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sentinel 实现限流降级、熔断降级、黑白名单限流降级、系统自适应限流降级以及热点参数限流降级都是由 ProcessorSlot、Checker、Rule、RuleManager 组合完成。ProcessorSlot 作为调用链路的切入点,负责调用 Checker 检查当前请求是否可以放行;Checker 则根据资源名称从 RuleManager 中拿到为该资源配置的 Rule(规则),取 ClusterNode 统计的实时指标数据与规则对比,如果达到规则的阈值则抛出 Block 异常,抛出 Block 异常意味着请求被拒绝,也就实现了限流或熔断。


  1. 在 ProcessorSlot#entry 方法中调用 Checker#check 方法,并将 DefaultNode 传递给 Checker。
  2. Checker 从 DefaultNode 拿到 ClusterNode,并根据资源名称从 RuleManager 获取为该资源配置的规则。
  3. Checker 从 ClusterNode 中获取当前时间窗口的某项指标数据(QPS、avgRt 等)与规则的阈值对比,如果达到规则的阈值则抛出 Block 异常(也有可能将 check 交给 Rule 去实现)。



规则是围绕资源配置的,接口Rule 只定义获取资源。

public interface Rule {

     * Get target resource of this rule.
     * @return target resource of this rule
    String getResource();

public abstract class AbstractRule implements Rule {

     * rule id. 
    private Long id;

     * Resource name. 资源名
    private String resource;
     *  流控对应的调用来源
    private String limitApp;

Rule、AbstractRule 与其它实现类的关系如下图所示: 

FlowRule 是限流规则配置类,FlowRule 继承 AbstractRule 并实现 Rule 接口。FlowRule 源码如下 

public class FlowRule extends AbstractRule {

    public FlowRule() {

    public FlowRule(String resourceName) {

     * The threshold type of flow control (0: thread count, 1: QPS).
     * 限流阈值类型
    private int grade = RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_QPS;

     * Flow control threshold count. 限流阈值 配置的是qps类型则代表qps的值;配置的是线程数类型则代表线程数
    private double count;

     * Flow control strategy based on invocation chain.
     * 流控限流策略
     * {@link RuleConstant#STRATEGY_DIRECT} for direct flow control (by origin);
     * {@link RuleConstant#STRATEGY_RELATE} for relevant flow control (with relevant resource);
     * {@link RuleConstant#STRATEGY_CHAIN} for chain flow control (by entrance resource).
    private int strategy = RuleConstant.STRATEGY_DIRECT;

     * Reference resource in flow control with relevant resource or context.
     * 关联流控的资源
    private String refResource;

     * Rate limiter control behavior.  流控效果控制
     * 0. default(reject directly), 1. warm up, 2. rate limiter, 3. warm up + rate limiter
    private int controlBehavior = RuleConstant.CONTROL_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT;
    //对应流控效果为Warm Up情况下,冷启动时长(预热时长),单位秒
    private int warmUpPeriodSec = 10;

     * Max queueing time in rate limiter behavior.
     * 对应流控效果为排队等待情况下,出现的超时时间
    private int maxQueueingTimeMs = 500;
    // 对应新增流控规则页面的是否集群
    private boolean clusterMode;
     * Flow rule config for cluster mode.集群流控的相关配置
    private ClusterFlowConfig clusterConfig;

     * The traffic shaping (throttling) controller.  流量整形的实现,不同流控效果有不同算法
    private TrafficShapingController controller;

字段属性有些多,可以对比sentinel 限流保护-笔记-CSDN博客 跟官网文档来理解


 Sentinel 中用来管理规则配置的类都以规则类的名称+Manger 命名,用来加载限流规则配置以及缓存限流规则配置的类为 FlowRuleManager,其部分源码如下:

public class FlowRuleManager {
    // 缓存限流规则
    private static volatile Map<String, List<FlowRule>> flowRules = new HashMap<>();
    // PropertyListener 监听器
    private static final FlowPropertyListener LISTENER = new FlowPropertyListener();
    //SentinelProperty ,默认的 DynamicSentinelProperty
    private static SentinelProperty<List<FlowRule>> currentProperty = new DynamicSentinelProperty<List<FlowRule>>();

    /** the corePool size of SCHEDULER must be set at 1, so the two task ({@link #startMetricTimerListener()} can run orderly by the SCHEDULER **/
    private static final ScheduledExecutorService SCHEDULER = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1,
        new NamedThreadFactory("sentinel-metrics-record-task", true));

    static {//给默认的 SentinelProperty 注册监听器(FlowPropertyListener)
    public static List<FlowRule> getRules() {
        List<FlowRule> rules = new ArrayList<FlowRule>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<FlowRule>> entry : flowRules.entrySet()) {
        return rules;
    public static void loadRules(List<FlowRule> rules) {


SentinelProperty ,SentinelProperty 是 Sentinel 提供的一个接口,可注册到 Sentinel 提供的各种规则的 Manager,例如 FlowRuleManager,并且可以给 SentinelProperty 添加监听器,在配置改变时,你可以调用 SentinelProperty#updateValue 方法,由它负责调用监听器去更新规则,而不需要调用 FlowRuleManager#loadRules 方法。这块先先不展开梳理,后面结合nacos再看。


FlowSlot 是实现限流功能的切入点,它作为 ProcessorSlot 插入到 ProcessorSlotChain 链表中,在 entry 方法中调用 Checker 去判断是否需要拒绝当前请求,如果需要拒绝请求则抛出 Block 异常。FlowSlot 的源码如下:

@Spi(order = Constants.ORDER_FLOW_SLOT)
public class FlowSlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode> {

    private final FlowRuleChecker checker;

    public FlowSlot() {
        this(new FlowRuleChecker());

     * Package-private for test.
     * @param checker flow rule checker
     * @since 1.6.1
    FlowSlot(FlowRuleChecker checker) {
        AssertUtil.notNull(checker, "flow checker should not be null");
        this.checker = checker;

    public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count,
                      boolean prioritized, Object... args) throws Throwable {
        checkFlow(resourceWrapper, context, node, count, prioritized);

        fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);
    void checkFlow(ResourceWrapper resource, Context context, DefaultNode node, int count, boolean prioritized)
        throws BlockException {
        checker.checkFlow(ruleProvider, resource, context, node, count, prioritized);

    public void exit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args) {
        fireExit(context, resourceWrapper, count, args);

    // 规则生产者
    private final Function<String, Collection<FlowRule>> ruleProvider = new Function<String, Collection<FlowRule>>() {
        @Override  // 参数为资源名称
        public Collection<FlowRule> apply(String resource) {
            // Flow rule map should not be null.
            Map<String, List<FlowRule>> flowRules = FlowRuleManager.getFlowRuleMap();
            return flowRules.get(resource);


FlowRuleChecker 负责判断是否需要拒绝当前请求,方法很多,先看看调用checkFlow

public class FlowRuleChecker {

    public void checkFlow(Function<String, Collection<FlowRule>> ruleProvider, ResourceWrapper resource,
                          Context context, DefaultNode node, int count, boolean prioritized) throws BlockException {
        if (ruleProvider == null || resource == null) {
        }// 获取匹配的规则
        Collection<FlowRule> rules = ruleProvider.apply(resource.getName());
        if (rules != null) {//遍历规则
            for (FlowRule rule : rules) { // 检查规则能否通过
                if (!canPassCheck(rule, context, node, count, prioritized)) {
                    throw new FlowException(rule.getLimitApp(), rule);

注意:遍历限流规则,只要有一个限流规则达到限流阈值即可抛出 FlowException,使用 FlowException 目的是标志当前请求因为达到限流阈值被拒绝,FlowException 是 BlockException 的子类;

canPassCheck 方法返回 true 说明允许请求通过,反之则不允许通过。canPassCheck 方法源码如下:

    public boolean canPassCheck(/*@NonNull*/ FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node, int acquireCount,
                                                    boolean prioritized) {
        String limitApp = rule.getLimitApp();
        if (limitApp == null) {
            return true;
        // 集群模式下的规则检测
        if (rule.isClusterMode()) {
            return passClusterCheck(rule, context, node, acquireCount, prioritized);
        return passLocalCheck(rule, context, node, acquireCount, prioritized);


    private static boolean passLocalCheck(FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node, int acquireCount,
                                          boolean prioritized) {
        //根据调用来源和“调用关系限流策略”选择 DefaultNode;
        Node selectedNode = selectNodeByRequesterAndStrategy(rule, context, node);
        if (selectedNode == null) {
            return true;

        return rule.getRater().canPass(selectedNode, acquireCount, prioritized);
  • selectNodeByRequesterAndStrategy返回ClusterBuilderSlot阶段生成的ClusterNode
  • getRater 返回TrafficShapingController,在默认模式下返回流控效果策略DefaultController。DefaultController#canPass 完成canPassCheck。



selectNodeByRequesterAndStrategy 方法的实现有多种情况。原码如下:

public class FlowRuleChecker {
  static Node selectNodeByRequesterAndStrategy(/*@NonNull*/ FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node) {
        // The limit app should not be empty.限流规则针对哪个来源生效
        String limitApp = rule.getLimitApp();
        // 基于调用关系的限流策略
        int strategy = rule.getStrategy();
        // 远程来源
        String origin = context.getOrigin();

        if (limitApp.equals(origin) && filterOrigin(origin)) {
            if (strategy == RuleConstant.STRATEGY_DIRECT) {
                // 1 Matches limit origin, return origin statistic node.
                return context.getOriginNode();
            return selectReferenceNode(rule, context, node);
        } else if (RuleConstant.LIMIT_APP_DEFAULT.equals(limitApp)) {
            if (strategy == RuleConstant.STRATEGY_DIRECT) {
                //3 Return the cluster node.
                return node.getClusterNode();
            return selectReferenceNode(rule, context, node);
        } else if (RuleConstant.LIMIT_APP_OTHER.equals(limitApp)
            && FlowRuleManager.isOtherOrigin(origin, rule.getResource())) {
            if (strategy == RuleConstant.STRATEGY_DIRECT) {
                // 5
                return context.getOriginNode();
            return selectReferenceNode(rule, context, node);

        return null;

static Node selectReferenceNode(FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node) {
        String refResource = rule.getRefResource();
        int strategy = rule.getStrategy();

        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(refResource)) {
            return null;

        if (strategy == RuleConstant.STRATEGY_RELATE) {
            return ClusterBuilderSlot.getClusterNode(refResource);

        if (strategy == RuleConstant.STRATEGY_CHAIN) {
            if (!refResource.equals(context.getName())) {
                return null;
            return node;
        // No node.
        return null;

如果当前限流规则的 limitApp 为 default,则说明该限流规则对任何调用来源都生效,针对所有调用来源限流,否则只针对指定调用来源限流。

1 如果调用来源与当前限流规则的 limitApp 相等,且 strategy 为 STRATEGY_DIRECT,则使用调用来源的 StatisticNode,实现针对调用来源限流。

2 前置条件与(1)相同,依然是针对来源限流。selectReferenceNode

  • strategy 为 STRATEGY_RELATE:使用引用资源的 ClusterNode;
  • strategy 为 STRATEGY_CHAIN:使用当前资源的 DefauleNode。

3当 limitApp 为 default 时,针对所有来源限流。如果 strategy 为 STRATEGY_DIRECT,则使用当前资源的 ClusterNode。

4 前置条件与(3)相同,依然是针对所有来源限流。selectReferenceNode

5 如果 limitApp 为 other,且该资源的所有限流规则都没有针对当前的调用来源限流。如果 strategy 为 STRATEGY_DIRECT,则使用 origin 的 StatisticNode。

6  前置条件与(5)一样。selectReferenceNode

从 selectNodeByRequesterAndStrategy 方法可以看出,Sentinel 之所以针对每个资源统计访问来源的指标数据,也是为了实现对丰富的限流策略的支持.比如针对调用来源限流可限制并发量较高的来源服务的请求,而对并发量低的来源服务的请求可不限流,或者是对一些并没有那么重要的来源服务限流。


Sentinel 支持对超出限流阈值的流量采取效果控制器控制这些流量,流量效果控制支持:直接拒绝、Warm Up(冷启动)、匀速排队。对应 FlowRule 中的 controlBehavior 字段。在调用 FlowRuleManager#loadRules 方法时,FlowRuleManager 会将限流规则配置的 controlBehavior 转为对应的 TrafficShapingController。

public interface TrafficShapingController {

     * Check whether given resource entry can pass with provided count.
     * 判断当前请求是否能通过
     * @param node resource node
     * @param acquireCount count to acquire
     * @param prioritized whether the request is prioritized
     * @return true if the resource entry can pass; false if it should be blocked
    boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount, boolean prioritized);

     * Check whether given resource entry can pass with provided count.
     * 判断当前请求是否能通过
     * @param node resource node
     * @param acquireCount count to acquire
     * @return true if the resource entry can pass; false if it should be blocked
    boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount);


DefaultController 是默认使用的流量效果控制器,直接拒绝超出阈值的请求。当 QPS 超过限流规则配置的阈值,新的请求就会被立即拒绝,抛出 FlowException。

    public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount, boolean prioritized) {
        // 获取当前已使用的token:qps 算每秒被放行的请求数,threads 统计的当前并行占用的线程数
        int curCount = avgUsedTokens(node);
        //当前已使用token + 获取的token 大于token数量的场景
        if (curCount + acquireCount > count) {
            //qps 且prioritized 参数的值为 true(有优先级的请求可以占用未来时间窗口的统计指标)
            if (prioritized && grade == RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_QPS) {
                long currentTime;
                long waitInMs;
                currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
                waitInMs = node.tryOccupyNext(currentTime, acquireCount, count);
                if (waitInMs < OccupyTimeoutProperty.getOccupyTimeout()) {
                    //将休眠之后对应的时间窗口的 pass(通过)这项指标数据的值加上 acquireCount
                    node.addWaitingRequest(currentTime + waitInMs, acquireCount);
                    // 添加占用未来的 pass 指标的数量
                    // 休眠等待,当前线程阻塞

                    // PriorityWaitException indicates that the request will pass after waiting for {@link @waitInMs}.
                    //休眠结束后抛出 PriorityWait 异常,表示当前请求是等待了 waitInMs 之后通过的
                    throw new PriorityWaitException(waitInMs);
            return false;
        return true;

    private int avgUsedTokens(Node node) {
        if (node == null) {
            return DEFAULT_AVG_USED_TOKENS;
        return grade == RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_THREAD ? node.curThreadNum() : (int)(node.passQps());

 一般情况下,prioritized 参数的值为 false,所以这个 canPass 方法实现的流量效果就是直接拒绝。

限于篇幅,其他限流RateLimiterController、WarmUpController、WarmUpRateLimiterController 待整理。



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