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跟李笑来学美式俚语(Most Common American Idioms): Part 36

Most Common American Idioms: Part 36


本文是学习李笑来的Most Common American Idioms这本书的学习笔记,自用。


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701. Keep my head above water

“勉强维持生计” 或 “勉强应付困境”。


This phrase comes from the literal situation of keeping one’s head above water while swimming or struggling in water to avoid drowning. It is used to describe someone trying hard to avoid being overwhelmed by financial or other pressures, vividly portraying the effort to survive in difficult situations.

  • With all the bills piling up, it’s hard to keep my head above water.累积的账单让我的日子很难继续下去。

  • Ever since losing my job, I’ve been struggling to keep my head above water.自从失业以来,我一直在竭力维持生计。

  • She has two jobs just to keep her head above water and support her family.她打两份工只是为了勉强维持生计并养家。

702. Keep my nose to the grindstone

grindstone:美 [ˈɡraɪn(d)stoʊn] 磨石;砂轮;磨刀石;磨盘;磨具

“埋头苦干” 或 “辛苦工作”。


This phrase originates from the scenario of a grindstone worker who would keep his nose near the grindstone to ensure the tool he was sharpening stayed sharp and even. This scenario metaphorically evolved to describe diligent and focused work, where someone is continually working hard and persistently.

  • If you want to succeed, you have to keep your nose to the grindstone.如果你想成功,你就必须埋头苦干。

  • He kept his nose to the grindstone for months to finish the project on time.他几个月来一直埋头苦干,以按时完成项目。

  • She keeps her nose to the grindstone, never letting distractions get in her way.她总是埋头苦干,从不让分心的事物打扰她。

703. Keep someone at arm’s length

“与某人保持距离” 或 “刻意疏远某人”。

这个表达到来的要追溯到古代,意思是 “不让某人靠近自己或保持一个手臂的距离”。在现代英语中,这个表达常用来形容与某人维持一种有意拉开距离的关系,不让对方靠近自己,不论是情感上的还是实际上的。

This phrase has origins dating back to ancient times, meaning “not allowing someone to get close to you or keeping a distance of one arm’s length.” In contemporary English, this expression is commonly used to describe maintaining a deliberate distance from someone, whether emotionally or physically.

  • She’s been keeping her coworkers at arm’s length since her promotion.她升职后就一直跟同事保持距离。

  • He tends to keep new acquaintances at arm’s length until he gets to know them better.他通常会对新认识的人保持距离,直到更了解他们为止。

  • After the incident, she decided to keep everyone at arm’s length.自从那件事发生后,她决定与所有人保持距离。

704. Keep something at bay

“防止某事发生” 或 “遏制某事”。


This phrase originates from nautical terminology, referring to controlling a ship’s distance to avoid entering dangerous areas. Over time, it has been extended to mean preventing or controlling anything, such as preventing diseases, bad events, or enemies from getting close.

  • She’s taking vitamins to keep a cold at bay.她在吃维生素来防止感冒。

  • Regular exercise can help to keep stress at bay.经常锻炼可以帮助遏制压力。

  • They set up security measures to keep intruders at bay.他们采取了安全措施来防止入侵者。

705. Keep something under one’s hat

“保密” 或 “将某事保密”。

这个短语源自 18、19 世纪英国的习俗,当时人们有时候会把贵重的小物品藏在帽子下以免被盗。帽子被认为是非常私人的物品,也是个人秘密的象征。所以 “keep something under one’s hat” 意思就是把某事隐藏起来,不为他人所知。

The phrase originates from the 18th and 19th-century British custom of sometimes hiding valuable small items under a hat to prevent theft. Hats were considered very personal items and symbols of individual privacy. Thus, “keep something under one’s hat” means keeping something hidden from others, maintaining secrecy.

  • I have some exciting news, but you gotta keep it under your hat for now.我有一些令人兴奋的消息,但你现在得保密。

  • He was told to keep the project under his hat until the official announcement.他被告知在正式宣布之前要对这个项目保密。

  • They managed to keep the surprise party under their hats until the last minute.他们设法保密了惊喜派对,直到最后一刻。

706. Keep the ball rolling



This idiom originates from an old game where continuous rolling of a ball was necessary. Over time, it has evolved into a metaphor, used to indicate that a project, activity, or plan should continue moving forward without interruption.

  • We need to keep the ball rolling on this project to meet the deadline.我们需要保持这个项目的进展才能赶上最后期限。

  • She did an excellent job of keeping the ball rolling during the meeting.她在会议期间很好地保持了讨论的进展。

  • Even after the initial excitement fades, we have to keep the ball rolling.即使最初的热情消退之后,我们也必须保持进展。

707. Keep up with

“跟上” 或 “赶上”,意指追赶或保持与某事物同步。

这个短语起源于保持速度或进度,以免落后。在现代英语中,“keep up with” 常被用来表示紧跟潮流、与某个标准保持一致或能够应对某种变化或进展。

This phrase originates from maintaining speed or progress so as not to fall behind. In modern English, “keep up with” is often used to describe keeping pace with trends, staying consistent with a standard, or being able to cope with changes or advancements.

  • It’s hard to keep up with the latest technology trends.很难跟上最新的技术潮流。

  • She reads a lot to keep up with her classmates.为了跟上同学们的进度,她读了很多书。

  • I can’t keep up with all the work you give me.我不能跟上你给我的所有工作进度。

708. Keep you posted

“随时向你通报” 或 “保持你更新”。

这个短语源于 “post” 一词的古老用法,在以前 “post” 是指发送信件或信息的过程。现代社会中,“keep you posted” 常用于指没有消息遗漏、持续提供新信息或更新。

This idiom stems from the old usage of the word “post,” which referred to the process of sending letters or information. In modern society, “keep you posted” is often used to indicate keeping someone informed with continuous updates.

  • I’ll keep you posted on any new developments.我会把任何新的进展随时向你通报。

  • Keep us posted about your trip.请随时通知我们你旅途的情况。

  • They promised to keep me posted as the situation progresses.他们承诺随着情况的进展随时向我通报。

709. Keep your chin up


“保持积极心态” 或 “不要气馁”。

这个短语起源于一种身体姿势,当一个人感到自信或充满希望时,会自然地抬高下巴。反之,当一个人感到沮丧或气馁时,往往会低头。所以,“keep your chin up” 就是鼓励别人要积极向上、不气馁的意思。

This phrase originates from a physical posture where a person who is confident or hopeful will naturally hold their chin up. Conversely, when someone is feeling down or discouraged, they tend to lower their head. Thus, “keep your chin up” is used to encourage someone to stay positive and not lose hope.

  • Even though times are tough, try to keep your chin up.即使时光艰难,还是要保持积极心态。

  • Don’t worry; everything will be fine. Just keep your chin up.别担心,一切都会好起来的。只要不要气馁。

  • When facing challenges, it’s important to keep your chin up.面对挑战时,保持积极心态很重要。

710. Keep your head


这个短语源于战争或严重危机的场合,当人们容易陷入恐慌时。如果 “保持冷静”,就意味着能够在高压力下继续理性思考和行动。现如今,这个短语被广泛用于任何需要保持清醒和冷静的情境下,无论是工作、生活还是应对突发情况。

This idiom originates from war or severe crisis scenarios where people are prone to panic. “Keeping your head” means being able to continue thinking and acting rationally under high pressure. Nowadays, it is used broadly in any situation where maintaining composure and clarity of thought is necessary, whether at work, in daily life or when handling emergencies.

  • In the chaotic meeting, he was the only one who managed to keep his head.在那场混乱的会议中,他是唯一一个保持冷静的人。

  • Even in dangerous situations, firefighters must keep their heads to save lives.即使在危险情况中,消防员也必须保持冷静,以拯救生命。

  • When the project deadlines were moved up, she kept her head and organized the tasks efficiently.当项目截止日期提前时,她保持冷静,有效地组织了任务。

711. Keep your mouth shut

“闭嘴” 或 “保持沉默”。

这个短语的来源很直白,“Keep your mouth shut” 的字面意思就是闭上嘴巴。不对外说话或分享信息。在某些场合下,它也可以用来警告某人保守秘密或不泄露敏感信息。

This phrase has a very straightforward origin, with the literal meaning of keeping one’s mouth closed. It is often used to instruct someone not to speak or share information. In some contexts, it serves as a warning to keep secrets or not disclose sensitive information.

  • If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your mouth shut about this.如果你知道什么对你有好处,你就会对这件事闭嘴。

  • He was told to keep his mouth shut during the meeting.在会议期间,他被告知要闭嘴。

  • You better keep your mouth shut if you don’t want to get into trouble.如果你不想惹麻烦,你最好闭嘴。

712. Keep your nose clean

“保持本分” 或 “避免惹事”。

这个短语起源于 20 世纪初的美国,最早见于美国犯罪的黑话。它本意是字面上的 “保持鼻子干净”,即不搞鬼、不惹麻烦。随着时间的推移,这个短语逐渐演变为现代表达,用来警告或建议人们保持行事端正,避免涉及违法或不道德的行为。

This phrase originates from early 20th-century American slang, where it was first used in criminal circles. Literally meaning “keep your nose clean,” it implied not getting involved in sneaky or dirty business. Over time, it has evolved into common advice to stay on the right side of the law and avoid trouble.

  • His mom always told him to keep his nose clean and focus on his studies.他妈妈总是告诉他要保持本分,专注学习。

  • If you want to stay out of trouble, you better keep your nose clean.如果你想避免麻烦,最好保持本分。

  • He managed to keep his nose clean throughout his teenage years.他在青春期一直保持本分,没有惹事。

713. Keep your wits about you

“保持头脑清醒” 或 “保持警惕”。

这个短语起源于 16 世纪,当时 “wit” 指的是智力或聪明才智。短语 “Keep your wits about you” 被用来提醒人们在危险或复杂的情况下要保持冷静和清醒,以便做出明智的决策。在现代社会,这个短语被用来提醒人们在面对困难或紧急情况时,要保持头脑冷静,不慌张。

This phrase originated in the 16th century when “wit” referred to intellect or cleverness. “Keep your wits about you” was used to remind people to stay calm and alert in dangerous or complex situations in order to make wise decisions. In modern times, the phrase is used to remind individuals to stay composed and aware when facing difficult or urgent circumstances.

  • When walking through a crowded market, you need to keep your wits about you.走在拥挤的市场时,你需要保持头脑清醒。

  • During the negotiation, you must keep your wits about you to get the best deal.在谈判过程中,你必须保持头脑清醒,才能争取到最好的交易。

  • Drivers need to keep their wits about them on icy roads.司机在结冰的路面上需要保持警惕。

714. Keeping up with the Joneses

Joneses:美 [ˈdʒoʊnzɪz] 攀比;爱炫富的邻居

“与邻居攀比” 或 “与人斗富”。

这个成语起源于 20 世纪初的美国,特别是 1913 年漫画家阿瑟·R·“匹浦”·李斯(Arthur R. “Pop” Momand)创作的连环漫画《与琼斯家攀比》(Keeping Up with the Joneses)。漫画描绘了一家人不断努力与他们邻居 “琼斯家” 在外在物质上相媲美。这个短语后来常用来描述人们企图通过购买豪华物品和展示财富去追赶或超越他人的行为。

This idiom originates from early 20th-century America, particularly from a comic strip created by Arthur R. “Pop” Momand in 1913 titled “Keeping Up with the Joneses.” The comic depicted a family constantly striving to keep up with their neighbors, the Joneses, in terms of material possessions. The phrase later came to be used to describe the behavior of individuals attempting to match or surpass others in wealth and social status by purchasing luxury items.

  • They’re always keeping up with the Joneses, trying to buy every new gadget their neighbors get.他们总是与邻居攀比,试图买下邻居买的每一个新玩意儿。

  • She spent a lot of money on that car just to keep up with the Joneses.她花了很多钱买那辆车,只是为了和邻居攀比。

  • Don’t stress about keeping up with the Joneses; just live within your means.不要为与人攀比而感到压力;量入为出,过好自己的生活。

715. Kept in the dark

“不知情” 或 “被蒙在鼓里”。

这个短语的起源可以追溯到许多世纪前,在英语中使用黑暗来描述无知或缺乏信息是很常见的。例如,种子的生长需要阳光,而如果种子被 “放在黑暗中”,它们就无法发芽。这类似于人们被故意隐瞒信息,他们就像种子被放在黑暗中一样无法 “增长” 或了解事实。

This phrase can be traced back many centuries, as it’s common in English to use darkness to describe ignorance or a lack of information. For example, seeds need sunlight to grow, and if seeds are “kept in the dark,” they cannot germinate. This is similar to people being deliberately kept from information, thus being unable to “grow” or understand the facts.

  • The employees were kept in the dark about the company’s merger plans.员工们被蒙在鼓里,不知道公司的合并计划。

  • She felt kept in the dark about the decision-making process.她感到在决策过程中自己被蒙在鼓里。

  • They don’t want us to know the truth, so they’ve kept us in the dark.他们不想让我们知道真相,所以将我们蒙在鼓里。

716. Keyed up

keyed:美 [kid] 键入;锁上;调节…的音调;(key的过去式和过去分词)

“激动” 或 “紧张”。

Keyed up” 起源于 19 世纪,原意是通过扭动钥匙或者用弦来使某些东西(如时钟或乐器)紧绷或者准备好。引申义上,这个短语形象地比喻了人们因为即将发生的事情而感到激动或紧张的状态。

This idiom originates from the 19th century. The original meaning involved making something taut or ready by turning a key or a string, such as winding a clock or tuning an instrument. Figuratively, it describes the state of being excited or anxious in anticipation of something.

  • She was all keyed up before her big presentation.她在大演讲前非常紧张。

  • He gets keyed up every time he has an important meeting.每当他有重要会议时,他都会变得非常紧张。

  • The kids were all keyed up waiting for the fireworks to start.孩子们都激动地等待烟火开始。

717. Kick up your heels

kick up:引起;激起;踢起


“放松享受” 或 “尽情欢乐”。

这个短语源自于 20 世纪初。当马高兴或放松时,会用后腿踢起地面,这种动作叫 “kick up their heels”。这一比喻用在人类身上,意在形容人们在自得其乐或摆脱压力时的奔放与欢愉。

The idiom originates from the early 20th century, where it was observed that horses would kick up their heels when they are happy or relaxed. Using a similar metaphor for humans, it describes the act of letting loose, having fun, or experiencing relief.

  • After finishing the project, they decided to kick up their heels and throw a big party.完成项目后,他们决定尽情欢乐,举办一个大派对。

  • With the exams finally over, the students could kick up their heels for the summer.考试终于结束了,学生们可以放松享受暑假时光了。

  • She rarely gets a chance to kick up her heels, but this weekend she plans to relax completely.她很少有机会好好放松,但这个周末她计划彻底休息一下。

718. Kill the mood

“扫兴” 或 “破坏气氛”。


This phrase originates from colloquial English and is used to describe actions or words that dampen or ruin a cheerful or lively atmosphere. It is often used in social gatherings or parties to criticize those who have said or done something inappropriate that has made the situation awkward or dull.

  • His rude comment killed the mood at the party.他那不礼貌的评论扫兴了整个聚会。

  • Talking about work during dinner kills the mood.在晚餐时谈论工作会破坏气氛。

  • Don’t bring up politics tonight; it will kill the mood.今晚别提政治,这会扫兴的。

719. Kill two birds with one stone

“一箭双雕” 或 “一举两得”。


This idiom originates from Ancient Greece and literally means killing two birds with one stone, symbolizing accomplishing two goals with a single effort. The phrase is commonly used to describe situations where a single action effectively addresses two or more issues.

  • By carpooling, we can kill two birds with one stone — save money on gas and reduce our carbon footprint.通过拼车,我们可以一箭双雕 —— 省油钱又减少碳足迹。

  • She went shopping to get groceries and gifts, killing two birds with one stone.她去购物,买了食品和礼物,一举两得。

  • By studying for his exams on the train, he kills two birds with one stone — utilizing his travel time effectively.他在火车上复习考试,一举两得 —— 有效利用了旅行时间。

720. Kit and caboodle

caboodle: 美 [kəˈbudl] 全部;整体;一整套

“全套东西” 或 “所有的一切”。

这个短语起源于 19 世纪,主要是用来描述士兵携带的全套装备。其中,“kit” 指的是工具包或装备,“caboodle” 是指整个一套东西的意思。在现代英语中,这个短语经常用来表示某物的全部或整套。例如,你可能会用它来描述一个包含了所有必要元素的完整包裹。

This phrase originated in the 19th century, primarily used to describe the full set of equipment carried by soldiers. “Kit” refers to a toolkit or gear, and “caboodle” means the whole lot of something. In modern English, this phrase is often used to indicate the entirety of something, like a complete package that contains all necessary elements.

  • I just bought a new computer, mouse, keyboard, and the whole kit and caboodle.我刚买了一台新电脑、鼠标、键盘和所有的一切。

  • When they moved out, they took the furniture, kitchenware, and the entire kit and caboodle with them.他们搬家时,把家具、厨房用具以及所有东西都带走了。

  • She inherited the house, car, and the whole kit and caboodle from her grandfather.她从祖父那里继承了房子、汽车以及所有的东西。





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