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import { withInstall } from '@/utils/tool'
import FastTableProjectColumn from './src/fast-table-project-column.vue'

export default withInstall(FastTableProjectColumn)


// 全局组件安装
export const withInstall = <T>(component: T, alias?: string) => {
	const comp = component as any
	comp.install = (app: App) => {
		app.component(comp.name || comp.displayName, component)
		if (alias) {
			app.config.globalProperties[alias] = component
	return component as T & Plugin
		<template #default="scope">
			{{ getValByProjectId(store.appStore.projectList, scope.row[props.prop]) }}

<script setup lang="ts" name="FastTableProjectColumn">
import store from '@/store'
import { getValByProjectId } from '@/utils/tool'

const props = defineProps({
	prop: {
		type: String,
		required: true
	label: {
		type: String,
		required: true
	headerAlign: {
		type: String,
		required: false,
		default: () => 'center'
	align: {
		type: String,
		required: false,
		default: () => 'center'
	width: {
		type: String,
		required: false,
		default: () => ''
	minWidth: {
		type: String,
		required: false,
		default: () => ''
	className: {
		type: String,
		required: false,
		default: () => ''
// 获取字典Label
export const getDictLabel = (dictList: any[], dictType: string, dictValue: string) => {
	const type = dictList.find((element: any) => element.dictType === dictType)
	if (type) {
		const val = type.dataList.find((element: any) => element.dictValue === dictValue + '')
		if (val) {
			return val.dictLabel
		} else {
			return dictValue
	} else {
		return dictValue


import FastTableColumn from '@/components/fast-table-column'



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