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方法类型一 value和method

value = {“/internal/v1/machine/delete”},
method = {RequestMethod.DELETE}

public class ModelManageApi {
   private ModelMachineService modelMachineService;
   private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

      value = {"/internal/v1/machine/addModel"},
      method = {RequestMethod.POST}
   public void addModelMachine(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody ModelMachineDto modelMachineDto) throws Exception {
      List<ModelMachinePO> modelMachines = new ArrayList();
      if (StringUtils.isEmpty(modelMachineDto.getCreateTime())) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Request createDate can not be null");
      } else if (null != modelMachineDto.getSns() && modelMachineDto.getSns().size() != 0) {
         List<String> sns = modelMachineDto.getSns();
         SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
         Date createtime = format.parse(modelMachineDto.getCreateTime().trim());

         for(int i = 0; i < sns.size(); ++i) {
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty((CharSequence)sns.get(i))) {
               throw new RuntimeException("Request SN can not be null");

            ModelMachinePO modelMachinePO = new ModelMachinePO();

      } else {
         throw new RuntimeException("Request SN can not be null");

      value = {"/internal/v1/machine/delete"},
      method = {RequestMethod.DELETE}
   public void removeModelMachine(@RequestBody ModelMachineDto modelMachineDto) throws Exception {
      if (null != modelMachineDto.getSns() && modelMachineDto.getSns().size() != 0) {
      } else {
         throw new RuntimeException("Request fail because sn is null");

      value = {"/internal/{version}/device/deliveryInfo"},
      method = {RequestMethod.GET}
   public DeliveryInfo getDeliveryInfo(String sn) throws Exception {
      if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sn)) {
         this.logger.error("sn is empty");
         return null;
      } else {
         DeliveryInfo result = this.modelMachineService.getSnRecordBySn(sn);
         this.logger.debug("getDeliveryInfo by {} return {} ", sn, result);
         return result;

      value = {"/internal/{version}/device/checkDeviceIsModel"},
      method = {RequestMethod.GET}
   public String checkDeviceIsModel(String deviceSn) {
      return StringUtils.isEmpty(deviceSn) ? "false" : String.valueOf(this.modelMachineService.checkNemoIsModelMachine(deviceSn));




import re
import os

def extract_endpoints_from_java_files(directory):
    # 定义用于匹配 @RequestMapping 注解值的正则表达式
    pattern = re.compile(r'@RequestMapping\s*\(\s*value\s*=\s*.*\s*method*.*}')

    # 存储所有接口路径及其所在文件的列表
    endpoints = []

    # 遍历指定目录下的所有文件
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(".java"):
                file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
                with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    content = f.read()
                    # 使用正则表达式匹配 @RequestMapping 注解的值,并将结果存储到 endpoints 列表中
                    matches = pattern.findall(content)
                    for match in matches:
                        endpoints.append((file_path, match))  # 存储文件路径和匹配到的接口路径

    return endpoints

# 调用函数并输出结果
directory = r"C:\Users\qiezi\Desktop\java-jiekou"
endpoints = extract_endpoints_from_java_files(directory)
print("All endpoints found in Java files:")
for file_path, endpoint in endpoints:
    print(f"Endpoint '{endpoint}' found in file: {file_path}")


import re
import os

def extract_endpoints_from_java_files(directory):
    # 定义用于匹配类级和方法级的 @RequestMapping 注解的正则表达式
    class_pattern = re.compile(r'@RequestMapping\s*\(\s*{\s*"([^"]*)"\s*}\s*\)')
    method_pattern = re.compile(

    # 存储所有接口路径及其所在文件的列表
    endpoints = []

    # 遍历指定目录下的所有文件
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(".java"):
                file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
                with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    content = f.read()

                    # 提取类级别的路径
                    class_match = class_pattern.search(content)
                    base_path = class_match.group(1) if class_match else ''

                    # 使用正则表达式匹配方法级别的 @RequestMapping 注解的值,并将结果存储到 endpoints 列表中
                    method_matches = method_pattern.findall(content)
                    for match in method_matches:
                        endpoint_path = base_path + match[0]
                        methods = match[1].replace('RequestMethod.', '').replace(' ', '').split(',')
                        endpoints.append((file_path, endpoint_path, methods))  # 存储文件路径、完整接口路径和请求方法

    return endpoints

# 调用函数并输出结果
directory = r"H:\\WEB-INF\classes"
endpoints = extract_endpoints_from_java_files(directory)
print("All endpoints found in Java files:")
for file_path, endpoint, methods in endpoints:
    methods_str = ', '.join(methods)
    print(f"Endpoint '{endpoint}' with methods [{methods_str}] found in file: {file_path}")


提取类级别的 @RequestMapping 注解路径。
提取方法级别的 @RequestMapping 注解路径和请求方法。


import re
import os

def extract_endpoints_from_java_files(directory):
    # 定义用于匹配类级和方法级的 @RequestMapping 注解的正则表达式
    class_pattern = re.compile(r'@RequestMapping\s*\(\s*{\s*"([^"]*)"\s*}\s*\)')
    method_pattern = re.compile(

    # 存储所有接口路径及其所在文件的列表
    endpoints = []

    # 遍历指定目录下的所有文件
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(".java"):
                file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
                with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    content = f.read()

                    # 提取类级别的路径
                    class_match = class_pattern.search(content)
                    base_path = class_match.group(1) if class_match else ''

                    # 使用正则表达式匹配方法级别的 @RequestMapping 注解的值,并将结果存储到 endpoints 列表中
                    method_matches = method_pattern.findall(content)
                    for match in method_matches:
                        endpoint_path = base_path + match[0]
                        methods = match[1].replace('RequestMethod.', '').replace(' ', '').split(',')
                        endpoints.append((file_path, endpoint_path, methods))  # 存储文件路径、完整接口路径和请求方法

    return endpoints

# 调用函数并输出结果
directory = r"H:\WEB-INF\classes"
endpoints = extract_endpoints_from_java_files(directory)

output_file = "endpoints_output.txt"
with open(output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    f.write("All endpoints found in Java files:\n")
    for file_path, endpoint, methods in endpoints:
        methods_str = ', '.join(methods)
        f.write(f"Endpoint '{endpoint}' with methods [{methods_str}] found in file: {file_path}\n")
    print(f"Results have been written to {output_file}")

# Print results to console
print("All endpoints found in Java files:")
for file_path, endpoint, methods in endpoints:
    methods_str = ', '.join(methods)
    print(f"Endpoint '{endpoint}' with methods [{methods_str}] found in file: {file_path}")



import re
import os

def extract_endpoints_from_java_files(directory):
    # 定义用于匹配类级和方法级的 @RequestMapping 注解的正则表达式
    class_pattern = re.compile(r'@RequestMapping\s*\(\s*{\s*"([^"]*)"\s*}\s*\)')
    method_pattern = re.compile(

    # 存储所有接口路径及其所在文件的列表
    endpoints = []

    # 遍历指定目录下的所有文件
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(".java"):
                file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
                with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    content = f.read()

                    # 提取类级别的路径
                    class_match = class_pattern.search(content)
                    base_path = class_match.group(1) if class_match else ''

                    # 使用正则表达式匹配方法级别的 @RequestMapping 注解的值,并将结果存储到 endpoints 列表中
                    method_matches = method_pattern.findall(content)
                    for match in method_matches:
                        endpoint_path = base_path + match[0]
                        methods = match[1].replace('RequestMethod.', '').replace(' ', '').split(',')
                        endpoints.append((file_path, endpoint_path, methods))  # 存储文件路径、完整接口路径和请求方法

    return endpoints

# 调用函数并输出结果
directory = r"H:\WEB-INF\classes"
endpoints = extract_endpoints_from_java_files(directory)

# 将结果写入 endpoints_output.txt
endpoints_output_file = "endpoints_output.txt"
with open(endpoints_output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    f.write("All endpoints found in Java files:\n")
    for file_path, endpoint, methods in endpoints:
        methods_str = ', '.join(methods)
        f.write(f"Endpoint '{endpoint}' with methods [{methods_str}] found in file: {file_path}\n")
    print(f"Results have been written to {endpoints_output_file}")

# 将结果写入 url.txt
url_output_file = "url.txt"
with open(url_output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    for _, endpoint, _ in endpoints:
    print(f"URLs have been written to {url_output_file}")

# Print results to console
print("All endpoints found in Java files:")
for file_path, endpoint, methods in endpoints:
    methods_str = ', '.join(methods)
    print(f"Endpoint '{endpoint}' with methods [{methods_str}] found in file: {file_path}")

方法类型二 正常的@Requestmapping,@Postmapping,@Getmapping


import re
import os

def extract_endpoints_from_java_files(directory):
    # 定义用于匹配类级和方法级的 @RequestMapping 注解的正则表达式
    class_pattern = re.compile(r'@RequestMapping\s*\(\s*{\s*"([^"]*)"\s*}\s*\)')
    request_mapping_pattern = re.compile(r'@RequestMapping\s*\(\s*{\s*"([^"]*)"\s*}\s*\)')
    get_mapping_pattern = re.compile(r'@GetMapping\s*\(\s*{\s*"([^"]*)"\s*}\s*\)')
    post_mapping_pattern = re.compile(r'@PostMapping\s*\(\s*{\s*"([^"]*)"\s*}\s*\)')

    # 存储所有接口路径及其所在文件的列表
    endpoints = []

    # 遍历指定目录下的所有文件
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(".java"):
                file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
                with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    content = f.read()

                    # 提取类级别的路径
                    class_match = class_pattern.search(content)
                    base_path = class_match.group(1) if class_match else ''
                    print(f"Base path: {base_path}")

                    # 使用正则表达式匹配 @RequestMapping 注解的值,并将结果拼接为完整的接口路径
                    request_mapping_matches = request_mapping_pattern.finditer(content)
                    first_match = True
                    for request_mapping_match in request_mapping_matches:
                        if first_match:
                            first_match = False
                            continue  # 跳过第一个匹配项
                        method_path = request_mapping_match.group(1)
                        full_endpoint = base_path + method_path
                        print(f"Full endpoint: {full_endpoint}")
                        endpoints.append(full_endpoint)  # 存储完整接口路径

                    # 使用正则表达式匹配 @GetMapping 注解的值,并将结果拼接为完整的接口路径
                    get_mapping_matches = get_mapping_pattern.finditer(content)
                    for get_mapping_match in get_mapping_matches:
                        method_path = get_mapping_match.group(1)
                        full_endpoint = base_path + method_path
                        print(f"Full endpoint: {full_endpoint}")
                        endpoints.append(full_endpoint)  # 存储完整接口路径

                    # 使用正则表达式匹配 @PostMapping 注解的值,并将结果拼接为完整的接口路径
                    post_mapping_matches = post_mapping_pattern.finditer(content)
                    for post_mapping_match in post_mapping_matches:
                        method_path = post_mapping_match.group(1)
                        full_endpoint = base_path + method_path
                        print(f"Full endpoint: {full_endpoint}")
                        endpoints.append(full_endpoint)  # 存储完整接口路径

    return endpoints

# 调用函数并输出结果
directory = r"C:\Users\qiezi\Desktop\java-jiekou"  # 将路径替换为你的目录路径
endpoints = extract_endpoints_from_java_files(directory)

# 将结果写入 url.txt
url_output_file = "url.txt"
with open(url_output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    for endpoint in endpoints:
    print(f"URLs have been written to {url_output_file}")




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