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10.2.13 KT maintenance

This element is intrinsically coupled to the VendingKey and is managed by the KMC service provider, subject to the same conditions as for VendingKey maintenance.


The STS Association in liaison partnership with Working Group 1 5 of IEC TC 1 3 shall administer any further additions to the range of KeyType values as given in Table 37. 

        STS协会与IEC tc13第15工作组合作,负责管理表37所示键类型值范围的任何进一步增加。

The process shall follow the standard procedures for submission of new work item proposals, as instituted by these organisations.

An additional KeyType definition shall require a revision/amendment of this document.


10.2.14 KEN maintenance

This element is intrinsically coupled to the VendingKey and is managed by the KMC service provider, subject to the same conditions as for VendingKey maintenance.


10.2.15 CERT maintenance

The KMC service provider is exclusively in control of this data element as it forms an intrinsic part of its key management operations.

The STS Association, as a registered Registration Authority with the IEC, shall ensure that KMC service providers comply with the requirements of this document and any other relevant COP.


10.2.16 CC maintenance

The STS Association, as a registered Registration Authority with the IEC, shall ensure access to CC allocation services to users of the STS and that CC values are globally unique. Such services are typically provided by a KMC.


10.2.17 UC maintenance

The STS Association, as a registered Registration Authority with the IEC, shall ensure access to UC allocation services to users of the STS and that UC values are globally unique. A KMC typically provides such services.


10.2.18 KMCID maintenance

The STS Association, as a registered Registration Authority with the IEC, shall ensure access to KMCID allocation services to users of the STS and that KMCID values are globally unique.The STS Association typically provides such services.


10.2.19 CMID maintenance

The CM manufacturer is in complete control of allocating CMID values to his manufactured CM devices and there is no service in place to ensure uniqueness of this data element.

Once a particular CM is registered in an STS system (typically with a KMC service provider),then the CMID is simply recorded for reference purposes and no further maintenance service on this data element is required.




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