Zone 个数小于 3,滚动升级时则无法构成多数派), 滚动升级的原理就是轮流完成每个ZONE的升级工作,由于OB属于分布式集群,当一个ZONE处于升级状态中,其余的ZONE提供服务,不影响业务
升级时会产生一个主任务及多个子任务。主任务根据每个需要替换 binary 版本的升级节点,来生成数个子任务,来逐步替换掉需要升级的 binary 文件。
- 主任务:将升级路径中每个需要替换 binary 文件的升级节点都生成为一个子任务,用于逐步替换掉需要升级的 binary 文件。 如下图所示,
Submit cluster upgrade task
即为生成一个子任务。Wait dag success
为等待子任务执行完成。Submit cluster upgrade task
和Wait dag success
这个组合可能会执行多次,执行次数取决于升级路径中有多少个替换 binary 的节点。
- 子任务:升级所有 OceanBase 集群版本。主要是执行升级脚本: 预检查脚本、升级 Pre 脚本、替换 OBServer 节点、升级 Post 脚本、版本检查等。
在 set zone contaxt 任务模块前的所有任务均是升级前对集群的检查,检查租户的凭据以及运行安装目录etc下的升级检查脚本,查看当前集群是否满足升级。由于是检查操作,所以这些任务模块如果运行失败可以进行回滚。这些检查模块运行成功后开始执行ZONE的升级
upgrade_pre.py 该脚本主要用于执行升级前的一系列准备工作,确保集群处于适合升级的状态
[root@sdw1 etc]# cat upgrade_checker.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import mysql.connector from mysql.connector import errorcode import logging import getopt import time class UpgradeParams: log_filename = 'upgrade_checker.log' old_version = '' #### --------------start : my_error.py -------------- class MyError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) #### --------------start : actions.py------------ class Cursor: __cursor = None def __init__(self, cursor): self.__cursor = cursor def exec_sql(self, sql, print_when_succ = True): try: self.__cursor.execute(sql) rowcount = self.__cursor.rowcount if True == print_when_succ: logging.info('succeed to execute sql: %s, rowcount = %d', sql, rowcount) return rowcount except mysql.connector.Error, e: logging.exception('mysql connector error, fail to execute sql: %s', sql) raise e except Exception, e: logging.exception('normal error, fail to execute sql: %s', sql) raise e def exec_query(self, sql, print_when_succ = True): try: self.__cursor.execute(sql) results = self.__cursor.fetchall() rowcount = self.__cursor.rowcount if True == print_when_succ: logging.info('succeed to execute query: %s, rowcount = %d', sql, rowcount) return (self.__cursor.description, results) except mysql.connector.Error, e: logging.exception('mysql connector error, fail to execute sql: %s', sql) raise e except Exception, e: logging.exception('normal error, fail to execute sql: %s', sql) raise e def set_parameter(cur, parameter, value): sql = """alter system set {0} = '{1}'""".format(parameter, value) logging.info(sql) cur.execute(sql) wait_parameter_sync(cur, parameter, value) def wait_parameter_sync(cur, key, value): sql = """select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.__all_virtual_sys_parameter_stat where name = '{0}' and value != '{1}'""".format(key, value) times = 10 while times > 0: logging.info(sql) cur.execute(sql) result = cur.fetchall() if len(result) != 1 or len(result[0]) != 1: logging.exception('result cnt not match') raise e elif result[0][0] == 0: logging.info("""{0} is sync, value is {1}""".format(key, value)) break else: logging.info("""{0} is not sync, value should be {1}""".format(key, value)) times -= 1 if times == 0: logging.exception("""check {0}:{1} sync timeout""".format(key, value)) raise e time.sleep(5) #### --------------start : opt.py -------------- help_str = \ """ Help: """ +\ sys.argv[0] + """ [OPTIONS]""" +\ '\n\n' +\ '-I, --help Display this help and exit.\n' +\ '-V, --version Output version information and exit.\n' +\ '-h, --host=name Connect to host.\n' +\ '-P, --port=name Port number to use for connection.\n' +\ '-u, --user=name User for login.\n' +\ '-t, --timeout=name Cmd/Query/Inspection execute timeout(s).\n' +\ '-p, --password=name Password to use when connecting to server. If password is\n' +\ ' not given it\'s empty string "".\n' +\ '-m, --module=name Modules to run. Modules should be a string combined by some of\n' +\ ' the following strings: ddl, normal_dml, each_tenant_dml,\n' +\ ' system_variable_dml, special_action, all. "all" represents\n' +\ ' that all modules should be run. They are splitted by ",".\n' +\ ' For example: -m all, or --module=ddl,normal_dml,special_action\n' +\ '-l, --log-file=name Log file path. If log file path is not given it\'s ' + os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0] + '.log\n' +\ '\n\n' +\ 'Maybe you want to run cmd like that:\n' +\ sys.argv[0] + ' -h -P 3306 -u admin -p admin\n' version_str = """version 1.0.0""" class Option: __g_short_name_set = set([]) __g_long_name_set = set([]) __short_name = None __long_name = None __is_with_param = None __is_local_opt = None __has_value = None __value = None def __init__(self, short_name, long_name, is_with_param, is_local_opt, default_value = None): if short_name in Option.__g_short_name_set: raise MyError('duplicate option short name: {0}'.format(short_name)) elif long_name in Option.__g_long_name_set: raise MyError('duplicate option long name: {0}'.format(long_name)) Option.__g_short_name_set.add(short_name) Option.__g_long_name_set.add(long_name) self.__short_name = short_name self.__long_name = long_name self.__is_with_param = is_with_param self.__is_local_opt = is_local_opt self.__has_value = False if None != default_value: self.set_value(default_value) def is_with_param(self): return self.__is_with_param def get_short_name(self): return self.__short_name def get_long_name(self): return self.__long_name def has_value(self): return self.__has_value def get_value(self): return self.__value def set_value(self, value): self.__value = value self.__has_value = True def is_local_opt(self): return self.__is_local_opt def is_valid(self): return None != self.__short_name and None != self.__long_name and True == self.__has_value and None != self.__value g_opts =\ [\ Option('I', 'help', False, True),\ Option('V', 'version', False, True),\ Option('h', 'host', True, False),\ Option('P', 'port', True, False),\ Option('u', 'user', True, False),\ Option('t', 'timeout', True, False, 0),\ Option('p', 'password', True, False, ''),\ # 要跑哪个模块,默认全跑 Option('m', 'module', True, False, 'all'),\ # 日志文件路径,不同脚本的main函数中中会改成不同的默认值 Option('l', 'log-file', True, False) ]\ def change_opt_defult_value(opt_long_name, opt_default_val): global g_opts for opt in g_opts: if opt.get_long_name() == opt_long_name: opt.set_value(opt_default_val) return def has_no_local_opts(): global g_opts no_local_opts = True for opt in g_opts: if opt.is_local_opt() and opt.has_value(): no_local_opts = False return no_local_opts def check_db_client_opts(): global g_opts for opt in g_opts: if not opt.is_local_opt() and not opt.has_value(): raise MyError('option "-{0}" has not been specified, maybe you should run "{1} --help" for help'\ .format(opt.get_short_name(), sys.argv[0])) def parse_option(opt_name, opt_val): global g_opts for opt in g_opts: if opt_name in (('-' + opt.get_short_name()), ('--' + opt.get_long_name())): opt.set_value(opt_val) def parse_options(argv): global g_opts short_opt_str = '' long_opt_list = [] for opt in g_opts: if opt.is_with_param(): short_opt_str += opt.get_short_name() + ':' else: short_opt_str += opt.get_short_name() for opt in g_opts: if opt.is_with_param(): long_opt_list.append(opt.get_long_name() + '=') else: long_opt_list.append(opt.get_long_name()) (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(argv, short_opt_str, long_opt_list) for (opt_name, opt_val) in opts: parse_option(opt_name, opt_val) if has_no_local_opts(): check_db_client_opts() def deal_with_local_opt(opt): if 'help' == opt.get_long_name(): global help_str print help_str elif 'version' == opt.get_long_name(): global version_str print version_str def deal_with_local_opts(): global g_opts if has_no_local_opts(): raise MyError('no local options, can not deal with local options') else: for opt in g_opts: if opt.is_local_opt() and opt.has_value(): deal_with_local_opt(opt) # 只处理一个 return def get_opt_host(): global g_opts for opt in g_opts: if 'host' == opt.get_long_name(): return opt.get_value() def get_opt_port(): global g_opts for opt in g_opts: if 'port' == opt.get_long_name(): return opt.get_value() def get_opt_user(): global g_opts for opt in g_opts: if 'user' == opt.get_long_name(): return opt.get_value() def get_opt_password(): global g_opts for opt in g_opts: if 'password' == opt.get_long_name(): return opt.get_value() def get_opt_timeout(): global g_opts for opt in g_opts: if 'timeout' == opt.get_long_name(): return opt.get_value() def get_opt_module(): global g_opts for opt in g_opts: if 'module' == opt.get_long_name(): return opt.get_value() def get_opt_log_file(): global g_opts for opt in g_opts: if 'log-file' == opt.get_long_name(): return opt.get_value() #### ---------------end---------------------- #### --------------start : do_upgrade_pre.py-------------- def config_logging_module(log_filenamme): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,\ format='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s',\ datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',\ filename=log_filenamme,\ filemode='w') # 定义日志打印格式 formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ####################################### # 定义一个Handler打印INFO及以上级别的日志到sys.stdout stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) stdout_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # 设置日志打印格式 stdout_handler.setFormatter(formatter) # 将定义好的stdout_handler日志handler添加到root logger logging.getLogger('').addHandler(stdout_handler) #### ---------------end---------------------- fail_list=[] def get_version(version_str): versions = version_str.split(".") if len(versions) != 4: logging.exception("""version:{0} is invalid""".format(version_str)) raise e major = int(versions[0]) minor = int(versions[1]) major_patch = int(versions[2]) minor_patch = int(versions[3]) if major > 0xffffffff or minor > 0xffff or major_patch > 0xff or minor_patch > 0xff: logging.exception("""version:{0} is invalid""".format(version_str)) raise e version = (major << 32) | (minor << 16) | (major_patch << 8) | (minor_patch) return version #### START #### # 1. 检查前置版本 def check_observer_version(query_cur, upgrade_params): (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version'""") if len(results) != 1: fail_list.append('min_observer_version is not sync') elif cmp(results[0][0], upgrade_params.old_version) < 0 : fail_list.append('old observer version is expected equal or higher then: {0}, actual version:{1}'.format(upgrade_params.old_version, results[0][0])) logging.info('check observer version success, version = {0}'.format(results[0][0])) def check_data_version(query_cur, input_min_cluster_version): min_cluster_version = 0 sql = """select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version'""" (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query(sql) if len(results) != 1: fail_list.append('min_observer_version is not sync') elif len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('column cnt not match') else: min_cluster_version = get_version(results[0][0]) input_min_cluster_version[0] = min_cluster_version # check data version if min_cluster_version < get_version(""): # last barrier cluster version should be fail_list.append('last barrier cluster version is prohibit cluster upgrade from cluster version less than') else: data_version_str = '' data_version = 0 # check compatible is same sql = """select distinct value from oceanbase.__all_virtual_tenant_parameter_info where name='compatible'""" (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query(sql) if len(results) != 1: fail_list.append('compatible is not sync') elif len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('column cnt not match') else: data_version_str = results[0][0] data_version = get_version(results[0][0]) if data_version < get_version(""): # last barrier data version should be fail_list.append('last barrier data version is prohibit cluster upgrade from data version less than') else: # check target_data_version/current_data_version sql = "select count(*) from oceanbase.__all_tenant" (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query(sql) if len(results) != 1 or len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('result cnt not match') else: tenant_count = results[0][0] sql = "select count(*) from __all_virtual_core_table where column_name in ('target_data_version', 'current_data_version') and column_value = {0}".format(data_version) (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query(sql) if len(results) != 1 or len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('result cnt not match') elif 2 * tenant_count != results[0][0]: fail_list.append('target_data_version/current_data_version not match with {0}, tenant_cnt:{1}, result_cnt:{2}'.format(data_version_str, tenant_count, results[0][0])) else: logging.info("check data version success, all tenant's compatible/target_data_version/current_data_version is {0}".format(data_version_str)) # 2. 检查paxos副本是否同步, paxos副本是否缺失 def check_paxos_replica(query_cur): # 2.1 检查paxos副本是否同步 (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(1) as unsync_cnt from GV$OB_LOG_STAT where in_sync = 'NO'""") if results[0][0] > 0 : fail_list.append('{0} replicas unsync, please check'.format(results[0][0])) # 2.2 检查paxos副本是否有缺失 TODO logging.info('check paxos replica success') # 3. 检查是否有做balance, locality变更 def check_rebalance_task(query_cur): # 3.1 检查是否有做locality变更 (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(1) as cnt from DBA_OB_TENANT_JOBS where job_status='INPROGRESS' and result_code is null""") if results[0][0] > 0 : fail_list.append('{0} locality tasks is doing, please check'.format(results[0][0])) # 3.2 检查是否有做balance (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(1) as rebalance_task_cnt from CDB_OB_LS_REPLICA_TASKS""") if results[0][0] > 0 : fail_list.append('{0} rebalance tasks is doing, please check'.format(results[0][0])) logging.info('check rebalance task success') # 4. 检查集群状态 def check_cluster_status(query_cur, min_cluster_version): # 4.1 检查是否非合并状态 (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(1) from CDB_OB_MAJOR_COMPACTION where (GLOBAL_BROADCAST_SCN > LAST_SCN or STATUS != 'IDLE')""") if results[0][0] > 0 : fail_list.append('{0} tenant is merging, please check'.format(results[0][0])) if len(min_cluster_version) > 0 and min_cluster_version[0] < get_version(""): (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select /*+ query_timeout(1000000000) */ count(1) from __all_virtual_tablet_compaction_info where max_received_scn > finished_scn and max_received_scn > 0""") if results[0][0] > 0 : fail_list.append('{0} tablet is merging, please check'.format(results[0][0])) logging.info('check cluster tablet major status success, cluster_version={0}'.format(min_cluster_version)) else: logging.info('skip check cluster tablet major status, cluster_version={0}'.format(min_cluster_version)) # 5. 检查是否有异常租户(creating,延迟删除,恢复中) def check_tenant_status(query_cur): # check tenant schema (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(*) as count from DBA_OB_TENANTS where status != 'NORMAL'""") if len(results) != 1 or len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('results len not match') elif 0 != results[0][0]: fail_list.append('has abnormal tenant, should stop') else: logging.info('check tenant status success') # check tenant info # don't support restore tenant upgrade (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(*) as count from oceanbase.__all_virtual_tenant_info where tenant_role != 'PRIMARY' and tenant_role != 'STANDBY'""") if len(results) != 1 or len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('results len not match') elif 0 != results[0][0]: fail_list.append('has abnormal tenant info, should stop') else: logging.info('check tenant info success') # 6. 检查无恢复任务 def check_restore_job_exist(query_cur): (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(1) from CDB_OB_RESTORE_PROGRESS""") if len(results) != 1 or len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('failed to restore job cnt') elif results[0][0] != 0: fail_list.append("""still has restore job, upgrade is not allowed temporarily""") logging.info('check restore job success') def check_is_primary_zone_distributed(primary_zone_str): semicolon_pos = len(primary_zone_str) for i in range(len(primary_zone_str)): if primary_zone_str[i] == ';': semicolon_pos = i break comma_pos = len(primary_zone_str) for j in range(len(primary_zone_str)): if primary_zone_str[j] == ',': comma_pos = j break if comma_pos < semicolon_pos: return True else: return False # 7. 升级前需要primary zone只有一个 def check_tenant_primary_zone(query_cur): sql = """select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version'""" (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query(sql) if len(results) != 1: fail_list.append('min_observer_version is not sync') elif len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('column cnt not match') else: min_cluster_version = get_version(results[0][0]) if min_cluster_version < get_version(""): (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select tenant_name,primary_zone from DBA_OB_TENANTS where tenant_id != 1"""); for item in results: if cmp(item[1], "RANDOM") == 0: fail_list.append('{0} tenant primary zone random before update not allowed'.format(item[0])) elif check_is_primary_zone_distributed(item[1]): fail_list.append('{0} tenant primary zone distributed before update not allowed'.format(item[0])) logging.info('check tenant primary zone success') # 8. 修改永久下线的时间,避免升级过程中缺副本 def modify_server_permanent_offline_time(cur): set_parameter(cur, 'server_permanent_offline_time', '72h') # 9. 检查是否有DDL任务在执行 def check_ddl_task_execute(query_cur): (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(1) from __all_virtual_ddl_task_status""") if 0 != results[0][0]: fail_list.append("There are DDL task in progress") logging.info('check ddl task execut status success') # 10. 检查无备份任务 def check_backup_job_exist(query_cur): # Backup jobs cannot be in-progress during upgrade. (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(1) from CDB_OB_BACKUP_JOBS""") if len(results) != 1 or len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('failed to backup job cnt') elif results[0][0] != 0: fail_list.append("""still has backup job, upgrade is not allowed temporarily""") else: logging.info('check backup job success') # 11. 检查无归档任务 def check_archive_job_exist(query_cur): min_cluster_version = 0 sql = """select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version'""" (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query(sql) if len(results) != 1: fail_list.append('min_observer_version is not sync') elif len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('column cnt not match') else: min_cluster_version = get_version(results[0][0]) # Archive jobs cannot be in-progress before upgrade from 4.0. if min_cluster_version < get_version(""): (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(1) from CDB_OB_ARCHIVELOG where status!='STOP'""") if len(results) != 1 or len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('failed to archive job cnt') elif results[0][0] != 0: fail_list.append("""still has archive job, upgrade is not allowed temporarily""") else: logging.info('check archive job success') # 12. 检查归档路径是否清空 def check_archive_dest_exist(query_cur): min_cluster_version = 0 sql = """select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version'""" (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query(sql) if len(results) != 1: fail_list.append('min_observer_version is not sync') elif len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('column cnt not match') else: min_cluster_version = get_version(results[0][0]) # archive dest need to be cleaned before upgrade from 4.0. if min_cluster_version < get_version(""): (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(1) from CDB_OB_ARCHIVE_DEST""") if len(results) != 1 or len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('failed to archive dest cnt') elif results[0][0] != 0: fail_list.append("""still has archive destination, upgrade is not allowed temporarily""") else: logging.info('check archive destination success') # 13. 检查备份路径是否清空 def check_backup_dest_exist(query_cur): min_cluster_version = 0 sql = """select distinct value from GV$OB_PARAMETERS where name='min_observer_version'""" (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query(sql) if len(results) != 1: fail_list.append('min_observer_version is not sync') elif len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('column cnt not match') else: min_cluster_version = get_version(results[0][0]) # backup dest need to be cleaned before upgrade from 4.0. if min_cluster_version < get_version(""): (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(1) from CDB_OB_BACKUP_PARAMETER where name='data_backup_dest' and (value!=NULL or value!='')""") if len(results) != 1 or len(results[0]) != 1: fail_list.append('failed to data backup dest cnt') elif results[0][0] != 0: fail_list.append("""still has backup destination, upgrade is not allowed temporarily""") else: logging.info('check backup destination success') def check_server_version(query_cur): sql = """select distinct(substring_index(build_version, '_', 1)) from __all_server"""; (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query(sql); if len(results) != 1: fail_list.append("servers build_version not match") else: logging.info("check server version success") # 14. 检查server是否可服务 def check_observer_status(query_cur): (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select count(*) from oceanbase.__all_server where (start_service_time <= 0 or status != "active")""") if results[0][0] > 0 : fail_list.append('{0} observer not available , please check'.format(results[0][0])) logging.info('check observer status success') # 15 检查schema是否刷新成功 def check_schema_status(query_cur): (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select if (a.cnt = b.cnt, 1, 0) as passed from (select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.__all_virtual_server_schema_info where refreshed_schema_version > 1 and refreshed_schema_version % 8 = 0) as a join (select count(*) as cnt from oceanbase.__all_server join oceanbase.__all_tenant) as b""") if results[0][0] != 1 : fail_list.append('{0} schema not available, please check'.format(results[0][0])) logging.info('check schema status success') # 16. 检查是否存在名为all/all_user/all_meta的租户 def check_not_supported_tenant_name(query_cur): names = ["all", "all_user", "all_meta"] (desc, results) = query_cur.exec_query("""select tenant_name from oceanbase.DBA_OB_TENANTS""") for i in range(len(results)): if results[i][0].lower() in names: fail_list.append('a tenant named all/all_user/all_meta (case insensitive) cannot exist in the cluster, please rename the tenant') break logging.info('check special tenant name success') # last check of do_check, make sure no function execute after check_fail_list def check_fail_list(): if len(fail_list) != 0 : error_msg ="upgrade checker failed with " + str(len(fail_list)) + " reasons: " + ", ".join(['['+x+"] " for x in fail_list]) raise MyError(error_msg) def set_query_timeout(query_cur, timeout): if timeout != 0: sql = """set @@session.ob_query_timeout = {0}""".format(timeout * 1000 * 1000) query_cur.exec_sql(sql) # 开始升级前的检查 def do_check(my_host, my_port, my_user, my_passwd, timeout, upgrade_params): try: conn = mysql.connector.connect(user = my_user, password = my_passwd, host = my_host, port = my_port, database = 'oceanbase', raise_on_warnings = True) conn.autocommit = True cur = conn.cursor(buffered=True) min_cluster_version = [0] try: query_cur = Cursor(cur) set_query_timeout(query_cur, timeout) check_observer_version(query_cur, upgrade_params) check_data_version(query_cur, min_cluster_version) check_paxos_replica(query_cur) check_rebalance_task(query_cur) check_cluster_status(query_cur, min_cluster_version) check_tenant_status(query_cur) check_restore_job_exist(query_cur) check_tenant_primary_zone(query_cur) check_ddl_task_execute(query_cur) check_backup_job_exist(query_cur) check_archive_job_exist(query_cur) check_archive_dest_exist(query_cur) check_backup_dest_exist(query_cur) check_observer_status(query_cur) check_schema_status(query_cur) check_server_version(query_cur) check_not_supported_tenant_name(query_cur) # all check func should execute before check_fail_list check_fail_list() modify_server_permanent_offline_time(cur) except Exception, e: logging.exception('run error') raise e finally: cur.close() conn.close() except mysql.connector.Error, e: logging.exception('connection error') raise e except Exception, e: logging.exception('normal error') raise e if __name__ == '__main__': upgrade_params = UpgradeParams() change_opt_defult_value('log-file', upgrade_params.log_filename) parse_options(sys.argv[1:]) if not has_no_local_opts(): deal_with_local_opts() else: check_db_client_opts() log_filename = get_opt_log_file() upgrade_params.log_filename = log_filename # 日志配置放在这里是为了前面的操作不要覆盖掉日志文件 config_logging_module(upgrade_params.log_filename) try: host = get_opt_host() port = int(get_opt_port()) user = get_opt_user() password = get_opt_password() timeout = int(get_opt_timeout()) logging.info('parameters from cmd: host=\"%s\", port=%s, user=\"%s\", password=\"%s\", timeout=\"%s\", log-file=\"%s\"',\ host, port, user, password, timeout, log_filename) do_check(host, port, user, password, timeout, upgrade_params) except mysql.connector.Error, e: logging.exception('mysql connctor error') raise e except Exception, e: logging.exception('normal error') raise e [root@sdw1 etc]#
Set zone context (开始) -> Check zone(结束)
ZONE升级前会关闭该ZONE的运行状态,并且停掉observer的进程,之后下载 升级目标版本的依赖(Install dependencies) 以及 OB安装包(Install OB rpm)
依赖和安装包下载完成后,开启observer进程(Wait observer version refreshed) 以及 observer版本的刷新(Wait observer version refreshed)
observer启动成功之后,会检查 clog的状态(Check clog stat) 和 observer版本更新的情况(Check observer refresh schema) 和 集群的检查(Execute upgrade health checker script),之后开启ZONE
3.升级过程中会停止zone 与 observer ,该操作不会进行回滚,所以之前的检查任务如果出错必须查看原因,不可以进行跳过