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Unity 重写GridLayoutGroup使居中对齐



        另一种方案就是重写GridLayoutGroup,实现居中的需求。通过阅读源码+ 断点数据,发现逻辑还是比较好理解的。以StartAxis设置为Horizontal为例 ,原逻辑是通过CellSize与Spacing计算一行所占的长度与Layout对象本身的size做对比,然后再根据设置的布局方式计算出坐标偏移值,以此来确定每个子物体的坐标,出现上述的问题是因为,计算行所占的长度时,只计算了一次最大长度,这是不合理的,因为当最后一行没有填充满的时候,所占的长度与上面的行是不一样的,以此为基础修改源码。代码如下,修改内容从116行开始:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace UnityEngine.UI
    public class GridLayoutGroupCenter : GridLayoutGroup
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the layout system
        /// Also see ILayoutElement
        /// </summary>
        public override void SetLayoutHorizontal()

        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the layout system
        /// Also see ILayoutElement
        /// </summary>
        public override void SetLayoutVertical()

        private void SetCellsAlongAxis(int axis)
            // Normally a Layout Controller should only set horizontal values when invoked for the horizontal axis
            // and only vertical values when invoked for the vertical axis.
            // However, in this case we set both the horizontal and vertical position when invoked for the vertical axis.
            // Since we only set the horizontal position and not the size, it shouldn't affect children's layout,
            // and thus shouldn't break the rule that all horizontal layout must be calculated before all vertical layout.
            var rectChildrenCount = rectChildren.Count;
            if (axis == 0)
                // Only set the sizes when invoked for horizontal axis, not the positions.

                for (int i = 0; i < rectChildrenCount; i++)
                    RectTransform rect = rectChildren[i];

                    m_Tracker.Add(this, rect,
                        DrivenTransformProperties.Anchors |
                        DrivenTransformProperties.AnchoredPosition |

                    rect.anchorMin = Vector2.up;
                    rect.anchorMax = Vector2.up;
                    rect.sizeDelta = cellSize;

            float width = rectTransform.rect.size.x;
            float height = rectTransform.rect.size.y;

            int cellCountX = 1;
            int cellCountY = 1;
            if (m_Constraint == Constraint.FixedColumnCount)
                cellCountX = m_ConstraintCount;

                if (rectChildrenCount > cellCountX)
                    cellCountY = rectChildrenCount / cellCountX + (rectChildrenCount % cellCountX > 0 ? 1 : 0);
            else if (m_Constraint == Constraint.FixedRowCount)
                cellCountY = m_ConstraintCount;

                if (rectChildrenCount > cellCountY)
                    cellCountX = rectChildrenCount / cellCountY + (rectChildrenCount % cellCountY > 0 ? 1 : 0);
                if (cellSize.x + spacing.x <= 0)
                    cellCountX = int.MaxValue;
                    cellCountX = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((width - padding.horizontal + spacing.x + 0.001f) / (cellSize.x + spacing.x)));

                if (cellSize.y + spacing.y <= 0)
                    cellCountY = int.MaxValue;
                    cellCountY = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((height - padding.vertical + spacing.y + 0.001f) / (cellSize.y + spacing.y)));

            //startCorner = 0
            int cornerX = (int)startCorner % 2;//0
            int cornerY = (int)startCorner / 2;//0

            int cellsPerMainAxis, actualCellCountX, actualCellCountY;
            if (startAxis == Axis.Horizontal)
                cellsPerMainAxis = cellCountX;
                actualCellCountX = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountX, 1, rectChildrenCount);
                actualCellCountY = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountY, 1, Mathf.CeilToInt(rectChildrenCount / (float)cellsPerMainAxis));
                cellsPerMainAxis = cellCountY;
                actualCellCountY = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountY, 1, rectChildrenCount);
                actualCellCountX = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountX, 1, Mathf.CeilToInt(rectChildrenCount / (float)cellsPerMainAxis));

            //总长度 & 总高度
            Vector2 requiredSpace = new Vector2(
                actualCellCountX * cellSize.x + (actualCellCountX - 1) * spacing.x,
                actualCellCountY * cellSize.y + (actualCellCountY - 1) * spacing.y
            Vector2 startOffset = new Vector2(
                GetStartOffset(0, requiredSpace.x),
                GetStartOffset(1, requiredSpace.y)

            Vector2 requiredSpaceNew = Vector2.zero;
            Vector2 startOffsetNew = Vector2.zero;
            if (startAxis == Axis.Horizontal)
                if (rectChildrenCount <= actualCellCountX)
                    requiredSpaceNew = requiredSpace;
                    startOffsetNew = startOffset;
                    var rem = rectChildrenCount % actualCellCountX;
                    if (rem == 0)
                        requiredSpaceNew = requiredSpace;
                        startOffsetNew = startOffset;
                        requiredSpaceNew = new Vector2(
                            rem * cellSize.x + (rem - 1) * spacing.x,
                            actualCellCountY * cellSize.y + (actualCellCountY - 1) * spacing.y);
                        startOffsetNew = new Vector2(
                            GetStartOffset(0, requiredSpaceNew.x),
                            GetStartOffset(1, requiredSpaceNew.y)
                if (rectChildrenCount <= actualCellCountY)
                    requiredSpaceNew = requiredSpace;
                    startOffsetNew = startOffset;
                    var rem = rectChildrenCount % actualCellCountY;
                    if (rem == 0)
                        requiredSpaceNew = requiredSpace;
                        startOffsetNew = startOffset;
                        requiredSpaceNew = new Vector2(
                            actualCellCountX * cellSize.x + (actualCellCountX - 1) * spacing.x,
                            rem * cellSize.y + (rem - 1) * spacing.y);
                        startOffsetNew = new Vector2(
                            GetStartOffset(0, requiredSpaceNew.x),
                            GetStartOffset(1, requiredSpaceNew.y)

            int lastRowIndex = rectChildrenCount - rectChildrenCount % actualCellCountX;
            int lastColIndex = rectChildrenCount - rectChildrenCount % actualCellCountY;

            for (int i = 0; i < rectChildrenCount; i++)
                int positionX;
                int positionY;
                bool lastRowOrCol = false;
                if (startAxis == Axis.Horizontal)
                    positionX = i % cellsPerMainAxis;
                    positionY = i / cellsPerMainAxis;

                    lastRowOrCol = i >= lastRowIndex;
                    positionX = i / cellsPerMainAxis;
                    positionY = i % cellsPerMainAxis;

                    lastRowOrCol = i >= lastColIndex;


                if (cornerX == 1)
                    positionX = actualCellCountX - 1 - positionX;
                if (cornerY == 1)
                    positionY = actualCellCountY - 1 - positionY;

                if (lastRowOrCol)
                    SetChildAlongAxis(rectChildren[i], 0, startOffsetNew.x + (cellSize[0] + spacing[0]) * positionX, cellSize[0]);
                    SetChildAlongAxis(rectChildren[i], 1, startOffsetNew.y + (cellSize[1] + spacing[1]) * positionY, cellSize[1]);
                    SetChildAlongAxis(rectChildren[i], 0, startOffset.x + (cellSize[0] + spacing[0]) * positionX, cellSize[0]);
                    SetChildAlongAxis(rectChildren[i], 1, startOffset.y + (cellSize[1] + spacing[1]) * positionY, cellSize[1]);





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