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LAPACK 程序 SSYEVD 的计算特征值的应用实例 C/Fortran

 A*v(j) = lambda(j)*v(j)


编译一份 Lapack源代码,会生成两个 静态链接库:

liblapack.a  librefbals.a




   SSYEVD Example.

   Program computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric
   matrix A using divide and conquer algorithm, where A is:

     6.39   0.13  -8.23   5.71  -3.18
     0.13   8.37  -4.46  -6.10   7.21
    -8.23  -4.46  -9.58  -9.25  -7.42
     5.71  -6.10  -9.25   3.72   8.54
    -3.18   7.21  -7.42   8.54   2.51


   The routine computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of an
   n-by-n real symmetric matrix A. The eigenvector v(j) of A satisfies

   A*v(j) = lambda(j)*v(j)

   where lambda(j) is its eigenvalue. The computed eigenvectors are
   If the eigenvectors are requested, then this routine uses a divide and
   conquer algorithm to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

   Example Program Results.

 SSYEVD Example Program Results

 -17.44 -11.96   6.72  14.25  19.84

 Eigenvectors (stored columnwise)
  -0.26   0.31  -0.74   0.33   0.42
  -0.17  -0.39  -0.38  -0.80   0.16
  -0.89   0.04   0.09   0.03  -0.45
  -0.29  -0.59   0.34   0.31   0.60
  -0.19   0.63   0.44  -0.38   0.48
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* SSYEVD prototype */
extern void ssyevd_( char* jobz, char* uplo, int* n, float* a, int* lda,
                float* w, float* work, int* lwork, int* iwork, int* liwork, int* info );
/* Auxiliary routines prototypes */
extern void print_matrix( char* desc, int m, int n, float* a, int lda );

/* Parameters */
#define N 5
#define LDA N

/* Main program */
int main() {
        /* Locals */
        int n = N, lda = LDA, info, lwork, liwork;
        int iwkopt;
        int* iwork;
        float wkopt;
        float* work;
        /* Local arrays */
        float w[N];
        float a[LDA*N] = {
            6.39f,  0.00f,  0.00f,  0.00f,  0.00f,
            0.13f,  8.37f,  0.00f,  0.00f,  0.00f,
           -8.23f, -4.46f, -9.58f,  0.00f,  0.00f,
            5.71f, -6.10f, -9.25f,  3.72f,  0.00f,
           -3.18f,  7.21f, -7.42f,  8.54f,  2.51f
        /* Executable statements */
        printf( " SSYEVD Example Program Results\n" );
        /* Query and allocate the optimal workspace */
        lwork = -1;
        liwork = -1;
        ssyevd_( "Vectors", "Upper", &n, a, &lda, w, &wkopt, &lwork, &iwkopt,
                        &liwork, &info );
        lwork = (int)wkopt;
        work = (float*)malloc( lwork*sizeof(float) );
        liwork = iwkopt;
        iwork = (int*)malloc( liwork*sizeof(int) );
        /* Solve eigenproblem */
        ssyevd_( "Vectors", "Upper", &n, a, &lda, w, work, &lwork, iwork,
                        &liwork, &info );
        /* Check for convergence */
        if( info > 0 ) {
                printf( "The algorithm failed to compute eigenvalues.\n" );
                exit( 1 );
        /* Print eigenvalues */
        print_matrix( "Eigenvalues", 1, n, w, 1 );
        /* Print eigenvectors */
        print_matrix( "Eigenvectors (stored columnwise)", n, n, a, lda );
        /* Free workspace */
        free( (void*)iwork );
        free( (void*)work );
        exit( 0 );
} /* End of SSYEVD Example */

/* Auxiliary routine: printing a matrix */
void print_matrix( char* desc, int m, int n, float* a, int lda ) {
        int i, j;
        printf( "\n %s\n", desc );
        for( i = 0; i < m; i++ ) {
                for( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) printf( " %6.2f", a[i+j*lda] );
                printf( "\n" );

2,fortran77 版本



*  SSYEVD Example.
*  ==============
*  Program computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric
*  matrix A using divide and conquer algorithm, where A is:
*    6.39   0.13  -8.23   5.71  -3.18
*    0.13   8.37  -4.46  -6.10   7.21
*   -8.23  -4.46  -9.58  -9.25  -7.42
*    5.71  -6.10  -9.25   3.72   8.54
*   -3.18   7.21  -7.42   8.54   2.51
*  Description.
*  ============
*  The routine computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of an
*  n-by-n real symmetric matrix A. The eigenvector v(j) of A satisfies
*  A*v(j) = lambda(j)*v(j)
*  where lambda(j) is its eigenvalue. The computed eigenvectors are
*  orthonormal.
*  If the eigenvectors are requested, then this routine uses a divide and
*  conquer algorithm to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
*  Example Program Results.
*  ========================
* SSYEVD Example Program Results
* Eigenvalues
* -17.44 -11.96   6.72  14.25  19.84
* Eigenvectors (stored columnwise)
*  -0.26   0.31  -0.74   0.33   0.42
*  -0.17  -0.39  -0.38  -0.80   0.16
*  -0.89   0.04   0.09   0.03  -0.45
*  -0.29  -0.59   0.34   0.31   0.60
*  -0.19   0.63   0.44  -0.38   0.48
*  =============================================================================
*     .. Parameters ..
      INTEGER          N
      PARAMETER        ( N = 5 )
      INTEGER          LDA
      PARAMETER        ( LDA = N )
      INTEGER          LWMAX
      PARAMETER        ( LWMAX = 1000 )
*     .. Local Scalars ..
*     .. Local Arrays ..
      INTEGER          IWORK( LWMAX )
      REAL             A( LDA, N ), W( N ), WORK( LWMAX )
      DATA             A/
     $  6.39, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
     $  0.13, 8.37, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
     $ -8.23,-4.46,-9.58, 0.00, 0.00,
     $  5.71,-6.10,-9.25, 3.72, 0.00,
     $ -3.18, 7.21,-7.42, 8.54, 2.51
     $                  /
*     .. External Subroutines ..
      EXTERNAL         SSYEVD
*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
      INTRINSIC        INT, MIN
*     .. Executable Statements ..
      WRITE(*,*)'SSYEVD Example Program Results'
*     Query the optimal workspace.
      LWORK = -1
      LIWORK = -1
      CALL SSYEVD( 'Vectors', 'Upper', N, A, LDA, W, WORK, LWORK,
     $             IWORK, LIWORK, INFO )
      LWORK = MIN( LWMAX, INT( WORK( 1 ) ) )
      LIWORK = MIN( LWMAX, IWORK( 1 ) )
*     Solve eigenproblem.
      CALL SSYEVD( 'Vectors', 'Upper', N, A, LDA, W, WORK, LWORK,
     $             IWORK, LIWORK, INFO )
*     Check for convergence.
      IF( INFO.GT.0 ) THEN
         WRITE(*,*)'The algorithm failed to compute eigenvalues.'
      END IF
*     Print eigenvalues.
      CALL PRINT_MATRIX( 'Eigenvalues', 1, N, W, 1 )
*     Print eigenvectors.
      CALL PRINT_MATRIX( 'Eigenvectors (stored columnwise)', N, N, A,
     $                   LDA )
*     End of SSYEVD Example.
*  =============================================================================
*     Auxiliary routine: printing a matrix.
      CHARACTER*(*)    DESC
      INTEGER          M, N, LDA
      REAL             A( LDA, * )
      INTEGER          I, J
      WRITE(*,*) DESC
      DO I = 1, M
         WRITE(*,9998) ( A( I, J ), J = 1, N )
      END DO
 9998 FORMAT( 11(:,1X,F6.2) )

3, Makefile

EXE := hello.c.out hello.f.out
all: $(EXE)

%.c.out: %.c
	gcc $< -o $@ $(LD_FLAGS_C)

LD_FLAGS_C := -L /home/hipper/ex_lapack/lapack-3.11 -llapack -lrefblas -lgfortran -lm

%.f.out: %.f
	gfortran -g $< -o $@ $(LD_FLAGS_FORT)

LD_FLAGS_FORT :=  -L /home/hipper/ex_lapack/lapack-3.11/ -llapack -lrefblas

.PHONY: clean
	-rm -rf $(EXE)






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