using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Transforms;
using Unity.Mathematics;
/// <summary>
/// 仅主线程执行,不支持多线程
/// </summary>
public class MyComponentSystem : ComponentSystem
protected override void OnUpdate()
Entities.ForEach((ref Translation trans) =>
trans.Value = new float3(0, 1, 1);
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Transforms;
/// <summary>
/// 支持多线程 但不支持主线程执行
/// </summary>
public class MyJobComponentSystem : JobComponentSystem
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
return Entities.ForEach((ref Translation trans) =>
trans.Value = new Unity.Mathematics.float3(0, 0, 1);
具体文档:Using Entities.ForEach | Entities | 0.50.1-preview.2
Run:非Burst编译下 可访问所有成员,可修改实体。【主线程执行】
Supported Feature | Run | Schedule | ScheduleParallel |
Capture local value type | x | x | x |
Capture local reference type | x (only WithoutBurst and not in ISystem) | ||
Writing to captured variables | x | ||
Use field on the system class | x (only WithoutBurst) | ||
Methods on reference types | x (only WithoutBurst and not in ISystem) | ||
Shared Components | x (only WithoutBurst and not in ISystem) | ||
Managed Components | x (only WithoutBurst and not in ISystem) | ||
Structural changes | x (only WithStructuralChanges and not in ISystem) | ||
SystemBase.GetComponent | x | x | x |
SystemBase.SetComponent | x | x | |
GetComponentDataFromEntity | x | x | x (only as ReadOnly) |
HasComponent | x | x | x |
WithDisposeOnCompletion | x | x | x |
WithScheduleGranularity | x |