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Swift Combine 学习(三):Subscription和 Subscriber

  • Swift Combine 学习(一):Combine 初印象
  • Swift Combine 学习(二):发布者 Publisher
  • Swift Combine 学习(三):Subscription和 Subscriber
  • Swift Combine 学习(四):操作符 Operator
  • Swift Combine 学习(五):Backpressure和 Scheduler
  • Swift Combine 学习(六):自定义 Publisher 和 Subscriber
  • Swift Combine 学习(七):实践应用场景举例


      • 引言
      • `Subscription`
        • `Subscription` 的生命周期
      • 订阅者 (`Subscriber`)
      • 结语


在前两篇文章中,我们了解了 Combine 的基本概念和发布者(Publisher)的工作机制。本文将深入探讨 Combine 中的订阅机制和订阅者(Subscriber)。通过理解订阅的生命周期、订阅者的类型和使用方式,我们可以更好地掌握 Combine 框架中的数据流动,为后续的实际应用打下基础。


A protocol representing the connection of a subscriber to a publisher.


public protocol Subscription : Cancellable, CustomCombineIdentifierConvertible {
    /// Tells a publisher that it may send more values to the subscriber.
    func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand)

PublisherSubscriber 之间是通过 Subscription 连接起来的。每当 Subscriber 订阅 Publisher 时,都会创建一个 Subscription 对象。


根据这张 WWDC2019 年 Introducing Combine 的视频截图,大概简单写下 Combine 的订阅过程:

  1. 发起订阅:Subscriber 告诉 Publisher 它需要一个订阅。
  2. 返回订阅实体:Publisher 返给 Subscriber 一个 Subscription 对象。
  3. 请求数据:Subscriber 通过 Subscription 请求一定数量的数据。
  4. 发送事件:Publisher 根据 Demand 发送数据或错误事件。如果 Subscriber 继续请求,Publisher 会继续发布。(Demand 是用以控制发送速率的)
  5. 完成订阅:当所有请求的事件都已发送,Publisher 会发送一个 Completion

Subscription 的生命周期

import Combine
import Foundation

class SimpleSubscriber: Subscriber {
    typealias Input = Int
    typealias Failure = Never
    // 2. 接收订阅
    func receive(subscription: Subscription) {
        print("🔵 第二步:收到订阅")
    // 3. 接收值
    func receive(_ input: Int) -> Subscribers.Demand {
        print("🟢 第三步:收到值: \(input)")
        // 继续请求一个值
        return .max(1)
    // 4. 接收完成
    func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Never>) {
        print("🔴 第四步:订阅完成")

// 展示订阅生命周期
func showSubscriptionLifecycle() {
    let publisher = [1, 2, 3].publisher

    let subscriber = SimpleSubscriber()
    // 1. 建立订阅关系
    print("⚪️ 第一步:开始订阅")


/* 输出:
⚪️ 第一步:开始订阅
🔵 第二步:收到订阅
🟢 第三步:收到值: 1
🟢 第三步:收到值: 2
🟢 第三步:收到值: 3
🔴 第四步:订阅完成

订阅者 (Subscriber)

A protocol that declares a type that can receive input from a publisher.


相当于观察者模式中的 Observer 。在 Combine 框架中,Subscriber 定义了如何接收 Publisher 发出的值。

public protocol Subscriber<Input, Failure> : CustomCombineIdentifierConvertible {

    /// The kind of values this subscriber receives.
    associatedtype Input

    /// The kind of errors this subscriber might receive.
    /// Use `Never` if this `Subscriber` cannot receive errors.
    associatedtype Failure : Error

    /// Tells the subscriber that it has successfully subscribed to the publisher and may request items.
    /// 通知订阅者它已成功订阅到发布者并且可以请求项目。
    /// Use the received ``Subscription`` to request items from the publisher.
    /// - Parameter subscription: A subscription that represents the connection between publisher and subscriber.
    func receive(subscription: any Subscription)

    /// Tells the subscriber that the publisher has produced an element.
    /// 告诉订阅者发布者已经发布了一个元素
    /// - Parameter input: The published element.
    /// - Returns: A `Subscribers.Demand` instance indicating how many more elements the subscriber expects to receive.
    func receive(_ input: Self.Input) -> Subscribers.Demand

    /// Tells the subscriber that the publisher has completed publishing, either normally or with an error. 告诉订阅者发布者已经结束了发布,可能是正常结束,也可能是因为发生了错误。
    /// - Parameter completion: A ``Subscribers/Completion`` case indicating whether publishing completed normally or with an error.
    func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Self.Failure>)
  1. 它接受两个泛型参数:

    1. Input 类型,代表它能够接收的值的类型
    2. Failure 类型,代表它能够接收的错误类型。
  2. Publisher 协议有两个泛型参数:Output 代表它发出的值的类型,Failure 代表它可能发出的错误类型。 PublisherSubscriber 类型参数需要一一对应匹配。

  3. 在 Combine 中,连接 PublisherSubscriber 的桥梁是 Subscription。使用 sink 方法和 assign(to:) 方法时,Combine 框架会自动创建一个 Subscription 来连接两者。

  4. Subscriber 通过遵循 Cancellable 协议支持取消操作

    import Combine
    import Dispatch
    import Foundation
    // 定时发布者每秒发送一个数字
    let publisher = Timer.publish(every: 1.0, on: .main, in: .common)
    // 存订阅
    var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
    // 创建订阅
    cancellable = publisher
        .sink { value in
            print("收到 value:\(value)")
    // 3秒后取消订阅
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
        cancellable?.cancel()  // 取消订阅
    收到 value:2024-12-17 07:43:23 +0000
    收到 value:2024-12-17 07:43:24 +0000
    收到 value:2024-12-17 07:43:25 +0000

Combine 框架内置了两种 Subscriber

  1. sink:是一个很灵活的 Subscriber,通过闭包处理接收到的值和完成事件。有两种方法:

    1.     /// This method creates the subscriber and immediately requests an unlimited number of values, prior to returning the subscriber.此方法创建订阅者并立即请求无限数量的值,然后返回订阅者。
          /// The return value should be held, otherwise the stream will be canceled.返回值必须被持有,否则数据流会被取消。
          /// - parameter receiveComplete: The closure to execute on completion.
          /// - parameter receiveValue: The closure to execute on receipt of a value.
          /// - Returns: A cancellable instance, which you use when you end assignment of the received value. Deallocation of the result will tear down the subscription stream.一个可取消的实例,用于结束接收值的订阅。当此结果被释放时,订阅流会被清理。
          public func sink(receiveCompletion: @escaping ((Subscribers.Completion<Self.Failure>) -> Void), receiveValue: @escaping ((Self.Output) -> Void)) -> AnyCancellable
      import Combine
      let publisher = [1, 2, 3].publisher
      let cancellable = publisher.sink { completion in
          switch(completion) {
          case .finished:
          case .failure(let error):
              print("出错: \(error)")
      } receiveValue: { value in
          print("接收到值: \(value)")
      接收到值: 1
      接收到值: 2
      接收到值: 3
    2.     /// This method creates the subscriber and immediately requests an unlimited number of values, prior to returning the subscriber.此方法创建订阅者并立即请求无限数量的值,然后返回订阅者。
          /// The return value should be held, otherwise the stream will be canceled.返回值必须被持有,否则数据流会被取消。
          /// - parameter receiveValue: The closure to execute on receipt of a value.
          /// - Returns: A cancellable instance, which you use when you end assignment of the received value. Deallocation of the result will tear down the subscription stream.Returns: 一个可取消的实例,用于结束接收值的订阅。当此结果被释放时,订阅流会被清理。
          public func sink(receiveValue: @escaping ((Self.Output) -> Void)) -> AnyCancellable
      .sink { value in
          print("received value: \(String(describing: value))")
  2. assign:是一个特殊的 Subscriber。它将接收到的值赋值给一个属性,通常用于将 Publisher 的输出绑定到 UI 元素或其他属性上。assign 支持通过 KeyPath 直接进行赋值。

    1. assign(to:on:)

      /// Assigns each element from a publisher to a property on an object.
      public func assign<Root>(to keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, Self.Output>, on object: Root) -> AnyCancellable


      import Combine
      import Foundation
      class User {
          var name: String = "" {
              didSet {
                  print("User's name is: \(name)")
      let user = User()
      // 发布者发布一个字符串 terence
      let publisher = Just("terence")
      // 使用 assign 订阅发布者,将发布的值赋值给 user 的 name 属性
      let cancellable = publisher
          .assign(to: \.name, on: user)
      //"User's name is: terence"
    2. assign(to:),此方法是 assign(to:on:) 的一个变体。语法 somePublisher.assign(to: &object.$property)。使用 & 是因为此方法需要一个 inout 参数。这个方法专门用于 @Published 属性,且会自动管理订阅的生命周期,在发布者发送完成或失败信号时会自动取消订阅。

          /// Republishes elements received from a publisher, by assigning them to a property marked as a publisher.
          /// Use this operator when you want to receive elements from a publisher and republish them through a property marked with the `@Published` attribute. The `assign(to:)` operator manages the life cycle of the subscription, canceling the subscription automatically when the ``Published`` instance deinitializes. Because of this, the `assign(to:)` operator doesn't return an ``AnyCancellable`` that you're responsible for like ``assign(to:on:)`` does.
      public func assign(to published: inout Published<Self.Output>.Publisher)


      import Combine
      import Foundation
      class User {
          @Published var name: String = "" {
              didSet {
                  print("User's name is: \(name)")
      let user = User()
      // 发布者发布一个字符串
      let publisher = Just("terence")
      // 使用 assign(to:) 订阅发布者,将发布的值赋值给 user 的 name 属性
      publisher.assign(to: &user.$name)
      // "User's name is: terence"

    @Published 属性包装器:

    • 当属性被 @Published 修饰时,属性除了可作常规属性访问使用外,Combine 会自动为该属性创建一个 publisher。可以通过在属性名前加 $ 符号来访问这个 publisher


    • 订阅操作返回一个 AnyCancellable 对象本质上是一个“取消订阅”的句柄。通过持有这个句柄,可以随时手动取消订阅,以停止接收后续的事件。
    • 遵循 Cancellable 协议
    • deinit 时自动调用 cancel()
    • 可以手动调用 cancel() 取消订阅
    • 每一个订阅都需要持有这个 AnyCancellable 对象,不然在当前作用域结束时,就会被释放。


    • 使用 assign(to:) 而不是 assign(to:on:) 可以避免潜在的引用循环。

      • 比如 assign(to:on:) 生成的 AnyCancellable 如果被类实例持有,而 AnyCancellable 也对类实例引用,循环引用。

        // 可能导致循环引用的示例
        class MyModel {
            var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
            var value: Int = 0
            init() {
                Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common)
                    .assign(to: \.value, on: self)  // self 被强引用
                    .store(in: &cancellable)        // cancellable 又被 self 持有
    • assign(to:) 不返回 AnyCancellable,订阅会随对象释放自动取消。

    • @Published 修饰的属性所在的对象被释放时,订阅会自动取消。


订阅者(Subscriber)是 Combine 框架中核心部分,它负责接收和处理发布者发送的数据。通过学习订阅者的工作原理和使用方法,能够更高效地管理数据流动。在下一篇文章中会开始继续介绍操作符(operator),并基本都配上可运行的代码示例帮助理解。

  • Swift Combine 学习(四):操作符 Operator



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