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import * as THREE from "three";
import { ThreeHelper } from "@/src/ThreeHelper";
import { LoadGLTF, MethodBaseSceneSet } from "@/src/ThreeHelper/decorators";
import { MainScreen } from "@/src/components/Three/Canvas";
import { Injectable } from "@/src/ThreeHelper/decorators/DI";
import type { GUI } from "dat.gui";
import type { GLTF } from "three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader";
import EventMesh from "@/src/ThreeHelper/decorators/EventMesh";
import { noise } from "@/src/ThreeHelper/addons/perlinNoise";
import { gsap } from "gsap";

export class Main extends MainScreen {
    static instance: Main;
    clock = new THREE.Clock();
    iTime = { value: 0 };
    iProgress = { value: 0.15 };
    startPoint = { value: new THREE.Vector3(-0.02, 0.2, 0.7) };
    // 初始贴图
    matcap = {
        value: this.helper.loadTexture("/public/textures/5E5855_C6C4CD_C89B67_8F8E98-512px.png"),
    matcap2 = {
        value: this.helper.loadTexture("/public/textures/B6B8B1_994A24_315C81_927963-512px.png"),
    textures = [
    play?: (swap: boolean) => void;
    playing = false;

    constructor(private helper: ThreeHelper) {
        helper.main = this;
        Main.instance = this;


        addAxis: false,
        cameraPosition: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 2.7),
        cameraTarget: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
        useRoomLight: true,
        near: 0.1,
        far: 800,
    init() {
        const { helper } = this;


    click(result: typeof EventMesh.RayInfo) {
        // console.log(this.helper.gui.__controllers[1].name())
        // this.helper.gui?.__controllers[1].fire()
        if (!this.playing && result && result.point) {
            this.play && this.play(true);

    // @LoadGLTF("/public/models/猴头细分x4.glb")
    loadModel(gltf?: GLTF) {
        if (gltf) {
            // this.helper.add(gltf.scene);
            // EventMesh.setIntersectObjects(gltf.scene.children);
            gltf.scene.traverse((obj) => {
                if (obj.type == "Mesh") {
                    const meshTemp = obj as THREE.Mesh;

                    const material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
                        uniforms: {
                            matcap: this.matcap,
                            matcap2: this.matcap2,
                            startPoint: this.startPoint,
                            iProgress: this.iProgress,
                            iTime: this.iTime,
                        side: THREE.DoubleSide,
                        defines: { PI: Math.PI },
                        vertexShader: /* glsl */ `
                            varying vec2 vUv;
                            varying vec3 vNormal;
                            varying vec3 vPosition;
                            varying vec3 vViewPosition;
                            attribute float aRandom;
                            attribute vec3 aCenter;
                            uniform float iProgress;
                            uniform vec3 startPoint;

                            #include <common>

                            mat4 rotation3d(vec3 axis, float angle) {
                                axis = normalize(axis);
                                float s = sin(angle);
                                float c = cos(angle);
                                float oc = 1.0 - c;
                                return mat4(
                                  oc * axis.x * axis.x + c,           oc * axis.x * axis.y - axis.z * s,  oc * axis.z * axis.x + axis.y * s,  0.0,
                                  oc * axis.x * axis.y + axis.z * s,  oc * axis.y * axis.y + c,           oc * axis.y * axis.z - axis.x * s,  0.0,
                                  oc * axis.z * axis.x - axis.y * s,  oc * axis.y * axis.z + axis.x * s,  oc * axis.z * axis.z + c,           0.0,
                                  0.0,                                0.0,                                0.0,                                1.0

                            void main() {
                                vUv = uv;

                                vNormal = normalMatrix * normalize( normal );

                                vPosition = position;

                                vec3 transform = position - aCenter;

                                float distancePoint = distance( startPoint, position );

                                float percent = iProgress * 4.;
                                float diff = percent - distancePoint;

                                distancePoint = diff * 1.;
                                distancePoint = clamp( distancePoint, 0., 1.);

                                // float intensity = smoothstep( 0., iProgress * 4.,distancePoint);
                                float intensity = distancePoint;

                                // mat4 rotation = rotation3d(vec3(normal), PI * 2. * intensity);
                                mat4 rotation = rotation3d(vec3(normal), PI * 2. * intensity);

                                transform += ((( normal * intensity ) * position * (1.0 - intensity))) / 2.;
                                transform = (rotation * vec4(transform,1.)).xyz;
                                // transform = (rotation * vec4(transform,1.)).xyz;

                                transform += aCenter;

                                vec4 modelPosition = modelMatrix * vec4(transform, 1.0);

                                vec4 modelViewPosition = viewMatrix * modelPosition;

                                gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewPosition;

                                vViewPosition =  - modelViewPosition.xyz;
                        fragmentShader: /* glsl */ `
                            varying vec3 vNormal;
                            varying vec2 vUv;
                            varying vec3 vPosition;
                            varying vec3 vViewPosition;

                            uniform float iTime;
                            uniform float iProgress;
                            uniform vec3 startPoint;
                            uniform sampler2D matcap;
                            uniform sampler2D matcap2;


                            void main() {

                                vec3 viewDir = normalize( vViewPosition );
                                vec3 x = normalize( vec3( viewDir.z, 0.0, - viewDir.x ) );
                                vec3 y = cross( viewDir, x );
                                vec2 uv = vec2( dot( x, vNormal ), dot( y, vNormal ) ) * 0.495 + 0.5; // 0.495 to remove artifacts caused by undersized matcap disks

                                float noiseVal = noise(vPosition * 20.);

                                float distancePoint = distance( startPoint, vPosition );

                                //TODO 受物体的体积影响
                                float intensity = smoothstep( 0., iProgress * 4.,distancePoint);
                                vec3 matcapColor = texture2D(matcap,uv).rgb;
                                vec3 matcapColor2 = texture2D(matcap2,uv).rgb;

                                float range = (1.0 - intensity) * pow( intensity, (iProgress + 2.) * 8.) * 100.;
                                range = (range * noiseVal * 3.) + pow(intensity,4.);

                                // matcapColor = vec3(range);

                                range = clamp(range,0.,1.);
                                // range = smoothstep(0.,1.,range);

                                matcapColor = mix(matcapColor2,matcapColor,range);
                                // matcapColor *= vec3((noiseVal) * intensity);

                                gl_FragColor = vec4(matcapColor, 1.0);

                     * tip: 几何体去掉indexed 点的数量会增加数倍 不再计算共用顶点
                    // const geometry = meshTemp.geometry;
                    const geometry = meshTemp.geometry.toNonIndexed();
                    const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);



    setAttribute(geometry: THREE.BufferGeometry) {
        const position = geometry.attributes.position.array;
        const length = geometry.attributes.position.count;

        const randoms = new Float32Array(length);
        const centers = new Float32Array(length * 3);

        for (let index = 0; index < length; index += 3) {
            const random = Math.random() * 1;

            randoms[index] = random;
            randoms[index + 1] = random;
            randoms[index + 2] = random;

            const i3 = index * 3;

            const x = position[i3];
            const y = position[i3 + 1];
            const z = position[i3 + 2];

            const x1 = position[i3 + 3];
            const y1 = position[i3 + 4];
            const z1 = position[i3 + 5];

            const x2 = position[i3 + 6];
            const y2 = position[i3 + 7];
            const z2 = position[i3 + 8];

            const center = new THREE.Vector3(x + x1 + x2, y + y1 + y2, z + z1 + z2).divideScalar(3);

            centers.set([center.x, center.y, center.z], index * 3);
            centers.set([center.x, center.y, center.z], (index + 1) * 3);
            centers.set([center.x, center.y, center.z], (index + 2) * 3);

        geometry.setAttribute("aRandom", new THREE.BufferAttribute(randoms, 1));
        geometry.setAttribute("aCenter", new THREE.BufferAttribute(centers, 3));

    animation() {
        const delta = this.clock.getDelta();
        this.iTime.value += delta / 7;

    createEnvTexture(gui: GUI) {
        const progressBar = gui.add(this.iProgress, "value", 0, 1).step(0.001);

        const play = (swap = true) => {
            this.iProgress.value = 0;
            this.playing = true;

            gsap.to(this.iProgress, {
                value: 1,
                duration: 1.5,
                onUpdate: () => {
                onComplete: () => {
                    this.playing = false;
                    if (swap) {
                        const temp = this.matcap.value;
                        this.matcap.value = this.matcap2.value;
                        this.matcap2.value = temp;
                        this.iProgress.value = 0;

        this.play = play;

        gui.addFunction(() => play(true)).name("play");

        this.textures.forEach((texture, index) => {
            gui.addFunction(() => {
                if (!this.playing) {
                    this.matcap.value = this.matcap2.value;
                    this.matcap2.value = texture;
            }).name("texture:" + (index + 1));

    clickImage(url: string) {
        if (!this.playing) {
            const t = this.textures.find((t) => t.image.src == url);
            if (t) {
                this.matcap.value = this.matcap2.value;
                this.matcap2.value = t;
                this.play && this.play(false);



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