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即功耗影响度低延迟扫描>平衡模式扫描>低功耗模式。例如某款机型分别为:低延迟扫描 14.64mA,平衡模式扫描4.64mA,低功耗模式0.64mA



具体位于:BluetoothLeScanner.onScannerRegistered 进行插桩埋点

521          /**
522           * Application interface registered - app is ready to go
523           */
524          @Override
525          public void onScannerRegistered(int status, int scannerId) {
526              Log.d(TAG, "onScannerRegistered() - status=" + status
527                      + " scannerId=" + scannerId + " mScannerId=" + mScannerId);
528              synchronized (this) {
529                  if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
530                      try {
531                          final SynchronousResultReceiver recv = SynchronousResultReceiver.get();
532                          if (mScannerId == -1) {
533                              // Registration succeeds after timeout, unregister scanner.
534                              mBluetoothGatt.unregisterScanner(scannerId, mAttributionSource, recv);
535                          } else {
536                              mScannerId = scannerId;
537                              mBluetoothGatt.startScan(mScannerId, mSettings, mFilters,
538                                      mAttributionSource, recv);
539                              // 蓝牙扫描开始事件埋点,其中不同蓝牙模式的功耗是不一样的
540                              PowerTrack.get().sendEvent(BLUETOOTH_START_SCAN, mAttributionSource.getUid(),
541                                      mAttributionSource.getPackageName() + "|" + mSettings.getScanMode() + "|" + mScannerId);
542                              // 蓝牙扫描开始事件埋点
543                          }
544                          recv.awaitResultNoInterrupt(getSyncTimeout()).getValue(null);
545                      } catch (TimeoutException | RemoteException e) {
546                          Log.e(TAG, "fail to start le scan: " + e);
547                          mScannerId = -1;
548                      }
549                  } else if (status == ScanCallback.SCAN_FAILED_SCANNING_TOO_FREQUENTLY) {
550                      // applicaiton was scanning too frequently
551                      mScannerId = -2;
552                  } else {
553                      // registration failed
554                      mScannerId = -1;
555                  }
556                  notifyAll();
557              }
558          }



具体位于:BluetoothLeScanner.stopLeScan 进行插桩埋点

478          @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN)
479          public void stopLeScan() {
480              synchronized (this) {
481                  if (mScannerId <= 0) {
482                      Log.e(TAG, "Error state, mLeHandle: " + mScannerId);
483                      return;
484                  }
485                  try {
486                      final SynchronousResultReceiver recv = SynchronousResultReceiver.get();
487                      mBluetoothGatt.stopScan(mScannerId, mAttributionSource, recv);
488                      recv.awaitResultNoInterrupt(getSyncTimeout()).getValue(null);
489                      // 蓝牙扫描结束事件埋点
490                      PowerTrack.get().sendEvent(BLUETOOTH_STOP_SCAN, mAttributionSource.getUid(),
491                              mAttributionSource.getPackageName() + "|" + mSettings.getScanMode() + "|" + mScannerId);
492                      // 蓝牙扫描结束事件埋点
494                      final SynchronousResultReceiver recv2 = SynchronousResultReceiver.get();
495                      mBluetoothGatt.unregisterScanner(mScannerId, mAttributionSource, recv2);
496                      recv2.awaitResultNoInterrupt(getSyncTimeout()).getValue(null);
497                  } catch (TimeoutException | RemoteException e) {
498                      Log.e(TAG, "Failed to stop scan and unregister", e);
499                  }
500                  mScannerId = -1;
501              }
502          }



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