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ARM异常处理 M33

1. ARMv8-M异常类型及其详细解释

ARMv8-M Exception分为两类:预定义系统异常(015)和外部中断(1616+N)。
各种异常的状态可以通过Status bit查看,获取更信息的异常原因:


1.1 HFSR
DEBUGEVT, bit [31] Debug event. Indicates when a debug event has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No debug event has occurred.
1 Debug event has occurred. The Debug Fault Status Register has been updated.

FORCED, bit [30] Forced. Indicates that a fault with configurable priority has been escalated to a HardFault exception, because
it could not be made active, because of priority, or because it was disabled.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No priority escalation has occurred.
1 Processor has escalated a configurable-priority exception to HardFault.

VECTTBL, bit [1] Vector table. Indicates when a fault has occurred because of a vector table read error on exception processing.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No vector table read fault has occurred.
1 Vector table read fault has occurred.

MMARVALID, bit [7] MMFAR valid flag. Indicates validity of the MMFAR register.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 MMFAR content not valid.
1 MMFAR content valid.

MLSPERR, bit [5] MemManage lazy state preservation error flag. Records whether a MemManage fault occurred during FP lazy state preservation.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No MemManage occurred.
1 MemManage occurred.

MSTKERR, bit [4] MemManage stacking error flag. Records whether a derived MemManage fault occurred during exception entry stacking.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No derived MemManage occurred.
1 Derived MemManage occurred during exception entry.

MUNSTKERR, bit [3] MemManage unstacking error flag. Records whether a derived MemManage fault occurred during exception return unstacking.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No derived MemManage fault occurred.
1 Derived MemManage fault occurred during excep

DACCVIOL, bit [1] Data access violation flag. Records whether a data access violation has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No MemManage fault on data access has occurred.
1 MemManage fault on data access has occurred.

IACCVIOL, bit [0] Instruction access violation. Records whether an instruction related memory access violation has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No MemManage fault on instruction access has occurred.
1 MemManage fault on instruction access has occurred.

1.3 BFSR

BFARVALID, bit [7] BFAR valid. Indicates validity of the contents of the BFAR register.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 BFAR content not valid.
1 BFAR content valid.

LSPERR, bit [5] Lazy state preservation error. Records whether a precise BusFault occurred during FP lazy state preservation.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No BusFault occurred.
1 BusFault occurred.

STKERR, bit [4] Stack error. Records whether a precise derived BusFault occurred during exception entry stacking.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No derived BusFault occurred.
1 Derived BusFault occurred during exception entry.

UNSTKERR, bit [3] Unstack error. Records whether a precise derived BusFault occurred during exception return unstacking.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No derived BusFault occurred.
1 Derived BusFault occurred during exception return.

IMPRECISERR, bit [2] Imprecise error. Records whether an imprecise data access error has occurred.

The possible values of this bit are:
0 No imprecise data access error has occurred.
1 Imprecise data access error has occurred.

PRECISERR, bit [1] Precise error. Records whether a precise data access error has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 No precise data access error has occurred.
1 Precise data access error has occurred.

IBUSERR, bit [0]
Instruction bus error. Records whether a precise BusFault on an instruction prefetch has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
No BusFault on instruction prefetch has occurred.
A BusFault on an instruction prefetch has occurred.

1.4 UFSR

DIVBYZERO, bit [9] Divide by zero flag. Sticky flag indicating whether an integer division by zero error has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 Error has not occurred.
1 Error has occurred.

UNALIGNED, bit [8] Unaligned access flag. Sticky flag indicating whether an unaligned access error has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 Error has not occurred.
1 Error has occurred.

STKOF, bit [4] Stack overflow flag. Sticky flag indicating whether a stack overflow error has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 Error has not occurred.
1 Error has occurred.
NOCP, bit [3] No coprocessor flag. Sticky flag indicating whether a coprocessor disabled or not present error has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 Error has not occurred.
1 Error has occurred.
INVPC, bit [2] Invalid PC flag. Sticky flag indicating whether an integrity check error has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 Error has not occurred.
1 Error has occurred.

INVSTATE, bit [1] Invalid state flag. Sticky flag indicating whether an EPSR.T, EPSR.IT, or FPSCR.LTPSIZE validity error has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 Error has not occurred.
1 Error has occurred.

UNDEFINSTR, bit [0] UNDEFINED instruction flag. Sticky flag indicating whether an UNDEFINED instruction error has occurred.
The possible values of this bit are:
0 Error has not occurred.
1 Error has occurred.

2 ARMv8-M ARM中关于异常入口处理和压栈

在ARMv8-M ARM中介绍了异常发生时,硬件所做的一系列操作:




PREFIX, bits [31:24] Prefix. Indicates that this is an EXC_RETURN value.This field reads as 0b11111111.

S, bit [6] Secure or Non-secure stack.

DCRS, bit [5] Default callee register stacking.

FType, bit [4] Stack frame type. 0 Extended stack frame. 1 Standard stack frame.

Mode, bit [3] Mode. Indicates the Mode that was stacked from. 0 Handler mode. 1 Thread mode.

SPSEL, bit [2] Stack pointer selection. 0 Main stack pointer. 1 Process stack pointer.

ES, bit [0] Exception Secure. 0 Non-secure. 1 Secure.

N, bit [31] Negative condition flag. 0 Result is positive or zero. 1 Result is negative.

Z, bit [30] Zero condition flag.0 Result is nonzero. 1 Result is zero.

C, bit [29] Carry condition flag. 0 No carry occurred, or last bit shifted was clear. 1 Carry occurred, or last bit shifted was set.

V, bit [28] Overflow condition flag. 0 Signed overflow did not occur. 1 Signed overflow occurred.

Q, bit [27] Sticky saturation flag. 0 Saturation or overflow has not occurred since bit was last cleared. 1 Saturation or overflow has occurred since bit was last cleared.

T, bit [24] T32 state. 0 Execution of any instruction generates an INVSTATE UsageFault. 1 Instructions decoded as T32 instructions.

SFPA, bit [20] Secure Floating-point active.

GE, bits [19:16] Greater than or equal flags.

SPREALIGN, bit [9]
0 The stack pointer was 8-byte aligned before exception entry began, no special handling is required on exception return.
1 The stack pointer was only 4-byte aligned before exception entry. The exception entry realigned SP to 8-byte alignment by increasing the stack frame size by 4-bytes.
Exception, bits [8:0] Exception number.

3 异常Handler以及分析


    .long    __StackTop            /* Top of Stack */
    .long    Reset_Handler         /* 1. Reset Handler */
    .long    NMI_Handler           /* 2. NMI Handler */
    .long    HardFault_Handler     /* 3. Hard Fault Handler */
    .long    MemManage_Handler     /* 4. MPU Fault Handler */
    .long    BusFault_Handler      /* 5. Bus Fault Handler */
    .long    UsageFault_Handler    /* 6. Usage Fault Handler */
    .long    0                     /* 7. Reserved */
    .long    0                     /* 8. Reserved */
    .long    0                     /* 9. Reserved */
    .long    0                     /* 10. Reserved */
    .long    SVC_Handler           /* 11. SVCall Handler */
    .long    DebugMon_Handler      /* 12. Debug Monitor Handler */
    .long    0                     /* 13. Reserved */
    .long    PendSV_Handler        /* 14. PendSV Handler */
    .long    SysTick_Handler       /* 15. SysTick Handler */

    /* External interrupts */
    /* The interrupts 0 to 31 */
    .long    Default_IRQHandler /*16. External Interrupt 0*/
    .long    Default_IRQHandler



asm volatile(
    " tst lr, #4                        \n"--测试EXC_RETURN[2]是否为1,即测试当前StackPointer是MSP(0)还是PSP(1)" ite eq                            \n"--当EXC_RETURN[2]0,则z=1;当EXC_RETURN[2]1,则z=1" mrseq r0, msp                     \n"--当EXC_RETURN[2]0,将msp放入r0。
    " mrsne r0, psp                     \n"--当EXC_RETURN[2]1,将psp放入r0。
    "b common_handler_c             \n"--
    : /* no output */
    : /* no input */
    : "r0" /* clobber */


B Label ;程序无条件跳转到标号 Label 处执行。

BL Label ;当程序无条件跳转到标号 Label 处执行时,同时将当前的 PC 值保存到 R14 中。L ;用来区分 分支是否是有带返回的分支指令。


void HardFault_Handler(void)
    asm volatile(
            " tst lr, #4                        \n"
            " ite eq                            \n"
            " mrseq r0, msp                     \n"
            " mrsne r0, psp                     \n"
            "b hardfault_handler_c             \n"
            : /* no output */
            : /* no input */
            : "r0" /* clobber */

void hardfault_handler_c(sContextStateFrame* regs)--传入的参数为msp的值。
    unsigned int hfsr = SCB->HFSR;


    MSG("Cause of Hard Fault:\n");

    if(hfsr & SCB_HFSR_DEBUGEVT_Msk) {
        MSG("Debug event has occurred, ");

        unsigned dfsr = SCB->DFSR;
        if(dfsr & SCB_DFSR_PMU_Msk)
            MSG("PMU event.\n");
        if(dfsr & SCB_DFSR_EXTERNAL_Msk)
            MSG("External event.\n");
        if(dfsr & SCB_DFSR_VCATCH_Msk)
            MSG("Vector Catch event.\n");
        if(dfsr & SCB_DFSR_DWTTRAP_Msk)
            MSG("Watchpoint event.\n");
        if(dfsr & SCB_DFSR_BKPT_Msk)
            MSG("Breakpoint event.\n");
        if(dfsr & SCB_DFSR_HALTED_Msk)
            MSG("Halt or step event.\n");

    if(hfsr & SCB_HFSR_FORCED_Msk) {
        MSG("Processor has escalated a configurable-priority exception to HardFault.\n");

    if(hfsr & SCB_HFSR_VECTTBL_Msk) {
        MSG("Vector table read fault has occurred.\n");

void star_stack_dump(sContextStateFrame* regs)
    unsigned int *stackPtr = NULL;

    MSG("ExceptionStack(%08x):\n", regs);--输出异常入栈信息:R0~R3、R12、LR、ReturnAddress、XPSR。
    MSG("R0 = %08x\n", regs->r0);
    MSG("R1 = %08x\n", regs->r1);
    MSG("R2 = %08x\n", regs->r2);
    MSG("R3 = %08x\n", regs->r3);
    MSG("R12 = %08x\n", regs->r12);
    MSG("LR = %08x\n", regs->lr);
    MSG("ReturnAddr = %08x\n", regs->return_address);
    MSG("PSR = %08x: N(%u) Z(%u) C(%u) V(%u) Q(%u) IT(%u) T(%u) SFPA(%u) GE(%u) SPRealign(%u) ISR(%u) \n", regs->xpsr.w,

    MSG("\nStack from 0x%08x in [StackTop(0x%08x), MSPLIM(0x%08x)]:\n", regs, &__StackTop,  __get_MSPLIM());
    for(stackPtr = (unsigned int *)regs; stackPtr < &__StackTop; stackPtr++ ) {--遍历输出栈内容,方便后续分析。
        MSG("0x%08x %08x\n", stackPtr, *stackPtr);


void fault_test_by_trigger(void) {
    MSG("%s\n", __func__);


R0 = 00000007
R1 = 0000000A
R2 = E000ED00
R3 = 00270000
R12 = 00000000
LR = 000002E7
ReturnAddr = 000002F2
PSR = 69000000: N(0) Z(1) C(1) V(0) Q(1) IT(0) T(1) SFPA(0) GE(0) SPRealign(0) ISR(0) 

Stack from 0x2003FFA8 in [StackTop(0x2003FFF0), MSPLIM(0x2003F3F0)]:
0x2003FFA8 00000007
0x2003FFAC 0000000A
0x2003FFB0 E000ED00
0x2003FFB4 00270000
0x2003FFB8 00000000
0x2003FFBC 000002E7
0x2003FFC0 000002F2
0x2003FFC4 69000000--到此都为异常入栈内容。
0x2003FFC8 0000E4E0
0x2003FFCC 0000E4E0
0x2003FFD0 0000E4E0
0x2003FFD4 0000C0CC
0x2003FFD8 00000000
0x2003FFDC 00000000
0x2003FFE0 00000000
0x2003FFE4 00000000
0x2003FFE8 00000000
0x2003FFEC 0000B6C1
Cause of Hard Fault:



arm-linux-gnueabihf-addr2line -e main.elf -a -f 0x000002E7 0x000002F2 0x0000B6C1







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