- 映射配置文件(CSV格式),包含Row、Col和CombiNo三列
- 多个数据源文件,存放在不同目录下,包含日期和对应的数据值
- 生成特定格式的数据文件
- 每个时间序列生成固定行数的数据
- 每行包含66个数值
- 数值的填充根据映射配置决定
Row Col CombiNo 1 1 -999 1 2 240
- Row表示输出文件中的行号
- Col表示该行中的列号(1-66)
- CombiNo表示数据来源,-999表示填0,其他值需要从对应文件获取数据
- 文件路径格式:
- 文件内容:包含Date和NetDrain等列
- 需要根据日期取对应的NetDrain值
- 文件路径格式:
- 文件查找逻辑:
get_combo_data <- function(model, scenario, suffix, combo_no) {
base_dir <- file.path("Weekly_Stats", scenario, model)
# 构建文件匹配模式
if(scenario == "Hindcast") {
pattern <- paste0("\\d+_\\d+-.*result_\\d+_", model, "_00_", combo_no, "\\.csv$")
} else {
pattern <- paste0("\\d+_\\d+CC-.*result_\\d+_", model, "_", suffix, "_", combo_no, "\\.csv$")
files <- list.files(base_dir, pattern=pattern, full.names=TRUE)
- 数据生成逻辑:
# 对每个时间序列
for(week_idx in 1:length(dates)) {
current_date <- dates[week_idx]
# 处理每一行
for(row in 1:max_row) {
row_values <- numeric(66)
row_data <- rc_combi[rc_combi$Row == row,]
# 根据映射填充数据
for(j in 1:nrow(row_data)) {
col <- row_data$Col[j]
combo_no <- row_data$ComnbiNo[j]
if(combo_no != -999) {
combo_data <- combo_data_list[[as.character(combo_no)]]
if(!is.null(combo_data)) {
week_data <- combo_data[combo_data$Date == current_date,]
if(nrow(week_data) > 0) {
row_values[col] <- week_data$NetDrain
- 不应硬编码输出文件的行数
- 应该从映射配置文件中获取最大Row值
- 确保数值格式符合要求(科学计数法)
- 控制空格数量满足规范
- 透彻理解映射规则
- 理清数据来源和格式
- 确认特殊值的处理方式
- 避免硬编码关键参数
- 保持代码的可维护性
- 增加必要的错误处理
- 确认文件查找逻辑正确
- 验证数据映射准确性
- 检查输出格式是否符合要求
From Data Mapping to File Generation: A Case Study in R
In scientific computing, we often need to integrate data from different sources and convert them into specific formats. This article shares a practical case study demonstrating how to understand complex data mapping requirements and implement correct file generation logic.
Problem Description
We need to generate multiple data files based on a mapping configuration file. The specific requirements are:
Input Files:
- Mapping configuration file (CSV format) containing Row, Col, and CombiNo columns
- Multiple source data files in different directories containing dates and corresponding data values
Output Requirements:
- Generate data files in a specific format
- Generate fixed number of rows for each time series
- Each row contains 66 values
- Values are filled according to the mapping configuration
Understanding Data Mapping Logic
Initially, this requirement seemed straightforward. However, when we analyzed it deeply, we discovered several key points:
Mapping Relationship:
Row Col CombiNo 1 1 -999 1 2 240
- Row indicates the row number in the output file
- Col indicates the column number in that row (1-66)
- CombiNo indicates the data source, -999 means fill with 0, other values need to get data from corresponding files
Source Data Files:
- File path format:
- File content: includes Date and NetDrain columns
- Need to get NetDrain value based on date
- File path format:
Code Implementation
Let’s look at the key parts of the implementation:
- File Finding Logic:
get_combo_data <- function(model, scenario, suffix, combo_no) {
base_dir <- file.path("Weekly_Stats", scenario, model)
# Build file matching pattern
if(scenario == "Hindcast") {
pattern <- paste0("\\d+_\\d+-.*result_\\d+_", model, "_00_", combo_no, "\\.csv$")
} else {
pattern <- paste0("\\d+_\\d+CC-.*result_\\d+_", model, "_", suffix, "_", combo_no, "\\.csv$")
files <- list.files(base_dir, pattern=pattern, full.names=TRUE)
- Data Generation Logic:
# For each time series
for(week_idx in 1:length(dates)) {
current_date <- dates[week_idx]
# Process each row
for(row in 1:max_row) {
row_values <- numeric(66)
row_data <- rc_combi[rc_combi$Row == row,]
# Fill data according to mapping
for(j in 1:nrow(row_data)) {
col <- row_data$Col[j]
combo_no <- row_data$ComnbiNo[j]
if(combo_no != -999) {
combo_data <- combo_data_list[[as.character(combo_no)]]
if(!is.null(combo_data)) {
week_data <- combo_data[combo_data$Date == current_date,]
if(nrow(week_data) > 0) {
row_values[col] <- week_data$NetDrain
Key Optimization Points
During implementation, we noticed several points that needed optimization:
Dynamic Row Count:
- Should not hardcode the number of rows in output file
- Should get maximum Row value from mapping configuration file
Output Format:
- Ensure numeric format meets requirements (scientific notation)
- Control number of spaces to meet specifications
Lessons Learned
Requirement Understanding is Crucial:
- Thoroughly understand mapping rules
- Clarify data sources and formats
- Confirm special value handling
Code Implementation Considerations:
- Avoid hardcoding key parameters
- Maintain code maintainability
- Add necessary error handling
Verification is Key:
- Confirm file finding logic is correct
- Verify data mapping accuracy
- Check output format compliance