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set up RAGFlow on your Mac

可能是我认知片面,你需要投喂大量的内容给它,它自己其实并不会思考,只是从它的认知里告诉它他知道的东西。举个不太巧当的例子,和以往的方式恰恰相反,以往都是先有内容 再吸引流量,而现在是现有架子 再往里填充内容。架子好找,内容难求。

To set up RAGFlow on your Mac, follow these general steps:


  1. Hardware Requirements:

    • CPU: At least 4 cores.
    • RAM: Minimum 16 GB.
    • Disk space: At least 50 GB.
  2. Software Requirements:

    • Install Docker Desktop on macOS, ensuring Docker >= 24.0.0 and Docker Compose >= v2.26.1.

    • Make sure the


      is set to at least


      . You can check and update this using:

      sysctl vm.max_map_count
      sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

      To make this change permanent, edit


      and add




  1. Clone the RAGFlow Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/infiniflow/ragflow.git
    cd ragflow/docker
  2. Configure Docker Image:

    • Edit the docker/.env file to specify the RAGFlow Docker image version.
    • For a lightweight setup, use the slim image: RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:dev-slim.
    • For a full-featured image with embedding models, use: RAGFLOW_IMAGE=infiniflow/ragflow:dev.
  3. Start the Server: Run the following command to build and start the server:

    docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
  4. Verify Setup: Check the server logs to ensure it started successfully:

    docker logs -f ragflow-server

    If successful, you should see a message indicating the server is running at


  • Access the RAGFlow web interface at
  • Configure the models and embedding settings in the system interface.

For further details and updates, check the RAGFlow GitHub repository and the official documentation.



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